Everything I was he owned.

“It's difficult for her,” Bronagh chimed in. “I'm very picky about Dominic and what he spends even though it's his money. He blew three quarters of it on absolutely nothing since we started goin' out. Now he needs to work otherwise we're broke. Money doesn't last forever unless you have a steady income.”

I high-fived Bronagh.

“Exactly, that is exactly what I've been sayin'.”

“Thinkin',” Aideen corrected me. “You've been thinkin' it, not sayin' it.”

I growled at her, “Because it will look bad if I tell him not to spend his own money.”

“You're a couple, Kay.” Branna frowned. “You need to discuss these things.”

“And other things,” Aideen muttered.

I shot her a warning look and she closed her mouth. The sisters exchanged glances but said nothing. I didn't want to speak about Alec and myself anymore—I wanted to focus on packing.

What I really wanted was for this day to be done and over with.

“Okay, packin',” I began. “Bronagh, you and Branna start in here on the bedroom, I'll take the kitchen, and Aideen can start on the sittin' room. If the lads start to pack on somethin' that will help fill up their side of the van first, distract them with whatever means necessary. I really don't want to cook for the next month.”

We all put our hands in together like a team huddle and cheered then laughed at our ridiculousness.

“Would it be too obvious to the lads that I was tryin' to distract Dominic if I got naked and bent over in front of him?”

I looked to Bronagh and just stared at her until she laughed.

“I'm jokin', but if I did get naked, Dominic would be completely taken out of the equation and that’d mean one brother down, three to go. The odds would tip even further in our favour.”

I thought on it for a moment then shook my head. “You aren't gettin' naked, we will win this clean and fair.”

Aideen nudged me. “How fair is what we're doin'?”

“Pretty fair, I mean we aren't doin' much. It's not our fault if the lads’ dicks decide to pay attention to us.”

Branna snorted. “Lets just do this before they think we have some huge conspiracy goin' on.”

I smiled then turned and headed out of my bedroom and into the kitchen. I glanced to Alec who was playing on the floor with Storm. I inwardly smiled, using Storm to distract him never even occurred to me.

“Excuse me,” I said and stepped over Alec and Storm.

I had a dress on so I made a point of stepping over Alec's head just so he could see up my dress.

“Keela!” he hissed and struggled to move Storm off his body as he got to his feet.

I jumped when Alec's arms slid around my back and his hands interlocked at my belly button.

“We're at war right now, sweetie. Hands off the merchandise,” I said, sweetly.

Alec growled as he placed his mouth next to my ear, “You have no panties on.”

I cringed.

God, I hated that fucking word, but I wouldn't correct him on it because I wanted my knickers, or rather my lack of knickers, to imprint on his mind.

“I don't? Huh. I must have forgotten to put some on—”


I fought off a smile.

“I'm sorry?” I asked, innocently.

“You heard me, bullshit. You don't just forget to put panties on. You have a fucking routine you follow when you get dressed—panties, bra, socks, then the rest of your clothes.”

Did he pay attention to everything I did?

“That's true, but everythin' is a little bit hectic today. I can't go put some on now because the girls are in our room and it would be too obvious. I can't even grab a pair and slip them on somewhere else because Ryder is in the bathroom packing up our toiletries and I don't think you'd appreciate your brothers watchin' me shimmy on a pair of knickers in front of them in here.”

Alec's hold on me tightened. “Damn right I wouldn't.”

I devilishly smiled. “Exactly, so let me go and get back to packin'.”

Alec growled when I moved away from him.

“How can I focus on packing boxes when I know you have no panties on under that dress?”

He wouldn't be able to focus, and that was exactly what I was counting on when I decided to take them off.

“I'm sure you will figure somethin' out.”

I felt Alec's eyes on me as I opened a cabinet above my head and reached up for the plates and cups. I could feel my dress rise up my thighs as I stretched.

“God fucking damn it. Ryder! Switch with me!”

I glanced over my shoulder and watched as Alec stormed out of the room and down the hallway to the bathroom. I smirked.

Did he think he could get away from me that easily?

He was going insane if he thought so.

“Good idea, babe. Aideen, you take over the kitchen,” I shouted. “I'll get my things packed in the bathroom in case Alec throws out the toiletries I like.”

“On it!” Aideen shouted.

I briskly walked into the bathroom after Alec who tried to stop me from entering the room but groaned when I ducked under him and gained access anyway. I smirked to myself.

“Baby, close the door but not all the way, I need to get my towel rack from the top of the door.”

Alec wouldn't look at me, but he did as I asked.

“Thank you,” I chirped.

I stood on the side of my bath and pretended to lose my balance a little.

“Keela!” Alec shouted then jumped for me, opening his arms just as I fell into them.

I gasped, “Nice catch.”

I leaned up and pecked the side of Alec's mouth and he growled.

“Just... just be careful, okay?” he murmured, his tough exterior fading for a moment.

I nodded my head. “I will, big boy. Don't worry about me.”

Alec muttered something to himself.

I was so obvious with what I was trying to do, but Alec was concentrating so hard on not looking at me that he couldn't see how much I wanted him to look at me.