I scoffed. "You don't have a safety rope, I'm not trustin' you with me life right now... You're actually fucked if you fall because you're not havin' my rope and I'm not brave enjoy to try and save you up here."

I yelped when he smacked my arse.

"Cut the yapping and climb."

Bossy bastard.

"Okay, okay," I breathed.

I looked up and reached for a holder but missed it. I didn't fall back, but I did get a little unsteady.

"Bend your knee and place your foot on the blue foot chip then push off from that and reach the purple jug directly above you. You can hoist yourself up easily from that."

Foot clip?


"I don't fuckin' know what you're talkin' about! What is a jug clip?"

Dominic burst into laughter and it really wasn't helping me.

"Do you mean the holder things sticking out of the wall? I don't care what the real names are, I'm callin' them holders because I'm holdin' onto them for dear life."

I think Dominic pressed his face into my face because I felt his breath through tank top.

"What are you doin'?" I asked.

"I want to kiss you so bad, I hate that you're being so cute and out of my reach."

I needed to get off this bloody wall and he wanted to kiss me.

His priorities were messed up.

I blocked out Dominic’s touch and bent my knee like he told me to and placed my foot on a blue little holder then reached up and grabbed the big purple holder and pulled myself up.

"Good girl, keep moving."

I did just that.

My arms were tired and my legs hurt like crazy but I kept climbing and after five or so minutes I reached the top.

"I did it. Dominic I'm the top!" I squealed in delight.

Dominic climbed up to my right side and smiled as he leaned in and kissed me.

"Told you that you could do it."

I was chuffed with myself.

Dominic reached into his back pocket and took out his phone he pointed it at me.


I did as asked and smiled a big cheesy smile.

Dominic chuckled then flipped the camera on his screen and moved his head next to mine. He held his phone out in front of us and I automatically turned my head and kissed Dominic's right cheek dimple as he smiled.

He laughed then turned his head and kissed me, taking a picture of that too. We took more just smiling before he put his phone away.

"Why so many pictures?" I asked.

He shrugged. "No reason."

I eyed him but the thought of my present and looked around the top of the wall. I spotted a pink box sitting on top of a large holder so I climb my way over to it, grabbed it, put it in my mouth then side climbed back over to Dominic.

"I found it," I said around the box.

Dominic grinned. "You going to open it now or when we're on the ground?"

"Hold on my harness so I don't fall and I'll do it now."

Dominic got a good hold of my holder with his right hand then with his left hand he held tightly onto my harness.

"I've got you."

I trusted him completely so I let go of the wall and with both hands I opened the pink box. I stared at a little black book that had Bronagh in purple engraved over the front of it. I took the book out of the box and placed the box on a holder.

I examined the book and then opened it.

The wind was knocked out of me when I read the title page.

100 reasons why I love you.

"Dominic," I said and instantly started crying.

Dominic chuckled and pulled me into him. "Stop crying you big baby."

I sobbed as I turned the page and read every one of the reasons why he loved me.

1: I love you because your smile because makes my day better.

2: I love you because your laugh gives me butterflies (Yeah, guys get them).

3: I love you because your personality is awesome.

4: I love you because you possess the sexiest phatest ass known to man.

5: I love you because you let me touch your ass in public and do filthy things to it in private.

6: I love you because you have sex with me.

7: I love you because you give me blow jobs without my having to ask.

8: I love you because you're up for anything sexually. (GODDESS!!)

9: I love you because you can cook.

10: I love you because you have a wonderful caring nature.

11: I love you because you have brains. (My little Einstein.)

12: I love you because your humour is on point.

13: I love you because you have a temper (Yeah, I love it.)

14: I love you because you get jealous (It's hot.)

15: I love you because you're kind.

16: I love you because you're selfless.

17: I love you because you give me a blow job every day when you're on your period so I don't get upset.

18: I love you because you're honest.

19: I love you because you're blunt.

20: I love you because you cuss like a sailor.

21: I love you because you love me.

22: I love you because you don't get mad when I play on my Xbox for hours at a time.

23: I love you because you love my family.

24: I love you because you make me laugh.

25: I love you because you stand by me no matter what.

26: I love you because you trust in me.

27: I love you because you hold onto me so tightly when we sleep.

28: I love you because you talk in your sleep and say the weirdest shit.

29: I love you because you don't know how stunningly beautiful you are.

30: I love you because you willingly want to date me.

31: I love you because you don't mind that I fight.

32: I love you because you like watching me train.

33: I love you because you will try anything once.

34: I love you because you love pizza as much as I do.

35: I love you because you always find a way to wow me.

36: I love you because your body is a wonderland.