Valdar gave an unhappy nod. ‘I gave the king my word I’d bring you back. Your uncle doesn’t expect me to. He expected you to fight me. I see that now.’

‘My uncle never truly understood me. He underestimates me and that is his mistake.’

The pain receded in Ash’s head. He had done what he could. He had to hope that Kara would not take any crazy chances on the journey and that his uncle would not attack them as they neared the city.

* * *

‘I am to take Ash straight to the king’s dungeon when we arrive in Sand, but you may reside with me until the outcome of the case is known,’ Valdar said, bringing his horse alongside the cart where Kara and Rurik sat.

‘You are speaking to me again?’ Kara enquired lightly, resisting the temptation to roll her eyes at the patronising speech.

‘I’ve no quarrel with you, Lady Kara.’

‘My mistake.’ Kara eased a pillow behind her back and gave a half-turn in her seat, pleased of the distraction from the incessant jolting of the cart. Her hand sent Rurik’s sword tumbling to the floor of the cart. Immediately Rurik gave an anguished cry and picked it up again. That sword had been nothing but trouble since Valdar had given it to Rurik. ‘You have barely said two words to me since this journey started. Suddenly less than a day’s journey to Sand, you wish to talk.’

‘I want this settled between us. The king has no quarrel with you.’

‘He should have no quarrel with Ash either,’ Kara said, giving a warning look to Valdar as Rurik’s eyes slid shut and the sword threatened to fall out of his grasp again. ‘What good will that do? Humiliating him in that way? Ash gave you his word. You prevented his men from travelling. And he has done nothing wrong.’

Despite readily agreeing to her travelling with them, Valdar had not allowed Kara to take any of Ash’s men with her, arguing that it would look like an act of war. To Kara’s surprise, Ash had given way immediately. There appeared to be a newfound respect between the two, but neither said what had caused it.

Their journey to Sand had taken several days longer than when she had travelled the other way with Ash because Ash had insisted that she and Rurik travel in a covered cart.

‘Do this for me, Valdar. For what we once shared. Allow my husband some dignity.’

Valdar’s expression turned grave. ‘Kara, you do have feelings for this man.’

Kara concentrated. Were her feelings that plain? She had hoped by ignoring it, no one would know. The last thing she desired was pity. ‘I know how to keep my heart safe.’

‘I consider you a friend.’

‘You won’t say anything my husband.’

Valdar’s eyes danced. ‘My lips are entirely sealed. It will do him good.’ He nodded. ‘What do you think will happen when we reach Sand?’

‘I’ve no idea,’ she answered truthfully. ‘But I want to be where I can help.’

‘And how is having Rurik there going to help?’

Kara leant forward and smoothed a lock of hair off her sleeping son’s forehead. ‘His father adores him. Rurik will add weight to the argument.’

A sudden shout drowned out Valdar’s reply.

The cart jerked to a halt, throwing both Kara and Rurik to the floor.

‘Stay down, Kara.’ Ash’s voice rang out. ‘For the love of the gods, keep down.’

* * *

Every sinew in Ash’s body froze. He had expected the attack for the last few miles. The very air seemed to hold its breath. He had heard the rustling of human movement and had seen the shadowy figures in the woods.

Silently he cursed his folly of allowing Kara and Rurik to travel with him. Thankfully Valdar had chosen to ride near Kara’s cart.

‘What is going on, Hringson?’ Valdar thundered up on his horse. ‘Why have you stopped this column and panicked your wife? And why are you retreating?’

Ash nodded his head towards the woods. ‘I don’t like the way the shadows are moving. Send someone to investigate. I’m going to make sure my wife is safe.’

Valdar gave an impatient sigh and sent two of his men. ‘You are in Raumerike, not Viken. Your wife is fine. Your son was asleep. Our conversation was pleasant until you interrupted.’

‘Raumerike worries me in ways Viken never could.’

One of the men waved his arms.

‘You see—nothing.’ Valdar gave a smug smile. ‘You go and explain to Lady Kara. You face her wrath. Next time make sure you actually see men rather than—’