‘It won’t be that long. I’ve taken all the steps necessary. The king did give me permission to return to Jaarlshiem. Until my uncle chose his move, I couldn’t counter him.’ He forced a smile, but knew it wouldn’t fool her. ‘I am an excellent tafl player. You know that. I mean to win.’

Her eyes turned sad. ‘You should have said something when you first suspected.’

‘What could you have done?’ He put his hands on her shoulders. ‘I know what I am doing. It has been my life for the past six years. Let me prove to you that I am worthy.’

She shrugged off his hands and her eyes flashed. ‘You leave for Sand at first light. You won’t be here to put things right.’

‘Everyone is prepared.’ He struggled to understand her hurt. He knew what he was doing. He would return as soon as he could. ‘You’ll be safe here.’

‘Sometimes safety is an illusion. You showed me that with Rurik.’ She dipped her head and he could only see the crown of braids. ‘I thought Rurik was safe with Gudrun and look what happened.’

‘Like you, I’d give my life for our son.’

Her mouth became an O.

‘Valdar wanted me in chains, but I suspect he gave me the option for the sake of our son and you,’ Ash continued. ‘I suppose I should be grateful that he likes my son. It would not do for him to see his father escorted out in chains.’

‘Valdar isn’t like that. He is your friend.’ Her hand played with the chain on her waist. ‘It is why we first became close. He was able to tell Rurik stories about you.’

‘He was my friend once, but he fell in love with my wife. He’ll take pleasure in seeing me humiliated. It is why my uncle persuaded the king that he was the perfect man for the job. Why he wasn’t at court that morning. He is my uncle’s man now.’

‘Will your uncle win if no one pleads for you?’ Kara began to pace the hall. Her skirt swished, revealing her trim ankles, but Ash admired the steel in her backbone more.

‘My uncle will have put it about that I am a Viken spy.’

She stopped mid-stride. ‘Are you a spy?’

‘I was a sell-sword who fights in the open, not a spy who hides in the shadows. I certainly never betrayed my country. I never preyed on Raumerike ships and I would never do so.’

He waited, willing her to understand.

‘I believe you, my husband.’

Tension rushed from Ash’s shoulders. Kara believed him. She had claimed him. He gathered her in his arms. ‘It is a start.’

A tiny frown creased her forehead. ‘Can you prove it?’

‘Should it come to it, I believe I can. My men will vouch for me.’

‘Who would believe the word of a sell-sword? Everyone knows they will say anything for money.’ She stuffed her hand in her mouth. ‘That sounds dreadful, Ash. But you need others to support you. You can’t do this alone.’

‘My uncle will overreach. He needs a small push, but he will do it.’

‘Would you give up your man if it turns out your uncle is correct and your ship did attack?’

Ash considered Helgi. His oarsman was cautious to the point of inaction. He only attacked if he knew he had superior numbers. The ship had barely enough men to get upriver. Ash had made sure of it. They had not been the aggressors. He knew this in his gut. ‘It would go against Helgi the Short’s nature to attack.’

‘That isn’t what I asked! Would you be the one to strike him dead if he turns against you? The king is sure to ask you. Hesitating will only give credence to our enemies.’

He tilted his head. ‘Our? Since when did my enemies become yours? A man doesn’t abandon his friends or the men who trust him, Kara. Helgi did not do this.’

‘Not even to save himself?’

‘Especially not then. I’ll prove Helgi’s innocence and my own, as well.’

‘Attacking you through this ship means Rurik’s inheritance is in jeopardy. I can’t allow that to happen. Promise me you won’t put your friend above our son.’

A pang went through Ash. He wanted to be more important than Rurik. He shook his head in disbelief. When had he started to be jealous of his son? He wanted Kara to trust him.

‘I want the truth, Kara. If Helgi has disobeyed my direct orders, then I will be the one to draw a sword and strike his head from his shoulders. But a man should be deemed innocent until proven guilty. I will defend him until I have proof otherwise.’ He hoped Kara believed it. If he couldn’t convince Kara, what chance did he have of convincing the king?