“Are you okay?” he asked as fat tears rolled down my cheeks.


He was the one bleeding!

“I'm fine!” I cried. “Are you?”

Alec growled, “Let me kill him and I'll be fine.”

“What the fuck happened?” Nico shouted as he shoved Jason to the floor.

“That fucker kissed Keela!” Alec snapped.

Nico growled and turned and kicked Jason in the stomach.

“That's for kissin' my bro's girl, and this,” he kicked him again, “is because I hate your sorry ass.”

I looked to Gavin when he groaned and I saw red. “How could you!” I screamed. “How could you side with Jason over us? You attacked Alec, Gavin. You attacked me fiancé! I am done with you do you understand me? Done!”

Gavin stumbled to his feet. “Kay… he is the son-in-law of me boss, and he's me mate. I had to help him.”

That wasn't good enough.

“Your boss is my uncle, I rank higher than Jason ever will!” I snapped.

I wanted to shove Gavin out of my house so I marched over and grabbed him by the ear and pulled at him. “Get out. Now!”

Gavin wriggled to get free but couldn’t without having his ear ripped off. He opened his mouth to speak, but a loud growl cut him off. We all looked to the sitting room doorway where Storm was stood. His stance was one of preparing for an attack, and he had his teeth bared indicating what he was about to do.

I jumped away from Gavin as Storm ran for him. Gavin cursed and jumped over my sofa and stumbled out of the sitting room. Strom slipped on the wooden floor in the hallway, but continued to give chase to Gavin. I knew Gavin got out of the house before Storm could get to him, when the front door slammed shut.

I looked to Storm when he came back into the sitting room. I didn't go over to him, I waited until he came to me. I knew he wasn't dangerous and I knew he wouldn't hurt me, but I didn't want to do anything to upset him when he was clearly stressed.

I kneeled down and rubbed and hugged him when he put his head against my leg. I kissed his head and scratched his ears. “Thank you,” I murmured to him for protecting me.

“Good boy, Storm,” Alec's voice praised. “Protecting Mama.”

I turned my head when Jason's voice snarled, “Don't even think of settin' that beast on me.”

I glared at him. “It's no more than you deserve!” I snapped. “What the hell did you think you were playin' at, showin' up at me house and kissin' me? Have you lost your mind?”

Jason smirked, blood smeared over his nose and mouth. “Nope, I just enjoy a bit of excitement every now and then.”

Nico reached down and punched Jason across the face.

“Is that exciting enough for you?” he asked.

I shook my head and got to my feet. I brought Storm to my kitchen and put him inside and closed the door. When I walked back to the sitting room I stood idle at the doorway and watched as Nico pushed Jason out of the room. Neither of them looked at me.

I put my arm around Alec who walked out of the sitting room holding onto his side. I growled and I pressed myself to him. “I'll kill Gavin for hurtin' you.”

Alec shook his head. “Aideen will do a great job of doing that herself.”

I didn't smile because I knew she would. She would beat the crap out of him for betraying us like he did. I leaned up to kiss Alec, but I froze when I heard a siren. A Garda car siren.

“Fuck!” Alec grunted.

We walked outside and I groaned when I spotted two male Garda getting out of their squad car and walking into our garden. I wanted to cry because I had no clue what we were going to do.

“Can I help you officers?” my uncle's voice sounded.

I looked to my right and raised my eyebrows as my uncle walked over to the Garda like he wasn't repulsed. I knew better though. My uncle hated the law and anyone who represented it.

“We received a noise complaint… and from the looks of the blood on some of you I'm guessin' some fall outs happened?” one of Garda mused as Gavin and Jason leaned against my uncle's SUV.

Micah was inside the SUV on her phone, she didn't even care about the bullshit her stupid husband had just caused.

“Fuckin' bitch,” I growled.

I refocused on my uncle and the Garda and walked forward with Alec when we were motioned to do so.

“This is my niece and her fiancé’s house. Anythin' that happened here was… resolved. I assure you.”

Both Garda raised their eyebrows at my uncle. “What is your name, sir?” one asked.

“Brandon Daley.”

I watched as both of the Garda exchanged a look.

“Mr. Daley… would you like to speak to us over by the car, Sir?”

“Absolutely,” my uncle replied.

I shook my head in disgust as the trio walked away from Alec and myself.

“They're about to end up on his payroll,” I grumbled. “I hate crooked Garda.”

Alec gave me a squeeze. “I'll square this with Brandy. I won't be in debt to him for helping us.”

I scoffed. “He wouldn't dare hold you in his debt, I'll have his balls if he even tried.”

I glanced to Ryder and Kane as they brought Branna, Alannah and a distraught Aideen, back inside my house. Nico and Bronagh remained outside with us. My uncle re-joined us when his 'talk' with the Garda ended and they drove off in their car.

“You're unbelievable,” I said to him.

He simply shrugged then switched his gaze to Alec. “That's me son-in-law you and your brother just roughed up.”

I opened my mouth to speak, but Alec bet me to it. “That's my fiancée your son-in-law just kissed.”

My uncle growled and looked over to Jason who raised his hands in the air. “I was just playin'!”


“I'll deal with you later,” my uncle snarled then turned back to me, and softened his gaze.

“I'm sorry about all this.”