I groaned and moved away from Alec when I felt the act of our sex drip down onto my leg.

“This is the nasty part,” I muttered and grabbed a few wet wipes so I could clean myself up.

Alec snorted and went about stacking up toiletries onto the bathroom counter while I used the toilet. Mid-way through relieving myself I looked up at him and snorted.

He glanced at me. “What?”

I shook my head as I reached for a roll of tissue.

“I never thought I'd go to the toilet in front of a man like it was nothin'.”

Alec snorted, “It is nothing.”

He went back to stacking shampoos and such while I swallowed when a thought entered my mind.

We were already acting like a married couple.

I refused to do this right now. I had enough on my mind with the move and the stress that it brought. I couldn't worry about how Alec and myself were acting. I wouldn't.

“Hey, what's that look for?” Alec asked me, jarring me from my thoughts.

I stood up and flushed the toilet, smiling as I moved to the sink so I could wash my hands.

“Nothing, just wonderin' how much shite we're goin' to get when we go outside.”

Alec regarded me for a moment then chuckled. “It'll be fine, my brothers will keep the taunting to a minimum. I'll kick their asses otherwise... Can't speak for the girls though.”

I snorted. “They'll high-five me.”


“Why?” Alec asked, his eyebrow raised.

I smirked. “Because I got some in a bathroom.”

Alec watched me for a moment then shook his head. “Women.”

I laughed and began to re-fold the towels that Alec took off the towel rack and out of the small cupboard next to the mirror on the wall. When that was done, I re-organised the towels he'd just stacked. I threw out the half empty bottles of products and kept only the full and unopened ones. I explained I didn't want any of the opened bottles to open and spill in the van. The new ones had seals on them so they wouldn't cause any damage if they tipped over inside the van.

Alec nodded his head then opened the door when I had everything organised. I asked him to go get me two boxes and he was on his way out the door to do so, but froze at the last second. I swallowed when he turned to face me. I was sure he figured out what I did from the look he was giving me, but I relaxed when he said, “Those boxes are mine.”

I rolled my eyes. “No, they're mine.”

Alec stood his ground. “I stacked them all on that counter.”

I placed my hands on my hips. “I re-stacked them and re-folded the towels. I also threw out the rubbish you wanted to keep. They're part of my haul.”

Alec glared at me. “I'm not letting you past me with a single item from that pile.”

Oh, really?

“Don't make me hurt you, because I will,” I threatened.

Alec snorted. “What are you going to do? Jump up to try and slap me.”


“Don't be makin' fun of me height. I'm tall for a girl, you're the one who is freakishly lanky!”

Alec's laughter ticked me off so I decided to use other options to get him out of my way.

“Bronagh!” I shouted.

Alec froze.

“Yeah?” she called out.

“Alec said you should be have been cast in The Hobbit!”

Alec gasped. “You evil bitch!”

Seconds later a wild Bronagh appeared and jumped on Alec from behind.

“The Hobbit?” she growled. “I'll show you a hobbit!”

Alec screamed and reached up to his ears, the ears Bronagh had in her vice like grip.

I laughed as she pulled and steered him away from the bathroom and down the hall where he stumbled into our bedroom and onto our bed from the sound of Bronagh's cheer.

She was twisted.

She even said 'weeeeeee' at one point.

I was about to exit the bathroom but halted when Nico ran by me. “Let him go... Damn it, Bronagh, you're going to undo months of anger management classes. I'll tickle you if you don't let him go. Stop! You'll pull his ears off!”

I snorted as I casually walked out of the bathroom and grabbed two empty boxes from the stack of boxes next to the front door. I whistled as I walked back into the bathroom and carefully placed the towels and toilet rolls into one box, then everything else into the other box.

“Aideen, have you got a marker and tape?” I shouted.

Aideen came into the bathroom armed with both.

We wrapped up the boxes then marked 'Bathroom' on both boxes as well as my name just so Alec couldn't try and pawn them off as being his later. Aideen picked up the box of towels and tissues while I grabbed the heavier box. We both exited the bathroom then walked out of my apartment and down the stairs until we were outside the apartment complex. I picked the right side of the moving van as the side where I wanted all my boxes to go.

Alec could have the left side.

“Two down. God knows how many more to go,” Aideen commented and wiped sweat off her brow.

I snorted and tied my hair up into a bun on top of my head. “So far so good.”

Aideen chuckled as we walked side-by-side back into my apartment complex.

“Using sex against the big lad was genius.”

I cackled, “Right? Worked like a charm. How is disarmin' the other lads goin'?”

Aideen burst into laughter. “Dominic is strugglin', Ryder is tryin' his hardest to avoid Branna, and Kane doesn't understand any of what's happenin'. He is so confused by me sudden behaviour, but hasn't mentioned a word since I grazed my arse against him. You should have seen his face, it was like a virgin lad touchin' his first boob. He was all wide eyed and freaked out.”

I was in tears of laughter by the time we walked up the stairs to my floor.

I bumped fists with Aideen and said, “Let's keep it up.”

“You got it, boss.” Aideen winked.

The wide smile that was on my face dropped when Alec bellowed out my name from inside our apartment.