Kane turned his head and looked at me. “I hate that I want to watch the second season right away.”

I burst into laughter. “You won’t ever escape now; the Sons have hold of you.”

Kane smirked. “You have a hold on me.”


“What do you mean—Oh, sorry.” I flushed with embarrassment when I realised I was lying on his arm and he wouldn’t be able to move unless I got up—which I did.

We were both lying on Kane’s bed watching his television. Just lying on his bed. We both started out watching the show sitting up, but I think by the third episode our bodies leaned further and further back until we were lying down. I had no idea how I came to lie on his arm though. None.

“Don’t be sorry, it was nice,” Kane teased.

I swallowed and tried to make a joke out of it. “Me pinnin’ you to the bed is nice?”

“Pin me down and I’ll let you know,” he quickly replied.

I flushed crimson and hated it.

“Does everythin’ have to be made into a sexual joke with you?” I asked, slightly irritated.

He thought on it for a moment then replied, “Yes.”

I rolled my eyes. “Typical.”

I gasped when hands suddenly grabbed my shoulders and pulled me back down to my laid down position. “Relax, I’m not about to jump you.”

I scrunched my face up in distaste. “Like I’d let you.”

“You let me before. Three times, in fact,” Kane murmured.

He didn’t!

“That is not ever discussin’ it again, Kane,” I stated.

He sighed. “Right. Sorry.”

It got awkward then.

I sat up again and cleared my throat. “Come on, you’re due your second injection, it’s already nearin’ seven.”

He groaned so I pinched his side making him yelp.

“None of that,” I said, “let’s go and get this done.”

“After you, Mother,” Kane growled.

I smiled to myself as I climbed off his bed, slipped my shoes back on, and walked out of Kane’s room with him lazily following behind me. We made it to the bottom of the stairs but instantly slowed our pace down as we approached the kitchen door. I could hear raised voices from inside the kitchen and it made me a little nervous.

“Is that—”

“Bran and Ry?” Kane sighed. “Yeah.”

“Wow,” I whispered. “I didn’t think Branna and Ryder argued—not like this anyway.”

Kane quietly grunted. “The last few months it’s been getting worse and worse. They argue over the smallest things. It’s different than when the others argue because you can feel the anger between them.”

I frowned. “That sucks.”

Kane nodded his head and frowned when the yelling from the kitchen intensified.

“I can’t stand the sight of you anymore. I just have to look at you to get annoyed!” Branna’s voice bellowed.

“You think the sight of you makes me happy?” Ryder asked then humourlessly laughed.

I widened my eyes.

“Why are they being so hurtful?” I asked. “I don’t like this.”

“Couples fight,” Kane said and shrugged like it was nothing.

I knew it was something more than that though. Ryder and Branna fighting wasn’t shocking. But screaming horrible things at one another? That was extremely shocking.

“I can’t even stand being in here with you. You’re a fucking liar!” Ryder snapped.

“How am I a liar?” Branna screamed. “What the fuck have I kept from you?”

Kane and I stood idly by the kitchen door. I felt too awkward to do anything. I didn’t want to leave because it would have been obvious we were listening if they heard us walk away, but I also didn’t want to hang around and listen to my friends fight with one another.

I couldn’t even intervene to help calm things down because Branna and Ryder were in a relationship. They have been together for years and seeing them treat one another so badly was a little bit of a shock to my system. It just went to show that even people who were clearly meant to be together didn’t have it easy.

“How about the fucking positive pregnancy test I found in the bathroom last week?” Ryder snarled. “I found it the day Kane came home, but I decided to wait until he was settled in before I brought it up. Then I figured I’d wait until you were ready to tell me you were pregnant. But. You. Never. Did.”

I widened my eyes and felt my heart jump.

“Pregnant? Pregnancy test? What the hell are you talkin’ about, Ryder?” Branna snapped.

“Don’t bullshit me. I found the test and I want to know the truth from you. We haven’t had sex in months, so it’s not my fucking kid.”

“You… You think I would cheat on you?” Branna asked, her voice filled with hurt.

I gripped onto Kane’s hand and pulled him down the hallway. “We need to give them privacy,” I breathed.

Kane was looking at me, but his eyes were distant.

“Branna is the one who is pregnant?” he murmured.

I felt like I was about to throw up but forced my feelings aside to notice Kane looked... sad. Really sad.

“Thanks for today, it was fun,” he murmured. “I’m going to go back to bed. I don’t feel so good.”

“But your injection—”

“One will be enough for me today. See you later.”

He turned and walked down the hallway then up the stairs. I was frozen to my spot as I watched him go. I couldn’t open my mouth to say anything because if I did, I was going to vomit everywhere.

“Ryder,” I heard Branna’s voice say from the kitchen, her voice not raised anymore. “I am not pregnant. Me and the girls are meant to take tests tomorrow, but I couldn’t wait until then. I took one a few days ago and it was negative. I didn’t tell you because you were so focused on Kane.”


Oh. Christ.

Oh. Fuck.

“You aren’t pregnant?” Ryder repeated. “The test I found was positive though. If you’re not then who took it in our house? Who is pregnant?”

“Bronagh or Aideen. It’s one of them.”


It wasn’t Bronagh who took the test Ryder found, it was me... and he said it was positive!

I couldn’t breathe.

I literally couldn’t breathe.

I had to get out of the hallway because it felt like it was closing in on me.