He nodded his head. “Yes. You can help me a great deal, actually.”

I could?

I furrowed my eyebrows together. “Okay, what can I help you with?”

“You can sit down so we can have a little... chat?”


That was the first thing my mind and gut screamed.

“I’m sorry, sir. It’s after hours and as you have no child that is under my care during school hours, you will have to set up a formal meeting.”

Philip chuckled, “Sorry, I phrased that as a question, when it should have been a demand.”

A demand?

“I beg your pardon?” I asked with a shake of my head.

Philip looked at my desk and smiled. “Ah, I see you got my flowers.”

I stared at the flowers that were delivered to my classroom weeks ago. A lot of the flowers had died, but because I liked the arrangement so much, I bought new flower and kept it looking pretty.

“You sent them them?” I asked, dumbfounded.

Philip nodded his head. “Of course, I met you for the first time in the hospital that morning, so I went out and got you flowers to congratulate you on your pregnancy. I couldn’t quite believe you were pregnant even though I had known for a few weeks.”

I was so scared in that moment, I had no idea who this man was.

“Who are you?”

“If you’ll sit down, I’ll happily answer your question.”

Every fibre of my being told me to get away from this strange man and to get away fast.

I stood firm. “I don’t want to sit down. I do not know you and would appreciate it if you left this room immediately.”

“I’m afraid I can’t do that. Not when I finally have you alone.”

Excuse me?

“What?” I asked, taking a step backwards.

Philip smiled at me as he stepped into my classroom. I observed his face and noticed the scarred side of his face didn’t move, which made his smile that much more creepy. “I’ve been watching you for weeks now, but you’re hardly ever alone, and when you are, it’s only for short periods of time.”

He’d been watching me? For weeks?

“Why have you been watchin’ me?” I asked, a tremor of fear in my voice.

I was so scared I thought I would throw up.

Philip humourlessly laughed, “It’s a funny story, actually.”

I swallowed. “I doubt I’ll see the humour.”

“You wouldn’t.” He smirked.

I looked around for an exit. The windows were out because they were locked shut, but the classroom door was wide open. I glanced at the door, which was only a few feet away from me, then looked back to Philip, who was staring at me.

He evilly grinned. “Don’t do it.”

I ignored him and made a run for the open door, but within seconds Philip was on me. From behind me, he gripped my arms. He turned me to face him, and when I tried to dig my nails into his flesh, he stomped on my knee.

I screamed as pain erupted in my right lower leg.

“I asked you nicely to sit down, Aideen, just so we could talk,” Philip sighed. “I didn’t want to do that.”

I couldn’t think for myself or process what this horrible man was saying. All I could think about was the pain that I was currently feeling.

“Oh, God,” I wailed.

Philip hoisted me up against his body and pulled me over to my chair where he dropped me. He forcibly slapped me across the face when his hands were free and snarled, “Stop. Screaming.”

I instantly closed my mouth, but no matter what, I couldn’t stop moaning in pain. I couldn’t stop the tears that flowed from my eyes either.

“I don’t know why women do this,” Philip grunted to himself. “I tell them to do something, but they defy me like they think I won’t punish them.”


“I don’t even know you!” I hollered. “Why would I stay and do what you ask?”

“Because,” Philip chirped, “you don’t want me to harm your unborn child or Kane, do you?”

I forced my eyes to focus on Philip. “What are you talkin’ about?”

How did he know about Kane?

“Your boyfriend and your baby, you want them kept safe, yes?”

I blinked my eyes and nodded my head.

“Then stop screaming and sit there like a good girl.”

What was happening?

“You broke me leg!” I cried and used both of my hands to hold the area below my knee. I needed to hold it but couldn’t directly touch it.

“I wouldn’t have if you’d done what you were told.”

“Fuck you!” I bellowed then whimpered in pain.

Philip chuckled to himself then walked over and shut my classroom door. He walked over to my desk and proceeded to dig around inside my bag until he came up with the keys to the door.

He pocketed the keys then pulled up a chair from one of my student’s desks and sat in front of me. He leaned forward, placed his elbows on his knees and just stared at my face.

I tried my best to glare at him, but I was in so much pain I couldn’t do anything but cry.

“Are you okay?”

He was asking if I was okay?

“Do I look like I’m okay? You bloody bastard!”

Philip laughed and sat back in the chair. “I can see why he is with you.”

What was he babbling on about?

“You can see why who is with me?” I hissed.

Philip smiled. “Kane, of course.”


“Y-you know Kane?” I questioned, forcing myself to think of the conversation instead of the pain in my leg.

Philip laughed, “Yeah, Kane and I go way back.”

I felt my eye twitch as I glared. “You want to clarify that?”

He cackled, “I bet he loves your attitude. People are terrified of him, but I’d bet my life that you talk back to him every chance you get.”

I closed my eyes when the pain in my leg became too much.

“Don’t you pass out on me.”

I screeched when pressure suddenly gripped my leg and fresh pain shot through my body.

“Good girl, open your eyes.”

I snapped my eyes open and glared at the scumbag before me. He removed the hand that he placed on my leg and sat back in the chair.