My make-up was done, but as I examined my face I found I needed a little bit more on my nose because I saw some redness. I leaned into the mirror and gasped when I realised what the redness on my nose was.

It was a pimple.


I turned from the mirror, unlocked Keela’s bedroom door, and walked down the hallway of my friend’s apartment in search of her. I bypassed the kitchen when I peeked in and saw she wasn’t in there. I headed straight into the sitting room. I opened my mouth to speak when I spotted her sitting on Alec’s lap on the sofa. Kane and Nico were on either side of them watching an American football game, but when Nico caught sight of me he wolf whistled and twirled his finger around with a devilish smirk on his face.

I rolled my eyes but giggled as I turned around in a circle then placed my hands on my hips and posed like I would for a picture.

“Damn, Ado, you’re looking F-I-N-E,” Nico said, nodding his head in appreciation of me.

I have no idea why, but Kane reached behind Alec and smacked Nico across the back of the head. “You have a girlfriend.”

“Fucking hell!” Nico growled and rubbed his head. “I know that, I was just saying she looked hot. There’s no harm in looking.”

“You were just smacked for lookin’,” Keela mused, “clearly there is harm in it.”

“I’ll say,” Nico mumbled and lowered his hand.

Keela chortled and Alec grinned as he stroked Keela’s side while she sat on him.

“So, what’s the verdict? Yay or nay?” I asked the group as I gestured to my look for the night.

Keela gave me two thumbs. “Hell yay!”

I laughed.

“Yay from me, too. You look beautiful.” Alec smiled.


I winked at him then looked at Nico when he mumbled ‘yay’ but kept an eye on Kane like he would smack him again, which I thought was funny.

“Kane, what do you think?” I asked.

Kane raised his eyebrow at me. “You care what I think?”

“No,” I replied honestly, “but you’re a lad and I’m askin’ for your opinion, so shoot.”

Kane blinked at me then trailed his eyes up and down my body. “Nice shape. Sexy even.”

My shape was sexy?

Nope, that was wrong.

“Honey, sexy is an attitude, not a shape.”

“Well, with all the attitude within your little body, you must be the sexiest woman alive,” Kane said, a grin plastered on his face.

I narrowed my eyes at him. “Are you sayin’ I have an attitude problem?”

Kane dropped his smirk. “Uh, no... I’m saying you’re se—”

“Because if you are then you should know I only develop an attitude around you.”

Kane looked at his brothers who were shaking their heads and giving him a look that he seemed to understand. He then turned his gaze back to me and said, “You know what? I take it back, forget I even said anything.”

That was the smartest thing that had ever come out of his delectable mouth.

Keela snickered, but then narrowed her eyes at my face.

Oh, crap.

“Dude, your nose!” she gasped.

I covered it with both hands. “I know. I just saw it.”

“Saw what?” the lads asked in unison.

I removed my hands from my face and pointed at my nose with both of my index fingers. “This.”

The lads squinted their eyes.

“What are we supposed to be staring at here?” Alec mumbled to Keela.

“The mother of all pimples,” I whimpered.

Nico leaned his head forward and squinted his eyes so much he almost closed them. “I can’t see it.”

How could he miss it?

“Me either. You’re overreacting,” Kane said, and waved me off.

I was about to say something smart to him, but I caught Keela staring at my nose and it made me feel incredibly uncomfortable.

“Keela! Stop!”

Keela averted her gaze. “I’m sorry, but it’s bloody huge.”

I knew it!

“This isn’t supposed to happen! How can I go out on me date with Skull if I have to lug around this volcano on the end of me nose all night?”

Keela chewed on her lower lip as Alec suggested, “What about cover-up?”

I hesitated in snapping at him because that was a pretty good idea.

Kane groaned in annoyance. “You could try more make-up, or you could just sit down, have a beer, and relax. Skull won’t even notice, and if he does, he will be cool with it. A situation like this is what doggie style was invented for. He won’t give a fuck about any pimple if you’re face down and ass up in front of him.”

Did he really just say that?

“You’re disgustin’!” I snarled.

Kane lifted up his arm and tipped his beer bottle in my direction. “So I’ve been told.”

I curled my lip in disgust and looked at Keela. “I can’t stand him.”

“I heard that,” Kane said and took a gulp from his beer bottle.

“You were supposed to, germinator,” I growled.

I smirked when he stiffened.

He really hated that nickname, which is exactly why I still called him by it.

“Ignore Kane,” Keela sighed and stood up from Alec’s lap. “You look gorgeous, pimple or no pimple.”

I grunted then jumped when my phone buzzed. I squealed and ran to my clutch purse that was on Keela’s kitchen table. I picked it up, dug inside it for my phone, and answered it the second I got it into my hands.

“Hello?” I said a little breathlessly as I pressed the phone to my ear.

“Hello, sexy,” Skull’s voice purred through the phone as I walked back into the sitting room.

“You can’t see me, how do you know if I look sexy?” I flirted.

Keela rolled her eyes at me, Nico and Alec snorted, and Kane just stared straight ahead at the television as he watched the football game on ESPN.

“You always look sexy, dressed up or down, so I don’t need to see you to know you look good,” Skull said, a smile in his voice. “I’m outside Keela’s apartment complex, are you ready?”

“Good answer, and yes, I’ll be down now.”

I pressed the hang-up option on the screen before he could reply and hugged Keela tightly when she walked over to me and put her arms around me.