“That’s true,” Kane nodded, “but we spoke five hours later which is way quicker than usual.”

When he put it like that, we sounded so weird.

“You’re right, that’s major progress,” I said, sarcasm dripping from every word.

Kane shook his head. “That’s just me and you, Aideen.”

“Yeah,” I chuckled. “Me and you.”

“We still aren’t naming the baby Jenna if it’s a girl.”

I growled, “But it’s cute!”

“Not happening. I hate that name.”

“Why?” I complained.

Kane shrugged. “I just do, okay?”

I groaned, “Fine, whatever.”

Kane laughed at me when I folded my arms over my chest and it pissed me off. “Don’t poke the bear, Kane. I said fine. Accept that and don’t bathe in your smugness or I’ll knock it out of you.”

“Damn,” he murmured, “hormones are in full swing today.”

“Excuse me?”

“Nothing, I just said you look so beautiful today.”


“I’m wearin’ leggin’s, an over sized shirt, and a cardigan.”

“Yep. Beautiful.”

I rolled my eyes. “You’re so full of it.”

“I’ve meant to ask—you don’t wear jeans anymore, it’s just been leggings the past two weeks. Why is that?”

I frowned. “I’m twenty weeks and a day pregnant, Kane. You can see my belly has gotten bigger, but so have my thighs and arse. Me old jeans don’t fit anymore.”

It hurt saying that. It really did.

“So why not buy the next size up?”

I felt sick. “Because the next size up for me is a twelve! I’ve never been a twelve. Always a ten.”

Kane glanced at me before returning his eyes to the road. “I forget the difference between Irish and US sizes. What is a twelve in the States?”

I pouted, “A sixteen.”

“Really, you’re a sixteen now?” Kane asked, his eyes wide with surprise.

“No, I’m a twelve, it’s just a sixteen in the States.”

“Yeah, but you just said it was the same—”

“I’m a twelve, Kane. A twelve.”


I huffed, “By the time I have your bloody kid I’ll probably be a size thirty!”

Kane gnawed on his lower lip. “My baby has an appetite, what can I say?”

“I could say a lot of things, but I’m not goin’ to,” I snarled.

“If you’re so worried about gaining weight, why don’t you work out with me?”

“Because I don’t like workin’ out. It gives me hives.”

Kane laughed, “Bullshit excuses give me hives.”

“Well, excuse me,” I retorted.

Kane sighed, “Come on, baby mama. Let me work you out.”

I looked at Kane with narrowed eyes.

He snickered, “You know I mean a legit work out. But... sex with me would be one hell of a workout for you.”

Yeah, right.

“So would sex with any man.”

Kane’s joking attitude fled. “You won’t be having sex with any man that isn’t me while you’re pregnant.”

“And why not?” I asked, curiously.

I wouldn’t have sex with any man while pregnant with Kane’s baby, but being told I couldn’t ticked me off.

“Because you’re pregnant with my baby,” Kane said, his tone firm. “Put it this way—if you did fuck someone I’d be really hurt and I’d kill the bastard who you did it with. Is that a good enough reason?”

The threats didn’t surprise me, but the mention of him being hurt did.

“You’d be hurt if I was with another man while pregnant?”

Kane nodded once. “Yes, I would. Right now your body has a part of me inside it and it’s changing and growing each day. I just want you to belong to me, no one else. I’m being very serious right now, Aideen. I don’t know what I’d do if someone touched you.”

I swallowed down a lump that suddenly formed in my throat. “Kane... that’s... that’s actually really sweet.”

He shrugged. “Thanks, I guess.”

“I don’t want you to be hurt, or to kill anyone, so you have me word. I’ll suppress me sexual urges.”

Kane smirked. “I wouldn’t go that far. Have all the sexual urges you want, just make me your go-to guy when you want to act those urges out.”

The moment was over.

“You’re such a pig.”

“I know.”

I bobbed my knee up and down. “Are we nearly there yet? I have to go to the toilet.”

“You always have to pee. You go fifty times a day.”

I punched his shoulder. “It’s one of the joys of being pregnant, Daddy.”

“Call me daddy one more time. Better yet, call me big daddy.”

I laughed and so did Kane.

That is something we did a lot lately when we were together. We teased each other, sometimes fought with one another, but we mostly laughed together. It was a nice change to not want to beat him to death all the time.

Twenty minutes passed by and we parked and entered the Coombe hospital. We checked in and sat in the waiting area to wait for my name to be called. We were amidst a bunch of pregnant ladies and their husbands, friends, or boyfriends.

Kane threw his arm around the back of my chair when we sat down and for some stupid reason I liked it. I don’t know why, I just did. Kane didn’t though. I could tell he was crazy uncomfortable with being around this many people even if the majority of them were pregnant.

“What is the procedure here like?” he asked as he scoped the room out. “Do you have to do anything special or just go into the room and lay down?”

I shrugged my shoulders. “I was only here once and it was in the emergency room. I don’t know what a proper appointment is like.”

Kane nodded his head then looked at the right when a woman dressed in white scrubs called my name. “Aideen Collins, room three for blood works.”

I groaned, “I’ve to get a needle, do you want to wait here?”

I only asked because I knew he had some sort of fear of them.

“How many needles will they use on you?” he asked me, his eyes wild.

I frowned. “Just the one, honey. Just the one.”

He swallowed. “I’ll go with you, just in case you need me.”


I smiled. “Let’s go then.”

We stood up and walked towards the nurse who pointed at the floor. “Follow the red strip until you come to room three.” With that said she was on to calling out another woman’s name for her blood, too.