Kane was already on his side looking at me. “Yes, I’m sure. Why wouldn’t I be sure?”

I shrugged. “I thought it might be weird, us sleeping in this bed together when the last time that happened I got pregnant.”

“Huh. I never thought about that.” Kane blinked then smirked. “Think of it this way then—if we fuck this time, we don’t have to worry about you getting pregnant because you’re already knocked up.”

I forced myself to keep a straight face and not laugh.

“If I wasn’t so tired, I’d smack you.”

Kane grinned. “I’m glad you’re tired then.”

I closed my eyes and smiled. “I’ll get you tomorrow.”

Kane hummed, “Go to sleep, my babydoll.”

His babydoll.


The last thing I remembered before falling into darkness was that being Kane’s wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world. Not being his would be.


I looked to my right and smiled to Ryder as he entered the kitchen. “Mornin’.”

He returned a smile. “Early morning, it’s six in the morning. Why are you awake?”

I chuckled, “I fell asleep real early yesterday and didn’t budge all night. I woke up at four and was wide-awake so I came down here for some tea. Do you want a cuppa?”

Ryder nodded his head. “Sure, light on the milk and one sugar, please.”

I got up from my seat and moved over to the kettle. It was already refilled so I pressed the button on the base to re-start the boiling process.

“So, you slept in Kane’s bed last night?” Ryder mused. “How was that?”

I turned around. “Very comfortable.”

Ryder laughed.

I looked down my feet then back up to Ryder. “I’ve been down here awhile and I’ve done some thinkin’.”

Ryder bit his lower lip. “Uh-oh. Should I be worried?”

I snorted. “No... well, maybe.”

He sighed, “Lay it on me, mama.”

I grinned. “So you know I live in a small apartment, and that Kane has been askin’ me to move in here, right?”

Ryder nodded his head. “Are you thinking of accepting his offer? We’d be more than happy to have you here, sweetie.”

I smiled. “I know you would, but no, I’m not goin’ to move in here. But I am goin’ to move someplace else. Some place bigger than my current apartment.”

Ryder blew out a breath. “Kane won’t like that.”

Which is why I was worried.

“I know,” I admitted, “it’s why I need your help.”

“My help?” Ryder asked. “Why would you need my help?”

I shrugged. “I need you to help me brainstorm. Kane thinks we’re gettin’ on famously right now, and we are, but Ry, we did hate each other at one point. I don’t want to move in and have everythin’ fall apart. Am I crazy for wanting stability?”

“No,” Ryder instantly replied. “You’re right on all counts, but I also understand where Kane is coming from. Out of the five of us, he really doesn’t understand people. He steers clear of them if he can, but now that he has you in his life, he wants to steer you away from them too. Living with him gives him the control he wants, but since you aren’t together, it’s probably best that you find a different place other than here. He is getting too comfortable with you... or rather the idea of you.”

I nodded my head. “I think I should involve him somehow though just so he feels like he is part of the decision. What do you think?”

Ryder mulled it over for a few seconds. “I like it, it will give him peace of mind.”

“I agree,” I said then blew out a big breath. “I’ll bring him apartment huntin’ with me.”

“Sounds like a plan.”

I nodded my head. “Let’s just hope it’s a good one.”

Ryder smiled. “Trust me, Kane will be good at apartment hunting. Everything will be fine.”

“This comin’ from the man who is on anythin’ but fine terms with his missus.”

Ryder’s face hardened. “We’re just going through a rough patch, it’ll get better.”

He didn’t sound like he believed his own statement though.

I raised my eyebrows. “Your rough patch has been goin’ on awhile. Are you sure everythin’ is okay with you and Branna?”

Ryder stared at me for a long moment then in a lowered voice he said, “No, I’m not sure everything is okay with Branna.”


“Don’t tell me you’re both gonna break up?” I asked and held my breath.

Ryder lifted his hand and rubbed his face before dropping it back down. “I don’t know, Aideen. I’m not sure about anything right now when it comes to us. All I know is we’re fighting a hell of a lot. It’s more than childish arguments, it’s just... anger. Pure anger. We can’t be in the same room longer than ten minutes without someone blowing up.”

I swallowed. “You’re both stressed with Kane bein’ ill—”

“It’s been going on for months now.”


“I didn’t think it was this serious.”

Ryder nodded his head. “It’s bad. We don’t even have sex anymore, and I can’t remember the last time I kissed her just because I wanted to.”


“There... there isn’t anyone else, is there?” I asked, my stomach rolling as the words left my mouth.

Please say no.

“No,” Ryder replied. “Nothing like that. We’re just growing apart I think.”

I felt a lump rise in my throat.

“You have to talk to her about this.”

He nodded his head. “I know. I’m just going to wait awhile to see if things change.”

“It won’t change if you both don’t make changes—it needs to be discussed. Now.”

Ryder held up his hands. “I will, eventually, I promise. I just have a lot going on right now.”

He did?

“Like what?” I asked.

Ryder smirked. “Never you mind.”

Oh, he was up to something.

“Why are you up and dressed this early in the mornin’?” I asked, narrowing my eyes at him suspiciously.

He snickered, “I’ve got to go and take care of some business, nosey.”

I feigned offence. “I’m not nosey.”

“Sure you aren’t.”

I grunted and Ryder smiled.

“Promise me you’ll keep our conversation between us, okay?”

I groaned, “You’re askin’ me to withhold information from me oldest friend?”

“Yes, to keep her from unnecessary hurt.”


“Okay, fine,” I sighed. “I’ll keep me mouth shut.”

Ryder winked. “Later, mama.”