As soon as I sat down, she woke up and it made me smile.

“Kane,” I called out.

He walked into the sitting room a few seconds later, a sandwich in his hand.


“She’s awake; ask your brothers if they want to feel her move.”

Kane smiled and walked over to me. He put his sandwich on the coffee table and kneeled before me, pushing my t-shirt up and placing his hands on my belly.

“Dominic, Alec,” he called. “Come here.”

They both walked into the room, sandwiches in their hands.

“What?” Alec asked.

“Come here, the baby is awake.”

They put their sandwiches down then flanked Kane on both sides and kneeled down next to him. Like Kane, they just stared at my stomach.

“Put a hand on her stomach,” Kane whispered, a big smile still in place on his handsome face transforming it into a thing of beauty.

Nico and Alec glanced at one another over Kane’s head, but did as told and carefully reached a hand out and hesitantly placed them on my bare stomach. I smiled at them both and moved my hands from Kane’s to theirs. I laughed when the baby gave a gigantic kick and Nico screeched a little.

“That’s definitely a boy!” he declared, proudly.

Alec nodded his head in agreement but then frowned. “Although, Ado can kick pretty hard herself. So can our girls. They can even outdo us some days... Damn, it may be a girl after all.”

I snorted, “It is a girl, I’m sure of it.”

Kane snorted but said nothing.

He beamed when both of his brothers patted him on the back.

“That’s a baby Slater in there.” Nico smiled.

Alec beamed. “The first of many! I can’t wait to make babies with Keela.”

I was in awe of the three of them.

They were some of the fiercest men I had ever met in my entire life. They had each severely harmed or killed people—so I’d heard... and yet here they were, kneeling before me and like putty in my hands, over a baby who wasn’t even here yet.

“You’re goin’ to be great uncles,” I said to Nico and Alec.

They looked up at me and smiled then leaned up and kissed my cheeks at the same time making me giggle. They refocused on feeling the baby kick. They didn’t even move when the door to my apartment opened.

“It’s me,” Keela shouted.

“And me, and Branna,” Bronagh’s voice chimed in.

I snorted.

They entered the sitting room and once they saw what the lads were doing, they shot over and leaned over the lads, placing their hands on my stomach.

“I love this,” Bronagh squealed.

I frowned. “I’m sad that me stomach is gettin’ so big all of your bloody hands fit on it now.”

Everyone laughed.

Alec stood up and picked up his sandwich. “We have to go, so you ladies can have more room to feel away.”

I frowned and looked at Kane. “Where are you goin’?”

He leaned in and kissed me. “To help Dominic figure some stuff out.”

Brandon Daley and Darkness popped into my mind and I grunted.

“My thoughts exactly,” Bronagh murmured.

Nico looked at Bronagh then leaned up and kissed her cheek. “It’s just a fixture list for fights; I get to choose which ones I want, that’s all.”

Bronagh nodded her head so Nico kissed her cheek again making her slightly smile. He stood up then and so did Kane.

“Bye,” I mumbled.

Kane frowned. “No, I’ll see you later.”

I rolled my eyes.

He always said that.

“What is with this whole ‘see you later’ thing?” I asked Kane. “What don’t you ever say goodbye?”

Kane focused his eyes on me. “Goodbye is final to me so I never say it to people unless I mean it. I especially don’t say goodbye to people I care about. So, babydoll... I’ll. See. You. Later,” he said then turned and walked out of the sitting room and then out of the apartment with Alec and Nico in tow.

Things were silent for a minute or two until Keela opened her big mouth. “I told you he deeply cared for you. Didn’t I tell you?”

I looked down to the ground and smiled, then looked back up with the same smile playing on my lips as I turned to face my friends.

“Yeah, you told me so.”

The girls gasped.

“And you care about him! You’re a real couple, not just tryin’ it out!” Bronagh squealed then aww’d.

Branna clapped her hands together. “You both make the most beautiful couple!”

“This was the first time he left a room and I didn’t feel like I wanted to kill him. Let’s just take a breather and calm down your big tits down.”

All the girls simply smiled at me and after a minute, I cracked and laughed.

“Okay, we make the most beautiful couple.”

“And you’re both goin’ to have the most beautiful baby. Say it!”

I laughed at Bronagh, “We’re goin’ to have the most beautiful baby, too.”

“Atta girl.” Keela beamed then stood up and hugged me.

I shook my head, snickering, “It’s weird that we’re all friends and we’re each datin’ a brother from the same family.”

Bronagh blinked at me. “I’ve actually never thought about it like that.”

“We’ll have to fix Damien up with Lana when he comes home to complete the circle,” Keela grinned.

Bronagh and Branna shared a look.

“What was that look for?” I questioned.

Bronagh sighed, “It’s a long story.”

“We’ve got tea and time,” Keela replied. “I’ve always wanted to know the full story behind Alannah and Damien.”

I raised my hand. “I’m kind of tired so can you tell us the short version, but with all the major details?”

Bronagh snorted at me and looked at Branna. “Do you wanna tell them?”

“Nah, you’re a good storyteller. You do it.”

I aww’d, “You’re so nice for sisters.”

Bronagh snorted, “She’s me sister—I’m supposed to like her.”

I snickered when Branna shoved her younger sister with a smirk on her face.

“Okay,” Bronagh chuckled. “The short version is Alannah had a crush on Damien from the day she first saw him, but because he slept with so many pretty girls, she didn’t fall into his line of sight. That’s what she believed anyway.”

I clicked my tongue. “Let me guess, he had it bad for her?”