Alec swallowed. "I understand that you're upset and you have every right to be-"

"Upset? You think I'm upset? No, I'm not upset because bein' upset would mean that I actually have to care and I don't! I don't fuckin' care about you or who your put your dick into!"

Alec's jaw set. "You aren't doing yourself any favours by getting yourself worked up, Keela. You're only going to say things you regret."

I humourlessly laughed. "Thanks for that Doctor-fucking-Phil but trust me, I think gettin' a few things off me chest will make me feel ten times better!"

Alec took a step forward. "Keela, I'm telling you to rein it in. Now."

How fucking dare he tell me what to do!

I rushed forward and shoved his chest as hard as I could with both of my hands.

"You don't get to tell me what to do, you cheatin' scumbag!" I screamed.

I was so mad at Alec. I was enraged, but what pissed me off even more was that he barely moved an inch, and I'd shoved him as hard as I could.

Fucking tank of a man!

"I didn't willingly cheat on you, Keela! Will you just fucking listen to me?"

He didn't willingly cheat on me?

"I'm sorry, did me auntie or your boy toy physically force your cock inside their bodies? I'm findin' that hard to believe since you were on fuckin' top of both of them!"

The image of the three of them on the bed flooded my mind.

Alec lifted his hands and ran them through his hair. "I don't mean it like that, I meant-"

"No, no, let me finish. I find this very intrestin'. You say you didn't willingly cheat on me, yet you were on top when you penetrated me auntie and your boy toy. I'm failin' to see how none of that was done willingly unless gravity somehow failed you, and your cock just happened to fall into their bodies. I actually think I seen somethin' like that on the Discovery Channel-"

"I don't find you funny!" Alec cut me off with a growl.

I laughed. "Really? I find meself to be quite hilarious. It's not surprisin' you don't find me funny since you seem to get your kicks from fuckin' people over by fuckin' others."

Alec scrubbed his face. "I can't talk to you when you're like this."

"So leave, get the fuck out. I told you not come back here anyway."

Alec sighed and shook his head. "Okay, but I will be back in a few hours when you cool off. We really need to talk, you don't know the full story."

"I'm sure I don't," I said and pushed by Alec and got back to repacking my suitcase.

Alec lingered behind me for a whole minute in silence before he sighed and left closing the door gently after him. I think I managed a whole two minutes before tears left my eyes and spilled down my cheeks again.

I angrily wiped my cheeks but the tears kept on coming.

"Stop cryin'," I breathed and covered both of my eyes with my hands.

He doesn't deserve your tears.

I wiped my eyes, exhaled a large breath, and pressed on with packing my clothes into my suitcase. Every so often when a tear fell from my eyes I made sure to wipe it away as quick as it fell.

This was my own fault.

I knew very well what I was getting into when I asked Alec to come to the wedding, and I was fully aware that dating him for real was a stupid idea. This situation just proved how correct and idiotic I was.

I mean, we were dating two days before he slipped and dove cock first into another woman's vagina... as well as a man's arse. I shivered in disgust just thinking about Alec with Dante. I wasn't homophobic, I knew I wasn't, seeing him with Everly made me just as sick as him being with Dante.

"You've only known him a few fuckin' days, what do you expect? You don't know him," I snapped to myself.

I hated that saying it out loud upset me all over again, because even though it was only a few days of being with him, I thought I knew Alec... or knew enough of him to trust him.

Either way I was wrong.

Very wrong.

I came to the wedding of the lad who fucked me over, only to get fucked over at said wedding by me date, who was meant to make the lad who fucked me over jealous. It blew up in my face, big time.

Twenty or so minutes passed by when finally I got all of my belongings into my suitcase.

"Thank God," I muttered.

I frowned when I heard a knock at the hotel room door.

I thought Alec said he would give me a few hours to cool off?

"Go away, Alec! I don't want to speak-"

"It's not Alec."

I widened my eyes.

Uncle Brandon?

I walked to the door, looked through the peephole and when I saw it was my Uncle Brandon I opened the door.

"Hey," I said, forcing a smile.

He smiled back at me. "Hey, sweetheart... Can I come in? I need to talk to you."

He did?

"Oh, sure, come in. Sorry about the mess, Alec's things are everywhere."

Yeah, because you threw them all around the room like a mad woman.

"Don't worry about it."

I closed the door after my Uncle Brandon entered the room. I sat on the bed while he sat on the comfy chair in the corner of the room.

"So, what's up?" I asked and nervously played with my fingers.

"Why is your suitcase on your bed... and packed from the looks of things?"

I looked at my suitcase next to me and felt my shoulders slump.

"I'm going home today."

I looked at my uncle and expected him to be shocked that I was missing Micah's wedding, or at the very least mad but he wasn't. He looked... understanding.

"I don't blame you."

What... I... Just... What?

"Excuse me?"

Uncle Brandon smiled. "I said I don't blame you. I'd be on a plane headin' back home right now if I was you."

What. The. Hell?

"Uncle... what are you talkin' about?"