Kara straightened her back and stared directly ahead, ignoring the pulse of warmth. She was not a plum, ripe for the plucking and bedding, simply because Ash had deigned to return after seven years and desired a warm body.

She turned and saw Valdar staring at her and Ash. Heat stained her cheeks. Ash’s gesture had been one of possession, rather than casual regard or desire.

She stood up.

Ash immediately stopped his conversation in mid-quip and caught her hand. ‘A problem?’

‘Time for me to retire,’ she said, her throat tightening.

‘Here, Valdar has finally arrived. He failed to follow directly. Odd, that.’ He nodded towards where her former betrothed stood, gently swaying. His bridal finery was now rumpled and his jaw slack.

Kara turned her face away, trying to remember if she had ever seen Valdar drunk.

Ash put an arm about her shoulders. ‘But if you are ready to go, who am I to deny you?’

She pulled away. ‘That has nothing to do with anything. I have had a long day. Exhaustion hits the best of us.’

‘And we are anticipating an even longer night!’ one of Ash’s former drinking companions called out from further down the table.

‘You speak to my wife. Keep a civil tongue in your head.’ Ash glowered at the man. ‘Apologise.’

The man gulped. ‘I apologise, my lady. The beer has made my tongue loose.’

Ash stood and put a possessive hand in the middle of her back. ‘You’re right, lady wife. The hour grows late. I accept your plea. Time we both retired.’

‘Please don’t feel you must,’ Kara said in a hurried undertone. ‘I can see myself home. Your many admirers are here, wanting to speak with you and hear about your adventures. The celebrations are poised to continue until the cock crows in the morning.’

His eyes became hooded. ‘Why should I want to be parted from you, my loyal wife?’

She moved and his hand fell away. The tiny touch burned its way up her arm. Ash was up to his old tricks—saying things and allowing her to interpret them in a specific fashion when he meant entirely the opposite thing. ‘Teasing fails to become you. I’m not in the mood and I am serious. People expect the full story. You only gave the briefest hint of your adventures. Do you wish for people to feel cheated?’

He reached down and rubbed the side of his leg. ‘The feast grows wearisome for me as well as you. The telling of tales means reliving my experiences. The words are stuck in my throat. Tomorrow when I have found better words, I will tell them. Today has unfolded in a different fashion than I had thought it would.’

Kara noticed the tired circles under his eyes and the faint pinching around his mouth. It reminded her of when Rurik protested at having a nap, but was about to fall asleep on his feet. She was being hard on Ash. She had been so caught up in her own discomfort that she hadn’t seen the toll the day’s events had taken on him. ‘Today was a different day than either of us planned. In the morning...’

‘The morning will look after itself. Right now, let me look after you.’

Her breath caught in her throat. Once she had longed to hear those words from Ash, but now she knew they were meaningless phrases. The only person Ash looked after was himself. ‘No need. I am capable.’

‘Every need. You are my wife.’ He cleared his throat and stared straight at Valdar. Valdar glowered back. ‘I must leave you all. My lady wife begs for bed.’

His voice echoed about the hall.

There was a great stamping of feet and a fresh round of laughter. ‘A kiss! A kiss! A kiss! We want a kiss!’

Kara froze. Not here. Ash was just proving a point to Valdar.

His eyes turned speculative, then he shook his head.

‘I do my wooing in private. Haven’t you seen enough for one day? Find your own women.’ He glared directly at Valdar. ‘This one is taken.’

He ushered her out of the hall into the cool night air, putting his hand firmly on the small of her back. The shouts and ribald jests followed them into the dark night. A large yellow moon hung in the sky, giving a real glow to the street. The sounds of the feast filtered out.

‘Thank you.’

‘For what? For not kissing you?’ He rubbed the back of his thumb along her mouth, making it ache. ‘I told the truth, Kara. I’ve no need to kiss you in public. I’m willing to wait, knowing what the prize is.’

Easy words. She had made the mistake before of believing such things. It was deeds which counted, not words. Deeds lasted. Words faded as soon as they were uttered.