She knew the heartbreak that came from loving a man who just went. Ash had broken her heart once. She refused to allow him the chance to do it a second time. She wanted a man who would share the burden of running the estate, rather than adding to that burden.

‘Loyalty which lasts as long as the gold in your pocket,’ she whispered. ‘That is what hiring a sell-sword buys—temporary loyalty.’

‘Nobody truly buys a warrior. Ultimately a warrior fights because he wants to fight for a particular leader. My men trust me because I’m tried in battle, pay an honest wage and pick my fights.’

‘And some don’t.’

‘It rarely happens twice.’ Ash’s face hardened to a furious stone mask. ‘Cheats and cowards tend to end their days with a knife in their back if they’re lucky. Slow torture if they aren’t. I can’t abide such men. Death is far too good for them.’

A cold prickle crept down Kara’s back. Ash had encountered someone like that. Had he been the one to plunge in the knife and buy his freedom that way? Did she want to know how many people he’d killed? Her mother used to say that the reason why her father had changed was that a man lost a little of himself with each man he slew. Kara wasn’t sure if it was true, but the Ash who stood before her was very different from the boy who had left. Had he become empty in the same way her father had been in his final years?

‘Have you fought many battles?’ she asked, putting the thought from her mind.

‘Enough to know that, given the choice, I never want to fight another one. I only fight when forced to these days. Luckily my reputation is such that few dare cross me.’ He made a bow. ‘My days of fighting for someone else have vanished.’

‘What do you want?’ she whispered, fingering her throat.

‘My needs are simple tonight—a warm fire and food in my belly. Tomorrow will take care of itself.’

‘Where did you fight your battles?’ Kara asked carefully. ‘Did you kill many men?’

‘Twenty-one major battles, my lady, your lord has fought,’ one of Ash’s men called out. ‘The little skirmishes are not worth the sweat it takes to fight them. But they reckon your man has over thirty victories to his credit. It is what they whispered when I signed with him. They reckon he is luckier than most.’

‘And who told you that?’

‘Your husband, just after he killed the robber who tried to lift my purse.’

Kara’s heart beat faster. ‘It doesn’t surprise me. Ash always did enjoy playing the hero.’

‘Not just playing, my lady. He’s the genuine article. The sea water flows in his veins. The way he can handle a ship and time his raids—nothing short of perfection. He lives for the battle.’

‘Thank you, Saxi.’ Ash gave a bow, but his features had hardened to an impenetrable mask which reminded her of Hring in one of his tempers. ‘It is good to know my men think highly of me.’

‘You are like your father.’

‘I’m his son.’

Kara put her hand on his sleeve. ‘And were you a hero? Did you turn the tide of battle every time as you always claimed you would?’

His blue eyes assessed her. ‘A young man’s claims are not worth the spit it takes to say them. Odin harvests the bravest from the battle. I returned. It should tell you much.’

Somewhere in the woods an owl hooted, swiftly followed by another. All about her, the men instantly became alert, fingering their weapons. Kara narrowed her gaze. A natural reaction of mercenaries, or was there something else?

‘The tawny owls call to their mates,’ she commented, seeking to defuse the tension. ‘A true sound of autumn, hardly a call to battle.’

Ash gestured towards the hut with an impatient hand. ‘Do you walk in or do I carry you?’

‘And your men? Where will they sleep? The hut appears scarce big enough for all of us.’

‘They are used to the cold ground. We have no enemies here. And the rain has cleared. There is no need for them to sleep in the hut. You needn’t worry. Guards will be posted.’

The men agreed with Ash.

‘There haven’t been any bandit attacks recently. The king keeps a good peace.’

‘Did I say I was worried about such a thing?’ Ash retorted. ‘It is always important to take precautions. Now sleep so this journey does not take several days longer than it should. We stop every time you fall off your horse.’

At Ash’s indulgent expression, the back of her neck prickled. Did he have alternative plans? What is mine stays mine. Did he mean her? Seduction with his men camped around the hut? Was he going to ensure they stayed married?