Alannah angrily folded her arms across her chest and glared at Aideen. “It's winter time, who gets a wax during this season? Give me a break!”

I looked between all the faces before me and felt the beginnings of a headache form in the base of my skull.

“What the hell went on in here?” I asked. “You forced Alannah to get semi naked with you all, to what? Jump her bones?”

Bronagh put her hand in the air like she was a student in primary school, and I was the teacher waiting to give her permission to speak.

I couldn't help but grin as I said, “Yeah, Bee, what is it?”

“Can you tell Dominic what you think happened? He will be so hot for me, thinkin' that I was strippin' Lana that he will overlook me drinkin' this early.”

I snorted. “Don't use me to soften up your lad, they all told you wait until they got back before crackin' open the wine. You three can deal with those impendin' arguments on your own.”

Aideen put her up hand next and that move did make me laugh because she was in fact the educator out of the five of us.

“What is it, Ado?” I asked.

“I'm not in a relationship with any of the brothers so they can't say shite to me,” she said proudly from her spot in the bathtub.

Branna rolled her eyes. “Please, you and Kane argue most out of the lot of us. You two are practically in a relationship, but don't kiss, have sex, or do anythin' intimate... you're in an enemyship.”

Aideen seethed in silence while we all chuckled at Branna's very correct observation.

Alannah grunted to me, “Can you get back to you givin' out to them for forcing me to—”

“We didn't force you, you wanted to do it for fun too. I could see it in your freckled face!” Bronagh cut Alannah off and laughed with her sister.

I raised my hands to my temples and rubbed. “What the hell did the four of you do?”

Things were eerily silent for a moment until Aideen cracked it with a giggle. “We took pregnancy tests.”

I blinked my eyes and stared at her.

“You took pregnancy tests?” I repeated.

“Yes,” Bronagh giggled. “Just for fun.”

I continued to blink and stare as I silently judged my group of friends.

They were such morons.

“Okay, so you took pregnancy tests... you better have thrown them in the bin and washed the counter down—if I find piss anywhere in here I'm stickin' your noses in it,” I warned.

Bronagh gasped. “Like a dog?”

“Exactly.” I grinned. “Just like a dog.”

Bronagh widened her eyes and it made Branna laugh. “Would you relax, we cleaned up and we'll wipe down the counter again when we're done with the tests.”

That piqued my interest.

“You mean you aren't already done with them?” I asked.

Branna shook her head. “We're waitin' for—”

Someone's phone let out a shrill sound cutting Branna off and causing her, and the other girls to grin.

“We were waitin' for that alarm,” she finished.

I rolled my eyes. “Well, go on then. Look and then throw them in the bin.”

All four of the girls remained still.

“Oh, shite. I can't do it,” Bronagh said as her complexion suddenly paled.

“I can't either,” the other three morons mumbled in unison.

I threw my hands up in the air. “Why did you take them if you're too afraid to see the results?”

Bronagh wiped her brow with the back of her hand. “Because it dawned on me that I could be pregnant. Me and Dominic have been tryin' for months.”

I stared at her. “So why can't you look?”

“Because it's terrifyin'!” she replied.

“Oh, for the love of God,” I grumbled and pushed them out of the way. “I'll bloody do it.”

I stumbled forward, but when Alannah didn't move aside right away it caused me to fall into the counter. I caught myself and wasn't hurt, but my forearm sent the pregnancy tests into the sink.

“Shite,” I said and quickly gathered them.

I wasn't worried about them being tampered, they all had the caps on the end where you urinate. I just had no clue which stick was whose because they were all the same brand of pregnancy test.

“Now we don't know which test is which!” Aideen groaned and got out of my bathtub.

Alannah snorted. “One will definitely be negative, I can't remember the last time I had sex.”

Bronagh grinned. “I do, it was six months ago and you said your one night stand was way better than... What's the insult you dubbed him with? Was it Snowflake?”

“Bronagh!” Alannah gasped. “We're not discussin' him!”


“Who is him? Who is Snowflake?” I asked.

Alannah glared at Bronagh. “Don't,” she warned.

Bronagh ignored Alannah and looked to me as she said, “Damien.”

I remained quiet for a second then said, “Damien Slater?”

Bronagh nodded her head then hissed when Alannah thumped her in the arm.

Branna and Aideen giggled as Bronagh grumbled and rubbed her arm.

“You had a thing with Damien?” I asked Alannah.

She groaned. “It was one night years ago, it is not a big deal. Seriously. We were kids.”

Bronagh gave Alannah a knowing look. “You're lyin' through your teeth and you know it.”

Alannah sighed, but remained silent.

I was shocked.

“You shagged Damien?” I asked.

Things were silent for a moment then everyone burst into laughter, including Alannah.

“Dude, nice one. Damien is fit!” Aideen said then high-fived Alannah who was shaking her head.

“Hey!” Bronagh frowned.

Aideen rolled her eyes. “I said Damien, not Dominic.”

Bronagh deadpanned, “They're identical twins.”

“Can't be, they have different hair colour,” Aideen said, waving Bronagh off.

Bronagh shook her head. “I said that too, but they both informed me it didn't mean anythin'. Even with the different hair colour they have matching DNA—they're identical twins. It's very rare for twins to have different eye colour or hair colour because their DNA is a blueprint match, but Dominic and Damien are that very small percentile of identical twins with different hair colour. Argue against it all you want, but that's how it is.”

Aideen was silent for a moment. “Okay... but I still think Damien is hotter. Sorry, not sorry.”