‘This has happened before?’

‘Enough times. I injured the leg many years ago. It is when I sit in one position for a long time that it locks and aches, Loki take it.’

‘Have you seen a healer about it?’

‘What can a healer do?’

Her brows puckered delightfully. ‘There are things...’

‘Maybe my favourite healer wasn’t around.’ He leant forward. ‘You can have a look later.’

‘You are being impossible, Ash. But I will hold you to it. I want to see that leg.’

Ash absently rubbed it. ‘Some time. Not now.’

She cocked her head towards Rurik. ‘Your son wants to show you Jaarlshiem.’

‘You don’t mind?’

‘He has waited a long time to meet you. Now go. I have other things to do.’ Her full lips curved upwards. ‘And I do promise to rest, once I have satisfied myself that everything is how it should be.’

‘I expect you to rest whether everything is to your satisfaction or not.’

Ash shook his head. He had done something right for a change. He was going to figure out a way to get Kara back into his bed and into the marriage. It would be like he had never left. It would be as he had planned back in Viken—his wife and his family waiting for him. He could have everything.

‘Come, Far.’ Rurik slipped his hand into Ash’s. ‘You need to see what Mor and I have done to your estate.’

Ash’s fingers tightened around the slender hand. Far. He had never expected to be called that ever. Not truly. Silently he vowed to be more worthy of that name than his father had been. He would ensure Rurik grew up with the proper guidance, rather than being continually challenged to prove his worth.

He looked over to where Kara stood discussing something with one of her women. A gentle breeze caused a strand of hair to work itself free. With her slender fingers, she captured it and put it firmly back into place. The very picture of the perfect mother and homemaker.

He owed her so much. She had made his estate prosper, but more importantly she’d given him a son. Words were inadequate. He knew that she only had to ask and he’d do his best to get anything for her.


Ash checked his words, swallowing them. Rash statements had led to his current predicament. The one thing she was likely to ask for was the only thing he refused to do—allow her to go. This time he would take his time.

It came to him. This was not about getting her into his bed as he’d thought back in Sand, but having her in his life. He wanted her as his wife and the mother of his children, not some mythical person, but Kara. He wanted to share his life with her. And it scared him more than when he had lain amongst the corpses. To allow someone to have that sort of power over him.

Why was it that he only appreciated things when he had lost them?

Patience. It had served him well when he’d looked to regain his honour. He had to wait when every instinct in his body told him to act. He couldn’t. His entire future was at stake and he knew he wanted this far more than anything else.

‘Help me to make the right choice, Kara,’ he whispered. ‘Before either of us does something irrevocable.’

Chapter Nine

The shouting alerted Kara that something dreadful was wrong. She had just finished inspecting the kitchens and was about to go to the bath house. Anything to avoid checking up on Ash and Rurik. She owed him that much for saving her boy. What could go wrong with a simple tour? But now she could hear his voice shouting across the yard.

She picked up her skirts and ran to the graveyard where she was certain the noise had come from. Rurik stood alone outside the family crypt, weeping.

Kara wrapped her arms about her son. ‘Is something wrong? Where is Ash? Where is your father?’

‘My father...’ Rurik gave a convulsive shudder and broke into fresh sobs. ‘I only wanted to show him where his gravestone was and he started shouting at me. Make him go away. I don’t want him here. Far-far said that he was always disappointed in him and that I had to be a better warrior because of it.’

‘When did he say that?’

Rurik scrubbed his eyes with the back of his hand. ‘Once when we were out here.’

‘Did you say something to your father?’

‘He didn’t want to see the gravestone Far-far had carved for him! Then he shouted at me because I told him he had to.’

‘Go and see Thora. I was just in the kitchen and she might have a treat for you.’ Kara motioned towards the kitchen. She had to hope that Ash hadn’t heard Rurik’s words. She knew how much Ash wanted his father to be proud of him.