37: I love you because you laugh at my jokes.

38: I love you because have never wrecked my car (Knock on wood).

39: I love you because you clean the bathroom.

40: I love you because you know how to sort laundry.

41: I love you because you know how to iron.

42: I love you because don't drink my beer.

43: I love you because you know me better than anyone, even Damien. (Don't tell him that.)

44: I love you because we love the same candy.

45: I love you because you always tell me goodnight.

46: I love you because you do the grocery shopping.

47: I love you because you give me morning sex.

48: I love you because you like sports.

49: I love you because you have a girl crush on Mila Kunis.

50: I love you because you said if we could ever have a threesome with Mila Kunis you would be game.

51: I love you because you cry so easily.

52: I love you because my cock is the only cock your pussy knows and will ever know.

53: I love you because you're my definition of perfection.

54: I love you because you always smell good.

55: I love you because you love scary movies.

56: I love you because you don't force me to watch chick flicks.

57: I love you because you let me cop a feel whenever I want.

58: I love you because you're random.

59: I love you because you're awkward.

60: I love you because you let me pull your hair ;)

61: I love you because you squeeze the toothpaste from the bottom of the tube.

62: I love you because you have big green beautiful eyes.

63: I love you because you put up with my snoring.

64: I love you because you're my best friend (Again, don't tell Damien.)

65: I love you because you can make sarcastic comments while keeping a straight face.

66: I love you because you're my high school sweetheart.

67: I love you because you tell me you love me every day.

68: I love you because you will house and give birth to my babies.

69: I love you because you let me use your hair dryer.

70: I love you because you love me in spite of my past.

71: I love you because you don't take things so seriously.

72: I love you because you love life.

73: I love you because you look me in the eyes when you talk to me.

74: I love you because you kiss me to shut me up.

75: I love you because you don't care what people think.

76: I love you because you give me breakfast in bed on my birthday followed by sex.

77: I love you because you NEVER say you're tired when I try it on with you.

78: I love you because your sex drive is as high as mine.

79: I love you because you refuse to completely grow up.

80: I love you because you're an animal lover.

81: I love you because you inspire me.

82: I love you because you're my home.

83: I love you because you're sexy as hell.

84: I love you because you're wild.

85: I love you because you make my heart smile.

86: I love you because you rock my world.

87: I love you because you say sorry when you know you're in the wrong.

88: I love you because put all your energy into mess fighting with me.

89: I love you because we agree to disagree.

90: I love you because you make me a better person.

91: I love you because you're my everything.

92: I love you because you own the name pretty girl.

93: I love you because you're sassy.

94: I love you because even when I'm mad you still love me.

95: I love you because you think it's okay to smack me at any point during the day for any giving thing then apologise for it later.

96: I love you because I can.

97: I love you because I do.

98: I love you because I would NEVER spend three hours making this book of 100 reasons why I love you for anyone else but you.

99: I love you because you're simply you.

100: I love you far more than just 100 reasons.

You're my everything, pretty girl. I love you.


I was a mess, a crying blubbering mess.

"I c-an't b-believe-"

"Baby, breath," Dominic smiled.

He couldn't wipe my face because he had no free hands and I couldn't wipe my face because I was too busy hugging my book to my chest.

"Sarah she's coming down, be ready."


Dominic slowly pushed me out away from the wall and I being to slowly descend down to the ground. I twirled around as I was lowered to the ground and I was still crying and hugging my book to my chest.

I felt my feet touch the ground then a few seconds later his scent surrounded me as he put his arms around my body.

"Maybe I should have left the book till last."

I laughed and cried as I wrapped my arms around him.

"I l-love it."

I was crying hard.

Dominic hushed me and swayed me from side to side for a few minutes and when my sniffles slowed down he pulled back and laughed.

"You're so attractive."

I shoved him and quickly took tissue from Sarah's outstretched hand. I thanked her then wiped my eyes and blew my nose. I took a deep breath and sniffled a little more.

"I love it so much, I love you so much."

Dominic kissed my head. "I love you, too."

I knew he did, I had the book of reasons to prove it.

"This is the best present I've ever received, thank you."

Dominic pushed loose strands of hair out of my face.

"That was only your second present, I've a few more to give you yet."

I gasped. "Really?"

Dominic nodded.

"Can I have them now?"

"No," he laughed, "You will get them at each location."

Each location.

"How do you-"

"I've a list, remember?"

Ah, his list.

"Okay, so now that we're done wall climbin'... I mean we are done wall climbin', right?"

Dominic nodded his head.

Oh, thank God.

"Great, so where to next?" I asked excited to see what else he had in store for me.