Traitorous warmth curled deep within her as she remembered what it was like to lie in Ash’s arms and feel his mouth on hers. She banished it. Making love with Ash would cause more problems than it would solve. She wasn’t going to lose her heart again. She was not going to become that gullible girl who believed heroes really did exist.

Instantly she was awake, cursing herself for not insisting on her own men or at the very least a woman companion.

‘And you, where will you sleep?’ she asked, narrowing her eyes, searching for a loophole in Ash’s intentions.

‘With my men. I prefer to sleep outside these days.’ A dimple flashed in his cheek. ‘Unless you have a better idea... I await the invitation, my lady. If you feel so inclined, you must speak and save us both a cold and lonely night.’

‘I sleep alone.’

‘Some other time, then.’ He rubbed a hand across his chin. ‘I gave you my word. It should be enough.’

A hot tide flowed up Kara’s face. He had known what she was thinking. She hurriedly straightened her pinafore dress. ‘You used to enjoy your creature comforts. It surprises me that you give them up so readily.’

‘A roof over my head, a full belly and a halfway decent cloak.’ His lips curved up. ‘Yes, they are luxuries rather than necessities. I’ve done without them in the past and survived. Tonight will be no different unless someone takes pity on me.’

Kara put a hand on her hip. This teasing Ash she could handle. The other Ash when he was being kind or spoke about his experiences as a sell-sword, that Ash was a stranger. ‘You seek to mock me when I was only curious why you were so willing to give up basic comfort. I deserve better than that.’

He tapped a finger against his mouth before smiling. ‘Curious. A start, I suppose.’

Kara blinked. ‘A start?’

‘You have to care about something to be curious about it.’ He clasped his hand to his chest. ‘A tiny crumb of comfort from my lady as I lie on the cold ground.’

Her heart flipped to be called his lady. She hardened it as a memory clanged from years ago. ‘I know that trick from years ago. I am my own lady.’

‘Alone until you say differently.’ He sketched a bow and his eyes twinkled in the dusk. ‘I will be here when you wake, even if you should wake at noon.’

Kara tilted her head to one side. ‘And this morning’s little demonstration? The need to leave like the Valkyries were at our heels? What was that about? Showing Valdar you had claimed me?’

‘I like to know who my enemies are and how they will strike.’

‘Do you know them?’

‘Now I do.’

Kara walked with as much dignity as she could muster to the hut. Inside her something ached. The new Ash was every bit as dangerous to her heart as the old one had been.

Ash struck a spark and lit a reed, holding it above his head. The light threw shadows over the nearly bare hut.

‘The roof appears solid enough to keep the damp off for the night. And no large animal appears to be making this its home.’ He gestured towards an old pile of leaves. ‘I regret I can’t do better for a bed, but it is better than falling asleep in the saddle and getting hurt.’

‘You needn’t make any concession for me.’

He laughed. ‘You’re beautiful when you are angry. So fiery and full of passion. But I like my women rested.’

‘Stop trying to change the subject.’ Kara concentrated on the makeshift bedding. ‘I don’t belong to you. I never have. We might be married, but I am no slave to do your bidding.’

He came over to her and laid his hand on her shoulder. ‘I can only apologise for the boy I used to be. I should have waited until the spring to leave. I was wrong and I paid a high price.’

Something melted inside Kara. His eyes in the dim light had become pools she could drown in. She wanted to lean her head against his shoulder and draw strength. There were far too many reasons why that would be a bad idea.

Memories assaulted Kara’s brain. Thousands of images of Ash being kind that she had deliberately forgotten. She shook her brain to rid it of them. What was in the past had to stay there.

She curled her fist. She refused to go back to being the girl who expected her hero to solve all her problems. She didn’t require a hero. She required someone who would pull his weight. ‘All that is in the past.’

‘That is the trouble. Lie to yourself if you must, but don’t expect me to believe it. I can always tell when you are lying, Kara.’