I didn’t even want to know what way he did mean it.

I waved him off. “It doesn’t matter. What matters is that he should have known before all of you, but I couldn’t take the arguin’ anymore. The way you talk to one another is not okay—you’re couples, you shouldn’t behave like that with the person you love.”

Everyone frowned, even Keela and Alec who didn’t even argue.

“Sorry, babe,” Dominic said to Bronagh who apologised to him also.

“Sorry, Ry,” Branna mumbled to Ryder.

“Me too,” he replied, not looking at her.

I glared at the pair of them, but they avoided my burning gaze. They couldn’t even warm up to one another to apologise, or to even look at one another? Pathetic.

Alec cleared his throat and it got my attention. “So, who is yo baby daddy?”

I pulled a face at his fake ghetto accent. “Please, don’t phrase it like that.”

He snorted.

“And I can’t tell you until he gets here.”

The sisters gasped. “He is comin’ here? Tonight?”

Well, he lives here.

“Yeah, eventually,” I murmured and glanced up at the clock.

Everyone was silent.

“Where is Kane?” Keela asked after a moment.

I tried not to tense up at the mention of his name.

“He went out about two hours ago,” Nico said. “Not sure where though.”

Keela nodded her head.

“How long have you known?” Alec asked me.

I counted on my fingers. “About three or more hours now. I took a test in your bathroom.”

Bronagh blinked at me. “You didn’t go to the garage with Keela, did you?”

I shook my head. “We went to the Coombe to confirm it. The nurse checked me and the baby out, and everythin’ looks great so far.”

Keela let out a squeal. “We heard the heartbeat and even saw it flicker about on the monitor. It was just brilliant.”

If Alec was annoyed with Keela for lying to him he didn’t show it because he threw an arm around her shoulder and gave her a squeeze.

“So you just found out today?” Branna questioned with a raised eyebrow.

I nodded.

“Then how come Ryder found a positive pregnancy test in our bathroom last week?” she asked, her gaze narrowed.

I scratched my neck. “I took that test because I had to know if I was the pregnant one, but before I could look at the results Keela called me about Kane. I’ve been puttin’ it off since then—I’ve just been scared I guess.”

No one said anything, but I saw they understood where I was coming from, which relieved me greatly.

“Did you get scan pictures?” Bronagh asked, her voice high with excitement.

I smiled. “I did, but I’m goin’ to show the father them first, since I told you lot about the baby’s existence before I told him.”

Everyone huffed, but understood my decision.

“I’m puttin’ the kettle on,” Branna said and broke the silence that coated the room. “Who wants a cuppa while we wait for the baby’s father to arrive?”


Everyone answered Branna, even the lads.

It appeared all their nerves were shot... at least I wasn’t the only one scared shitless to tell the baby’s father that he was indeed becoming a father.

A cup of tea didn’t seem strong enough for that conversation.

God, help me.

“What is everyone in here for?”

I looked at the kitchen door and frowned when I saw him. He was slumped and had his shoulder pressed against the doorframe. It looked like it was holding him up. I could see from across the room that his eyes were bloodshot and his face was pale grey.

He looked like shite.

“Have you been drinkin’?” I asked.

Kane shrugged uncaringly. “What’s it to you if I have?”

He didn’t slur, or sway from side to side... but his eyes looked empty.

“You shouldn’t be drinkin’,” I replied, and stood up from my seat. “You never even got your second injection today. The sugar and calories from alcohol will require more of it. Damn it, Kane.”

Kane waved me off. “I’ll survive.”

I growled, “No, not without the bloody injections you won’t.”

I didn’t threaten Kane in the least; I could tell by the way that he smiled at me. “Come here,” he said.

I felt everyone in the room glance between us.

I ignored them and focused on Kane as I got up and walked towards him. I stopped just short of knocking into his body. I tilted my head back and glared up at him. “What?”

He laughed down at me and pressed his forehead against mine. The action shocked me. “You’re the only person who I know that isn’t afraid of me.”

I lifted my hands and placed them on his biceps. “How much did you have to drink?” I asked.

He shrugged. “Didn’t count the pints as they were pulled. Sorry, Mom.”

“Damn it, Kane,” Ryder grunted from behind us.

Kane lifted his head, looked over my head, and shot him an evil grin. “You mad, big brother?”

He was looking for a fight—I could sense it.

“Don’t tempt me to start some shit with you, Kane,” Ryder growled.

Kane tried to step around me, but I wouldn’t let him. There was no way in hell that I was allowing him to take whatever was up his arse out on Ryder.

“Hey!” I snapped and reached up, linking both my hands behind Kane’s neck and forced him to look down at me. “Come outside and talk to me, okay?”

Kane’s eyes burned into mine, and for a moment they flicked to my lips before he nodded his head and broke away from me. Without a word or look in Ryder’s direction, he turned and walked out of the kitchen and down the hallway. I followed him, closing the door behind me as I went.

I found Kane sat on the bottom of the stairs—his elbows resting on his knees, his hands clasped together and his eyes focused right ahead at the front door. I stood in front of him causing him to sigh and lean back so he could look up at me. When he did, he smiled lazily at me.

“You’re beautiful.”

I snorted, “That’s the drinks talkin’.”

“No,” Kane replied, “it’s me.”


I tilted my head to the side and hunkered down so I was eye level with him. “Honey, what’s wrong with you? Why did you go off drinkin’ on your own? It’s not like you.”