‘Owls don’t screech in the daylight. And animals stay away from men on horseback.’

A strangled scream rent the air and the man fell with an arrow in his heart. Valdar immediately stiffened and dismounted from his horse. Two thralls came and caught the horse’s bridle.

‘Shall I investigate?’ Ash asked, clinging on to his temper. ‘Surely, man, you must see. Something is wrong. You need to protect my wife.’

Valdar drew his sword and picked up a light shield. His men formed a ring about Ash.

‘Not so fast, Hringson. You will not be allowed to escape.’

‘If I had wanted to make my escape, I would have hardly had my wife and child in your protection.’ Ash shook his head at Valdar’s arrogant stupidity. Even now, the other warrior did not see how he’d been manipulated. Ash wanted to kick himself for not thinking about the possibility. Kara should not be here. Kara should be back in Jaarlshiem where she’d be safe.

A host of men in full armour emerged from the woods and stood before them, brandishing their shields. Ash’s heart sank. They were outnumbered three to one and he had no confidence in Valdar or his men to fight their way out of a linen-cloth bag, let alone an ambush planned with this sort of precision.

‘Give us Ash Hringson,’ the leader who wore his uncle’s insignia on his left shoulder thundered. ‘Then we will allow you to pass in peace.’

‘The welcoming party?’ Ash asked in an undertone. ‘They are a bit far from Sand. Will you keep your promise and look after my family?’

‘I gave the king my pledge. I will not give you up to any other man.’ Valdar’s face became grim. ‘Your uncle had other plans which he failed to divulge. Nep was one of my best men.’

‘If you give me up, you may be unharmed,’ Ash said in an undertone, watching the man he dimly recognised as the captain of his uncle’s guard. ‘There again, my uncle might take the opportunity to rid himself of a troublesome neighbour.’

Valdar gave him a telling look. ‘And the heir to the estate he covets. We played straight into his hands. I’ve been a fool. The Lady Kara should never have travelled.’

‘He tricked us both. I hadn’t expected this move. I thought we’d be safe until Sand,’ Ash confessed. ‘I would have warned you otherwise. And I would never have put my wife and child in danger.’

Valdar raised his fist. ‘Then we fight! I promised to deliver you to the king and by Thor’s hammer that is what I will do.’

‘I’d be honoured.’

Ash’s heart raced. He wasn’t worried for himself, but for Kara and Rurik. Thankfully Kara appeared to have heeded his warning cry and stayed in the cart. ‘Do I get a weapon?’

‘None to spare. Stay to the back. There will be weapons soon enough.’ Valdar started to advance forward.

Ash hated how powerless he felt. All he had was his eating knife. He hated to be here at the back when he was needed up in the front. Every sinew of his being longed for the fight.

‘Ash!’ Kara’s frightened voice resounded from the cart.

‘Keep down, Kara!’

‘Rurik has a sword. You will need it more than he does.’

Silently he blessed her. He crossed over to the cart where Kara and Rurik huddled. Kara had her arms about Rurik and his son’s face was white. His hand closed about the light sword. It was far from the ideal weapon, but it would do.

He smiled at his son. ‘Will you allow me to use this?’

Rurik gave a hesitant nod. ‘I would be...I would be honoured, Far.’

‘Good lad. Stay there with your mother and look after her. Keep your head down. Wait until the battle has ended.’

Kara gestured towards the noise. ‘Go. Do what you have to do. Come back quickly. We...we will be waiting for you.’

Ash nodded. He drank in the picture of Kara and Rurik huddled together.

‘My luck will hold. It has done so far.’

‘You don’t need luck. You are a great warrior. Always remember that,’ Kara called back. The same words she had said when she saw him off on his ill-fated voyage. ‘I believe in you!’

His throat closed, stopping any more words.

He forced his feet to move. If he stayed, he would be no good to anyone.

When he reached the fighting, Valdar and his small group of men had managed to get his uncle’s men on their back feet. He was a far better warrior than Ash had remembered

‘Watch your back!’ Ash lunged forward and met the sword of his uncle’s captain before the sword hit Valdar from behind.