I lifted the blanket that covered me and looked down to my stomach. My bare stomach. I widened my eyes when I quickly realised the rest of me was bare too. I had no clothes on, and I wasn’t in my own bed.

Oh, fuck.

I slowly turned my head to the right and almost screamed when the sleeping form of Kane Slater came into my line of sight. I turned my head and looked up at the ceiling. I closed my eyes as images of last night flooded my mind.

I had sex with Kane Slater.

Three times.

Fuck, fuck, FUCK!

I had to leave. I had to get out of there before he woke up.

I carefully, very carefully, slid from under the covers and stepped onto the cool wooden floor. I felt the morning air surround me, and the tenderness between my legs as I moved around.

Kane clearly gave me a right seeing to.

I shook my head clear of last night’s sexual adventures and scanned the room for my clothes. I spotted my bra hanging on a knob of Kane’s chest of drawers. I tiptoed over to it, yanked it off the knob, and quickly put it on. I scanned the room again and saw that my knickers were on the radiator across the room, which baffled me. I had no clue how they got all the way over there.

I crept over and grabbed them from the radiator. I shimmied them on whilst staring at Kane like he was going to wake up at any moment. Luckily he didn’t, which was really in my favour, as I had to sneak around the room looking for my dress and clutch.

I found my clutch on the floor next to the side of the bed I rolled out of, and I found my dress there too. I pulled it over my head, adjusted it to my body, and relaxed. My shoes were over at the window where he threw them last night so when I was near them, I slipped them on and stood upright.

I did it.

I smiled to myself and turned in the direction of the door. I barely moved before I heard him behind me.

“What are you doing?”

Oh, hell.

I froze and momentarily thought about just running out of the room. I thought better of it and slowly turned around because I knew he would chase and catch me if I did run for it. I swallowed when my gaze fell on Kane as he looked at me with his head propped up on his pillows.

“Um, I was tryin’ to leave... quietly.”

Kane raised an eyebrow at me. “Why? Is a good morning fuck not your thing?”

I silently thanked him for being a prick. I could handle Kane when he was a prick; it was when he acted liked a decent human that I found things difficult.

“Mornin’ fuckin’ is me thing, just not with you,” I spat. “Night fuckin’, or any type of fuckin’ with you, is not me thing.”

Kane smirked at me. “That’s funny since it’s my bed you just crawled from, and if I remember correctly, it was also my cock you were bouncing all over last night. Nice skills by the way. You tired me out, babydoll.”

That. Motherfucker.

I balled my hands into fists. “I was intoxicated last night, sweetheart.”

Kane slowly rose up from the bed, and I was painfully aware of the bed sheets sliding off his body. I saw the treasure trail on his stomach as the sheet dropped away before I snapped my gaze up to Kane’s teasing one.

“You were fully aware of what, and who, you were doing last night, sweetheart.”

I curled my lip in disgust. “Listen, little boy—”

“Little boy?” Kane humourlessly laughed. “You made me stop last night so you could adjust to me, twice. When I got you back here, you told me I was ‘so big’ over and over.”

I felt my eye twitch. “I was referrin’ to your age, you cocky fucker.”

Kane grinned. “Hmmm. You’re what, one year older than I am? Not bad. You aren’t the first teacher I’ve fucked, and you probably won’t be the last... but you’re definitely the hottest.”

He climbed off the bed and began to walk towards me.

I didn’t have to look down to know he was naked. My eyes dropped to his chest and my mouth watered. Damn him, and his stupid bloody chest. The hair on a man’s chest never did anything for me before, but my God, Kane worked the fuck out of it.

“Stop it!” I snapped and held my hands up. “Stay right where you are.”

Kane laughed and continued to advance on me. “You want me to come and drag you back to my bed and fuck you until you scream again? You know you do.”

I did not!

“You’re so wrong. I want to go home,” I squeaked.

Kane shot forward, wrapped his arms around me, and tugged me against him. My hands went to his shoulders and I leaned my head back to look up at him. I opened my mouth to tell him off, but I never got the chance because he kissed me before I could get a word out.

I tried not to kiss him back, but it was hard. Kane was hard, too. I could feel his erection against my belly as he pressed his body against mine.

“Tell me no,” Kane murmured against my mouth.

“No,” I replied, my voice barely a squeak.

Kane devilishly grinned. “Try again.”

I cleared my throat. “No, Kane.”

He stared down at me, his eyes unblinking. “Do you mean that?”

I hesitated before answering him and he smiled. “There’s my answer.”

I held my breath as Kane began to lower his mouth to mine once more. I jumped when a bang on his bedroom door interrupted the moment.

Thank God.

“What?” Kane shouted without taking his eyes off me.

“Dominic is downstairs. We’re both waiting for your lazy ass. You said you wanted to do a six a.m. run, remember?”


“You willingly want to go runnin’ at six in the mornin’? That’s disgustin’,” I whispered.

Kane grinned. “I’ll get rid of my brothers—”