Dominic helped me out of my harnesses then lightly tapped my behind.

"To get some food."


"I'm in me gym clothes, I'm not dressed to go out for food."

Dominic winked. "I've a change of clothes for you in my car, Branna packed them for me when you were sleeping this morning."


"Oh, okay, where are we goin'?"

Dominic smirked. "Wait and see."

"Why are we in Phoenix Park? Are you takin' me to the zoo?" I gasped.

Dominic snorted. "And listen to you complain about all the children in your way of the penguins? No thanks."

I scoffed. "That was one time-"

"It happens every time we go to the zoo."

I folded my arms across my chest. "They purposively stand in the way of adults. It annoys me."

Dominic shook his head as he laughed. "A lot of things annoy you."


Dominic didn't reply he only mumbled to himself and continued to lead me somewhere in Phoenix Park by the hand. I followed him mutely but looked down to my bag when my phone rang. I reached into it with my free hand and answered the phone before I put it to my ear.


"Happy birthday!"

I smiled. "Thanks, Gav."

Dominic's hand tightened its hold on me and it made me roll my eyes.

His childlike grudge against Gavin was still as strong as when we were eighteen and in school. It was a very painful headache to deal with.

"Where are you? I have a card and present to give you."

I smiled.

"Awe, thank you! You didn't have to get me anythin'."

Gavin chuckled. "I know but I wanted too, it's your twenty-first after all!"

Every time someone said that all I could think was I only have another nine years until I celebrate my thirtieth birthday... that was scary.

"Well, thank you that is so sweet of you - ow!"

I snatched my hand from Dominic's suddenly painful hold and stormed ahead of him.

God, he pissed me off sometimes!

"What's wrong? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine."

"Okay, so can I drop your stuff by... or is Dominic around."

I grinned; he was so wary of Dominic.

"I'm in the Phoenix Park with him, he has a bunch of things planned for us today."

Gavin sighed. "I'll give my present to Aideen then, and she can give it to you later or give it to Branna for you."

Aideen Collins was Gavin's older and only sister. She was good friends with Branna; she was funny and completely bat-shit crazy.

She fit right in with us.

"Thanks Gav, why don't you swing by later? I'm sure we're all goin' out somewhere tonight."

"Thanks for the invite, but I'm in work until eleven, I'll be shite company from fallin' asleep standin' up."

I snorted. "Okay well, come by durin’ the week so we can watch a film or somethin'."

"You're on, speak soon, hun."

I grinned; he said hun like an old woman.

"Bye hun." I replied.

He laughed and hung up.

I put my phone in my bag and felt him close behind me as I done so.

"You hurt me hand you know?"

Dominic sighed. "Sorry, I just hate-"

"You hate Gavin. I know that, he knows that, the fuckin' world knows that, Dominic."


"I just hate that you're close with him."

I turned to Dominic and glared up and him.

"I warned you before not to start this argument up again, but yet you started it. If you can't handle one of me best friends is a fella then you might as well pack up your shite and move out of me house and life because he isn't goin' anywhere. He is me friend; I don't know how many times I have to tell you that."

Dominic narrowed his eyes back at me.

"And I warned you not to threaten me with break ups. I'll end up killing someone over it Bronagh, you fucking know how mad it gets me."

I did, but he got me mad with his constant hang-ups about Gavin.

"Then grow up and accept I have a male friend. Honestly Dominic, are you worried I'll cheat on you or somethin'?"

Dominic went red in the face. "No it's not you, it's him. He likes you; he always has."

I threw my hands up in the air just to avoid wrapping them around his neck.

"That was years ago! He is the one who decided on us just bein' friends, you remember that night, right? You ruined me first date."

Dominic had the audacity to laugh. "Yeah, and you started dating me instead.... I also fingered you for the first time in the hospital examination room. Good times."

Oh. My. God.

"You fuckin' infuriate me!" I snapped and shoved him in the chest before turning and storming away from him.

He jogged after me though.

"Do you even know where you're going?"

I didn't.

Phoenix Park was huge, and I was in a part of it I had never been in before.

"No, but I'll follow this path and get out eventually. I'll then get a taxi home away from fuckin' you, you stupid fuckface bastard."

I was mad, and when Dominic laughed at me when I was mad I became murderous and laugh at me is exactly what the cunt did.

I turned around and rushed at him with a screech.

He dodged my swinging hands grabbed my shoulders then crooked his leg behind my knee and pushed. I gasped when my back touched the ground.

That bastard tripped me up.

I tried to get up, but Dominic was on me within a second.

"Listen to me crazy, calm down or one of us are going to get arrested. We're out in public, we aren't at home where we can kill each other then fuck it out."

Fuck it out?


"I'm never have sex with you again, do you wanna know why? Because I'm goin' to cut your fuckin' dick off when you are least expectin' it!"

Dominic gazed down at me with gleeful eyes.

"Every time you say you won't have sex with me I get you on your back and fuck you so hard that you cry when you come. This challenge has been set and completed millions of times pretty girl, you might as well stop it."

I growled because that was true.

Very true.

"I hope me vagina closes up and never gives you access again."