I sighed and looked at Dominic. The level of smugness on that lad's face was unreal. He thought he was so bloody cool beating a girl at a game.

"Pussy," I mumbled.

"What was that?" Dominic asked.

"I called you a pussy. A p-u-s-s-y. Pussy."

Dominic's jaw dropped. "How am I a pussy?"

I shrugged. "Your smugness is annoyin' me, you think you're all that and packet of Tayto crisps 'cause you're winnin' me at bowlin’. Let's go home and play chess, I'd fuckin' destroy you at chess."

Dominic pretended to be scared. "Not chess, anything but chess."

"You know what? I'm not dealin' with your sarcastic self today; it's my birthday bitch, I'm twenty-one. It's my day, not yours so screw you."

I would have loved if my hair were down so I could flip it, it was a perfect fuck you hair-flip moment.

"Ohhh, this really is an ‘it's my birthday and I'll cry if I want to’ type of day you're havin'. I'll take you in a mood with me over crying though."

I reached forward and shoved Dominic in the chest.

"I can't help it if I'm soft hearted and cry easily, okay? If I were hard-hearted, I would have never dated your stupid Yank arse."

Dominic smirked. "You aren't insulting me."

Damn it.

"I'm never comin' here with you again, I hope you know that."

Dominic shrugged. "I won't be bringin' you back here again; you suck even worse than Branna does, and she is a complete girl when it comes to sports."

Okay, that does it; I wasn't talking to him.

I gave him the finger then sat down and folded my arms across my chest. Dominic snorted then went and bowled another bloody strike. This continued for the rest of the stupid game. Dominic got a strike, spare or knocked a lot of the pins down. I, on the other hand, knocked down three or four pins during each turn. Five if I was lucky.

Dominic was right.

I sucked.

I wasn't admitting that out loud to the bastard though.

"Grumpy gills, it's your final turn."

I grumbled as I stood up. "Your score is one hundred and three, my is twenty-three... I think we both know you've won."

Dominic smirked. "Just go bowl your final turn."

I did, but I did it with an attitude.

I was about to throw my ball when a woman my age appeared next to me. She was a little taller than me with white blonde hip length hair and big blue eyes.

She was very pretty.

"Hey, I'm Jo."

I smiled. "Bronagh."

"I hope you don't mine me sayin', but you're doin' that all wrong. I couldn't help but notice your game, and since your brother won't help you, I will."

My brother.

She thought Dominic was my brother?

I mentally rolled my eyes, this happened so bloody often to me.

I got it; Dominic was incredibly hot, and I was the homely girlfriend who fit better as his sibling rather his partner.


I decided to humour the girl because I needed all the help I could get. I looked over my shoulder to Dominic and smiled.

"Jo here is goin' to help me with me form because you, dear brother, won't."

I could see the amusement on Dominic's face as he waved me on.

I turned back to Jo and said, "Teach me, wise one."

Jo smiled and moved behind me; she reached forward and touched my hand then placed her left hand on my hip to steady me or something.

"Okay keep your body straight, draw your arm back and swing but no so hard that you knock off balance. I've watched you, and you move your whole body forward when you throw the ball. You only move your throwing arm; you keep the rest of your body straight."


That explains why messed up so bad on my first two attempts at throwing the ball.

"Okay, so pull back... and forward... and release."

I did as Jo said, and I felt as though the entire bowling alley was watching the ball zoom down the lane.

I jumped up and down when the machine voice shouted, "STRIKE!"

I got a strike.

I fucking got one.

"Yes!" I screamed and instantly turned and hugged Jo, who hugged me back and jumped up and down with me.

I pulled back to thank her, and the weirdest thing happened.

She kissed me.

She. Kissed. Me.

"You're welcome, enjoy the rest of your game." Jo beamed the turned and walked off like she didn't just kiss me on the mouth.

I blinked a couple of times thenturned back to Dominic with my mouth open and found him laughing his head off with his phone pointed in my direction.

Was that motherfucker recording me?

"Delete it!" I growled and whipped my mouth.

Dominic quickly tapped on the screen of his phone then jumped up. "Too late. My brothers, your sister, and Alannah have now seen you get hit on and kissed by a girl."

I was red with embarrassment.

"You bastard, why would you do that?"

"Because that was the funniest shit I've ever seen in my entire life. That girl looked at your ass more than she did your face; she was literally eye fucking it."

Would the mortification ever stop?

"I'm leavin'!"

Dominic jumped up and put his arms around my body as stopped me from walking away.

"The game isn't over yet."


"I've played enough bowlin' to last me a lifetime."

"What about your present though?"

Oh, that bastard.

"I've done what you asked; I played the game... where is it?"

Dominic chuckled. "Um... it's down the end of our lane."

Come again?

"Excuse me?"

"I made you work for your other presents, what's different about this one?"

I groaned in annoyance.

"What happened to just handin' someone a present and sayin' here you go, happy birthday."

"That's boring."

I rolled my eyes. "That's one thing you aren't... this day has exhausted me, and it's only after five. What you think is excitin' is not my idea of excitin'."

Dominic sighed. "Just go get your present, I promise this one will be the most-exciting part of your day."


"I've to walk down the lane? Will I not get in trouble?"

Dominic laughed. "No, who will say something to you?"

"Uh, the staff."

"Ryder came and put the present down the end of our lane; he told them what was going down."