He slapped my arse. “Fuck, babydoll. You feel so good wrapped around my cock.”

My eyes fluttered shut. “Kane, please.”

“Say you’re mine.” He growled.

“Kane,” I panted.

“Say.” Thrust. “You’re.” Thrust. “Mine.” Thrust.

“I’m yours,” I cried out.

Kane let out a low rumbling growl as he got a huge spurt of energy and repeatedly slammed into my body causing my eyes to roll back.

I stopped breathing as he banged an unexpected third orgasm out of me. I lost control of my arms and fell forward. I twisted so I landed on my side.

Kane fell in front of me onto his back.

“That was-”

“Brilliant,” I finished on a laboured breath. “Pregnant sex is just fuckin’ brilliant.”

Kane turned on his side, pressed his face against my cheek, and threw his arm over my chest. He kissed my cheek and it made me smile, lazily. He nuzzled against me and cocked his leg over mine. It caused me to giggle.

“I can only do one round, big boy. Leave me be.”

Kane laughed, “I’m not trying. I’m too tired to move.”

I cracked up, “At least you’re honest.”

Kane lightly chortled then sighed in content.

I lifted my hands and ran my fingers back and forth over his arm. I leaned my head to the side then gasp when I felt her move in my stomach. She really moved. I’d felt her move about during work, and sometimes during the night, but never when Kane was next to me. He felt her a little in my sitting room with his brothers, but she was really wiggling about now, you could see it.

I swallowed.

“Kane,” I murmured as she gave me a swift kick causing me to gasp.

Kane sat up. “What is it?” he asked, panicked.

I looked at him with tears in my eyes and gestured him over to me.

“Quickly,” I whispered. “She’s movin’.”

Kane’s eyes widened and for a moment, he just sat staring at me, then he suddenly snapped out of it and moved closer.

“What do I do?” he asked me as he stared at my abdomen.

He looked lost.

I reached out and took his hands in mine, and placed them flat on my stomach. I covered them with mine and waited. For a few seconds nothing happened, and then... and then magic happened.

“Oh, my God,” I said and looked at Kane. “Can you feel that?”

Kane gazed at my stomach and then up at me. “I can feel him. I can really feel him.”

I burst into tears and nodded my head.

Kane kept his hands on my stomach and had a huge smile on his face. He leaned down and kissed my stomach then he whispered, “I’m your daddy.”

Oh, God.

I couldn’t take it.

The tears were fast and furious as they streamed down my face. I forced myself to calm down because I didn’t want the baby to stop moving so I took in a few breaths until I wasn’t a blubbering mess.

“Finally; she moves a lot when you’re around,” I laughed as my tears of joy fell down my face.

She moved around constantly when Kane was never around, and she moved only a little when he was around, but not big movements like the ones right at that moment.

Kane smiled and looked down to my stomach. “I can really feel him.”

“Her,” I corrected through my tears.

Kane shook his head, smiling.

“Our relationship is based on this argument.”

“This isn’t a relationship.”

“What is it then?”

“A debate team.”

Kane laughed at me, then bent his head and kissed my belly. “I love you already.”

My heart!

“I can’t wait to meet her,” I murmured.

Kane looked at me and smiled. “Me too, babydoll. Me too.”

I simpered, “You look like a new person right now. I love it.”

He blinked his eyes then lowered them. “You mean because I’m smiling? I know—it changes my face. I’ve heard that before.”

I frowned. “No. I meant you as a person, not your looks.”

Kane swallowed. “Oh.”

I tilted my head to the side. “I love your body the way it is; I just want to make that clear.”

“You love my body?” he asked, moving back to my side now that our little one settled into a peaceful slumber.

I nodded my head. “What’s not to love?”

“My scars,” Kane instantly replied.

“Your scars are beautiful. You are beautiful,” I said as I tenderly traced the many scars on his arm with my fingertips.

He looked into my eyes. “Beautiful?” he repeated, his voice low.

“Beautiful.” I nodded and placed my hands flat on his marred but stunning skin. “Your wounds are closed, and your pain is over. What’s left behind is a design; a picture that shows you were stronger than your hurt. That’s what I see when I look at them. I see how strong you were. How strong you are.”

Kane fully turned to me and stared at me with a gaze that caused my breathing to quicken.

“The scars... they physically healed a long time ago, but I’ve relived receiving them a million times in my head, and then... then you happened and made everything better. You’ve kept my demons at bay by just being you.” Kane reached and placed his trembling hands on my thighs. “You healed me, babydoll.”


“Kane,” I whispered breathlessly.

He licked his lips. “Yes?”

“Kiss me,” I panted, “now.”

I didn’t need to ask him twice.

He covered my mouth with his and pressed me back down against his mattress. I tried my best to kiss him back with the same intensity he gave to me, but I was exhausted.

“You’re tired.” He smiled.

I hated that my stamina was fucking up our moment.

“I’m sorry,” I panted.

Kane kissed my head. “Don’t be sorry, just rest.”

“Let me feel you. All of you.”

Kane swallowed. “O-Okay.”

I sat up and traced my fingers over all of his scars. I paused a couple of times to kiss them too. I wanted to shower Kane’s body with love so he never doubted my thoughts towards it again. I was about to lie back down on the bed when I brushed my fingers over the hair that covered his neck and felt really thick lumps.

I tilted my head to the side and I pushed Kane’s hair out of the way. When I did so, I froze.