The silence stretched between them. Kara pressed her hands together and concentrated on the dying embers in the hearth. He had to agree.

‘Made under false pretences and a bad bargain, but I gave my word,’ Ash said. Each word seemed to drive another nail into their relationship. ‘You have your time to decide about our marriage. But my son is my blood. I won’t give away my blood, not even to you.’

‘You know nothing about him.’

‘I want to learn. I will learn everything.’ He slammed his fists together. ‘I leave in the morning for Jaarlshiem. Everything else will wait. I will claim my blood.’

Kara stared at him, not bothering to hide her astonishment. He wanted to meet Rurik and learn about him. What would he think of their son? Her child with his skinny long legs and lopsided smile? His inability to throw a stick? Or run very fast? She bit her lip. She wanted Ash to love him and be proud of him, not see him as a weakling who should have been exposed at birth as Harald Haraldson had proclaimed at the funeral.

‘You plan to leave in the morning? But surely the king and his council...’ Her voice trailed away at his incredulous look.

‘The king will understand. A man wants to see his son for the first time. Some things override politics.’

‘And the enquiry?’

‘Will have to be delayed.’ He put a hand on her shoulder. ‘My uncle has no power in this matter. He seeks to bluster and muddy the waters. The king knows whose son I am and the debt he owed my father.’

‘And if the king disagrees?’

‘Then he is unworthy to be called king.’ He turned on his heel. ‘I leave in the morning after I have pledged my loyalty to an honourable man. I know the way back to Jaarlshiem. I could walk it in my sleep.’

‘And me?’ Kara put her hand on her hip. She would be there when he met Rurik to make sure he saw Rurik’s potential, rather than his shortcomings.

‘Your choice, but if you come, you come alone.’ He looked at her, slowly travelling from the top of her head to the bottom of her gown. ‘Valdar is unwelcome. I meet my son without interference.’

Kara swallowed hard. She had not even considered asking Valdar to accompany her. Too many complications. She’d inadvertently hurt him and she refused to use him. ‘I doubt he’d want to come. He has duties at court. They come before everything.’

Ash stepped forward. His hand caught a strand of her hair and ran it between his fingers before gently tugging. She took a step towards him. ‘You underestimate your charms. You always did.’

‘Our memories differ.’ Her voice sounded far too breathless. Her entire body tingled with awareness of him. She swallowed hard and tried again. ‘I mean, I’ve a good idea of my charms. My face and figure are not my fortune. My fortune lies in the trees and land I brought with me as my dowry.’

‘Pardon me if I disagree with you.’

He lowered his mouth to hers and brushed her lips. The feather-light touch pulsed warmth through her. It asked, rather than demanded. For one brief instant her body melted against him, felt the hard planes of his muscles.

His hands instantly fell away, letting her go.

‘You see. Still the same, Kara. You delight in provocation.’

She stumbled backwards, hitting the table. Her body thrummed but Ash couldn’t know that. She had to play it cool and collected. She put out a hand and steadied herself. Lifted her chin. ‘A kiss changes nothing, Ash.’

‘You are wrong, Kara. It changes everything.’ He caught her chin between his forefinger and thumb. Her breath caught in her throat. Was he going to kiss her again? More thoroughly?

‘Unhand me.’

He released her instantly. She rubbed her aching lips, silently cursing her body’s attraction to him. She could do this. She could withstand his charm until she decided if he was the right sort of man for her. This time she would listen to her head, rather than allowing passion and romance to overcome her sensibility.

‘I’ve no wish for Rurik to meet you without me being present.’ She pointed to the door. ‘If you leave without me, I will catch you up before the sun fades from the horizon.’

He lifted his brow. ‘How swift is your horse?’

At his incredulous expression she rolled her eyes. ‘Swift enough. You know I can ride. Valdar and I planned to return to Jaarlshiem after the feast. He wanted to make sure everything was in readiness for the winter.’

‘How romantic. Your honeymoon spent on the estate. Were you going to count your trees? Or the amount of grain you harvested?’