I widened my eyes then.

“Injections,” I rasped.

Kane took my hand in his and smiled. “I did it myself.”

I blinked in astonishment.

“I know,” he chuckled. “When you were still asleep this morning I knew I’d needed it or I would be no good to you when you woke up. I didn’t want my diabetes fighting against me when I needed to fight for you, so I bit the bullet and injected the insulin myself. I wasn’t scared... I’m not scared. Not anymore. I'll never be scared of something so mundane again, not when I experienced almost losing you.”

Tears welled in my eyes and I reached my hands out for him. He smiled and leaned into me, kissing my cheek and snaking his arm around my body.

“I love you,” he whispered.

I hugged him tighter.

“Philip,” I whispered gently, “told me things.

Kane pulled back and swallowed. “What did he tell you?”

“He was watchin’ me for weeks,” I whispered. “I met him in the hospital and in the p-pub without realisin’. He was the one who bought me the flowers that were sent to my classroom.”

Kane’s face hardened. “He must have seen you with me and wanted to know who you were.”

I nodded my head. “He told me about your whippin’s and the shock treatment.”

Kane closed his eyes. “The bastard.”

I waited for him to open his eyes and look at me.

“You didn’t need to know those things, babydoll. No one needs to know any of what I was put through. No good comes from it.”

I agreed so I nodded my head.

“He told me you killed his son,” I painfully swallowed. “He said he was goin’ to kill me and the baby the same way to make you wish you were dead.”

Veins bulged in Kane’s neck.

“He will die for this. I promise you.”

I blinked. “Did you kill his son?”

Kane held my gaze. “Yes, I did.”

Oh, God.


Kane swallowed. “Big Phil’s son, Colin, wasn’t a nice kid. He was sixteen at the time… and I caught him doing something really, really wrong.”

I didn’t want to know, but I didn’t stop Kane from speaking.

“He had one of the guard’s five-year-old daughters… and he was violating her.”

Oh, Jesus.

My stomach churned.

Kane ran his hands through his hair. “I couldn’t help it. I went crazy. He was passed out so I locked him in the room I found him in, then I brought the girl to her father and assured him I’d kill Colin. So that’s what I did. I didn’t lay a finger on him, but I made sure he would die painfully for being the vile creature he was. I just got a canister of gas and I poured it everywhere in the room I locked him in and set it on fire.”

I grabbed hold of Kane’s hand.

“I didn’t realise Big Phil was in the bathroom of the room, but he was. I didn’t know if he hurt the little girl either, but I didn’t care. He tried to save Colin, but I poured gas over him so he was already dead within minutes. He died painfully. Big Phil got badly burned, but the fire was put out before he could die, too.”

I squeezed Kane’s hand.

“Marco asked what happened because the cameras didn’t work in that section of the compound—I’m sure it’s the reason Colin took the girl there. No one would see what he was doing to her. I told him I had no idea, and that was it. Big Phil was in the hospital for a long time after that, but I forgot about him because it was around the same time we came to Ireland. I hadn’t given him a second thought until Damien’s voicemail message.”

I winced. “How do you think he knew it was you?”

“Maybe one of the guards told him?” Kane guessed. “I don’t know; the girl’s father wasn’t the only one around when I brought her to him. Any of them could have overheard my plan.”

I rubbed my thumb over his hand. “You did the right thing, Kane.”

He looked at me. “I know, I couldn’t let him live, not with her, and other kids, living on the compound.”

I nodded my head in agreement.

“Don’t think about this anymore, I will keep you updated on everything, but do not worry. I have help to get him.”


Kane nodded. “My brothers, your brothers, your father... and Brandy.”

I closed my eyes.

“I need Brandy to find him; I paid him for his help. I don’t have to do anything bad, I promise.”

That relieved me greatly.

“This isn't the end, babydoll. It's only the beginning.”

I opened my eyes and looked at Kane. “I love you.”

He leaned down and kissed my forehead.

“This is me ma’s doin’,” James’ voice mumbled as the door to the room opened. “She made her get with a Slater knowin’ good and well I think they are a pack of pricks.”

My father chuckled as he rounded the bed and reached over and took my free hand in his. I looked at him when Kane pulled away and sat on the seat to my left. My father’s eyes welled up and when I reached for him, he leaned over and placed his cheek against mine.

“You frightened the life out of me, baby girl.”

I squeezed him.

“I’m so happy you and the baby are okay.”

My dad pulled back from me and didn’t try to hide the fact that he was wiping his eyes.

“Where did everyone go?” James asked.

“For food,” Kane replied.

James looked at our father. “Let’s go join them. They’re takin’ her to that chamber thing in five minutes, and Kane will be the only one allowed to go with her.”

My father nodded and leaned in to kiss me once more before he stood up. He extended his hand to Kane who clasped his hand and shook it firmly.

“Take care of our girl,” he said.

I burst with love for my father.

He said, ‘our girl’ not ‘my.’

“I will, sir.” Kane nodded.

“I’ll kick your arse if you don’t, Slater.”

I rolled my eyes at James while Kane snorted.

They left the room then and Kane sat down back down next to me.