‘Have you been waiting for me?’ His voice rasped in her ear. ‘Have you missed me? Are you ready for me?’

She drew her arm tighter about his neck and her body arched towards him, aching and ready. She wanted this. She wanted this joining.

‘Never leave me, Ash,’ she whispered against his lips. ‘Stay. Stay with me this time. Promise me.’

But he was already fading into nothingness. Gone when she needed him the most. Leaving her empty and aching.

Chapter Seven

Kara woke with a start. Her body throbbed from her dream. Sweat drenched her skin. The dream had been so vivid and real, one which she had not had in a long time. Years ago, she used to have erotic dreams about Ash, but all that had stopped after she gave birth to Rurik, after Hring had explained the truth about why Ash had married her and how little he really thought of her.

Yes, she was attracted to him, but attraction wasn’t enough. Not this time. She’d grown up and knew there was more to a marriage than a meeting of bodies at night.

Seven years ago she had found every excuse for his behaviour, believing he did care for her and his words were more than pretty phrases. After Rurik’s birth, Hring had paraded Ash’s discarded women in front of her. Each had confirmed Hring’s words. In the end she had felt dirty and used in a way she’d never considered before.

Her idol had turned out to be base metal rather than gold. And she’d sworn no man would ever have that sort of power over her again.

Kara hugged her knees to her chest. Hring’s sole purpose had been to punish her for defying him over Rurik. He had raged that Ash never cared about children or people and that he would never accept a weakling as a son.

Having met Ash again and seeing how much he wanted to meet Rurik, she had to wonder if Hring had twisted things. It would not be the first time. Deeds, not words.

Ash had left before and he would leave again. She should never forget that. What was it that his man had said—sea water ran in his veins? How long until the sea and the lure of raiding called him again? That was real, not whispers on the wind.

She could not count on Ash to be there when she needed him, for anything. She learnt from her mistakes.

She turned her head and saw that someone had placed a piece of hard bread and cheese beside her head. Whoever it was had also put an additional cloak over her. She moved her arm and a rich spicy scent enveloped her.

Ash. Who else? A lump formed in her throat at the thoughtful gesture.

After taking several mouthfuls of food, she wrapped the additional cloak tighter about her and tried to get her body to relax. The faint scent of expensive spice tickled her nostrils and she worried about the dream returning. Or, worse still, starting to believe the little gestures meant something more.

The hut remained cloaked in darkness. She stared up into the blackness and started to make lists of all the things which she’d have to do once they reached Jaarlshiem. Mundane practical things like seeing to the wool carding, making sure the apples were properly stored and the livestock had enough food for winter. Tedious tasks, but ones which made the estate prosper.

If she kept her mind on the real practical things, she wouldn’t start believing in fantasy again.

Once they had returned to Jaarlshiem, it would be easier. She would be in familiar surroundings. Rurik would be there to distract her if she found herself at a loose end. There was rarely time to breathe, let alone dream.

She straightened her clothes and strode over to the door, pushing it open. The drizzle of yesterday evening had given way to a clear autumn sky. The last few stars hung in the rapidly greying sky. Her breath plumed in the very early morning light.

The sell-swords slept in the cold half-light. Indistinguishable lumps. The campsite was at peace. No one had even bothered to post a guard, despite Ash’s earlier words. Kara rolled her eyes.

A movement made her turn and she saw Ash returning, obviously having been for a swim. Droplets of water fell from his hair, turning his tunic translucent. Kara shook her head, trying to get the last remnants of her dream from her brain.

He hurried over to her. Up close, he was even more intoxicating. A single drop of water hung in the hollow of his throat. Her fingers itched to capture it.

‘If I had known you were awake, I would have asked you to join me.’

‘To join you?’

‘In the lake. Bathing. All is quiet. I’ve taken the last guard duty of the night along with Saxi.’
