‘I do trust you, but you need to know I am there to support you in spirit.’

‘I don’t want my uncle to use you.’ His brow creased. ‘Valdar and I made the plan in case of this happening. He will look after you...should the worst happen.’

‘And you were the one who always said that when things looked blackest, you did your best work. Remember the tafl game? You can do this.’

‘Hold on to that thought.’

Kara’s heart sank. Despite his earlier bravado, Ash was less certain about the outcome than he pretended. ‘Nothing will happen to you. I won’t allow it.’

‘It is right. Valdar has given me protection through this journey. He will provide it now. He is what you need, Kara. Someone steady.’

She shook her head. ‘No, you are wrong. I need you. Never forget that.’

‘I will do my best to remember it.’

* * *

Ash strode into the hall. Alone. His entire body ached with pain, but Kara was safe. His uncle’s men had beaten him and then taken him to the king.

In the centre of the room, his uncle stood next to the king, wearing a triumphant smile. The king appeared older than when he had left Sand, more careworn. Ash struggled to remember that this man had once been one of the greatest warriors that any of the North lands had seen.

‘You have returned, Ash Hringson,’ the king said. ‘Your uncle feared you might be reluctant.’

‘And far from willing by the look of him,’ his uncle sneered. ‘His cloak is torn and his face bruised. And where is the man who was sent to fetch you? Lying in some ditch?’

Ash inclined his head. ‘Valdar Nerison proved an adequate escort. However, he was injured in the fighting and rests. He gives his apologies.’

‘How did he come by the injuries?’ the king asked.

‘Be careful, my liege. My nephew was once a sell-sword. The lies spring readily to his lips,’ his uncle said.

‘We were attacked on the road from Jaarlshiem,’ Ash said evenly. His stomach clenched. He knew his uncle’s line of attack—how he could fight back.

‘Attacked in Raumerike?’ His uncle laughed. ‘Since when does that happen? Who attacked you?’

‘Your men,’ Ash answered.

‘Do you have proof?’ his uncle asked.

‘Do you have proof that my ship attacked yours, Uncle?’ Ash retorted, struggling to keep his temper.

‘I have my captain’s word. A man who has never sold his sword to the highest bidder. He is loyal to me because of my birth, not because of the amount of gold I pay him.’

‘Where is this captain?’ Ash demanded. ‘I would like to speak with him and learn more.’

‘Bring him here, Harald,’ the king said. ‘A man should face his accuser. We agreed on this. Ash is Hring the Bold’s son. I owe his late father that much.’

‘It can be arranged.’ His uncle snapped his fingers and the captain of the guard came closer. ‘This is my man and you all know him to speak the truth.’

‘Where is my oarsman?’

‘You needn’t worry. You two will share the same fate.’ The king inclined his head. ‘First I wish to hear more about this attack. Was Valdar Nerison there?’

‘Valdar is in love with my nephew’s wife. Perhaps there is another reason for his absence. Or perhaps she has addled his wits. Kara Olofdottar is very beguiling.’

Ash clenched his teeth. His uncle was better than he’d anticipated. He should have insisted on Valdar being there. One more mistake. Perhaps a fatal one. ‘When he arrives, he will vouch for my word.’

‘We will need physical proof.’

‘I have proof of whom my father fought.’

Ash looked around and saw Rurik standing in the doorway with Kara. His uncle’s men blocked her path. Valdar was nowhere to be seen, but Kara appeared furious. She shrugged off the restraining arm as Rurik darted forward. Ash saw with a smile that Rurik wore his sword.

‘And who are you?’ the king asked, nonplussed.

‘I am Rurik Ashson and I have brought the brooches of the men my father fought. A warrior should always have proof of whom he fought. My mother agreed with me when I reminded her. It is why we have come.’ Rurik placed them on the floor in front of the king. ‘My grandfather said that you were a fair man and would listen to me if I ever had a boon to ask. He said you would grant it because of the pledge you gave my grandfather at the battle where you won your crown. But it could only be one request. He said I could ask to be a warrior, but I have a different request. Listen to my father.’