‘No ghost walking. I am real, Hildi, the mother of warriors and a pearl amongst women.’ Ash named her three sons who had sailed with him and all of whom had perished. ‘I have come to give you the tribute for the lives of your valiant sons. All three sup with Odin. Feel my hand. I am real.’

She poked him with a bony finger. ‘Bah. Your tongue still runs with silver, Ash Hringson. Let’s hope there is some truth in your words this time. Alive and not drowned. This is indeed something new.’

‘I survived, but know I will atone for their deaths. I give my promise, Hildi, as I once promised all those who followed me.’ He looked into Hildi’s eyes. ‘Your sons now reside in Valhalla, instead of sharing the deep with Ran. What more could you ask for?’

‘That I never doubted.’ The woman barked an order and came out from behind the market stall.

Slightly more bent and a few more wrinkles, but essentially the same woman who had wept when she waved her boys goodbye. Her three sons had gone on the journey so that their mother would not have to work at the market, selling fish. Ash bowed his head.

The familiar tang of regret filled his throat. He’d lost count of how many times he’d wished that it had been he who had died rather than worthier men like Hildi’s sons. Silently he added more to the amount he owed her. It wouldn’t bring her sons back, but it would make her life easier.

‘The king remains the same?’ he asked when he trusted his voice.

‘Aye, King Eystienn clings to the throne. His eyesight fails and his sword arm is not as strong as it once was, but his mind is as sharp as ever. It remains to be seen if he dies in his bed or with a sword in his hand.’

‘He should be the first to hear the tale before I pay the tribute. I want no one to question. Does he sit or hunt today?’

She gave him a curious glance and cackled. ‘Neither. Today he attends the wedding.’


The elderly woman looked over her shoulder and tightened the shawl about her shoulders. ‘Your wife’s. She is marrying again with the entire court in attendance.’

‘Kara Olofdottar remains my wife.’ Ash squared his jaw. ‘There has been no divorce. There will be no divorce. She is mine. What is mine stays mine. My father’s motto and therefore mine.’

‘Then you had best claim her, Ash Hringson.’ The old lady paused and gave a toothless smile. ‘Before someone else does. Next time, return sooner if you wish to keep the things which are rightfully yours.’

* * *

A prickle of unease coursed down Kara Olofdottar’s back. She wished she hadn’t given in to Valdar’s plea to marry at Sand with everyone watching their solemn oaths before Var’s high priest. Life would have been much simpler if they had married at Jaarlshiem beneath the spreading branches of the tuntreet as she’d suggested. She’d grown to love that old tree, the gnarled guardian of the estate who kept everything safe and prosperous.

Following the example of her late father-in-law, Kara told the tree all the news. Always. And thereby ensured that her undertakings benefited the estate. Her late husband had failed to tell the tree he was leaving on his ill-fated expedition and he’d also failed to return. She liked to think it made a difference.

She understood why Valdar wanted this very public declaration, but she hated crowds, always had done.

‘Are you all right, Kara?’ Auda, one of her closest friends, asked, giving her a searching look. They had met when Auda had first come to court, shortly after Ash had left on his ill-fated journey. Auda’s eldest was about the same age as Kara’s son. And her husband had died of a fever last spring shortly after Kara’s father-in-law’s funeral. ‘You appear lost in your own world. Still thinking about the horse my uncle forced you to examine when you arrived? It will recover. Horses always seem to after you have examined them. You have the knack.’

‘I’m merely about to get married in front of what feels like the entire kingdom.’ Kara smoothed her blonde hair back from her shoulder. It had been so long since she’d worn it loose that she’d forgotten what a nuisance it could be, constantly tangling and blowing in her mouth.

‘Everyone is interested in the beautiful widow from Jaarlshiem and what happens to her. It gives me hope that some day I’ll find another man.’ Auda clicked her fingers. ‘You and your bridal finery will keep the tongues wagging until it is Jul-time. No one will speak against this marriage or say that it was not done properly, if that is what you are worried about.’