"What the fuck?" I screamed.

Kane jumped over the table pulled the girl off Aideen who was holding onto her cheek.

"Get the fuck out of here!" Kane snarled to the bitch he was holding and shoved her away from our table.

She left but cursed everyone of us along the way.

"Aideen?" I called.

She whimpered.

"Fuck!" Kane snapped.

I frowned.

What the fuck was with all the fighting tonight?

"I want to go home." Aideen sniffled.

"I'll bring you-"

"No, I want Keela. Ring Keela!"

Kane and Alec shared a look.

Alec sighed. "Give me your phone and I'll ring her."

Aideen gave Alec her phone then went with Kane as he helped her leave. I frowned as they walked away.

Poor Aideen.

I winced then when my cheek throbbed.

Poor me.

"Ryder and Branna are waiting for us, Bronagh- wait, where is Aideen and Kane?"

I shrugged. "Some girl attacked Aideen."

“What? Why?”

I opened my mouth to answer Dominic but I didn’t know the girl attacked Aideen.

"Alec, why did that girl address you before she jumped on Aideen?"

Alec scratched his head. "I think I fucked her and her boyfriend last week."

I deadpanned.

He was such a slut.

Dominic shook his head and helped me up. "Are you ready to go home, baby?"

I nodded my head. "We're out hours, I need to check on Tyson."

"We feed him and let him go the bathroom before we left, he is fine."

"He is a puppy."

Dominic groaned. "Okay fine, let's go check on your baby."

I smiled and kissed his cheek. "I love you."

"And I love you."

"Do you love me?"

I looked to Alec and grinned. "Oh yeah."

Dominic chuckled. "Are you leaving with us?"

Alec shook his head and stood up. "I've to go help Kane with Branna's friend. I've to ring..."

"Keela," I provided.

Alec nodded. "Yeah, I've to ring Keela."

"Be nice to her, is the early hours and you will be wakin' her up."

Alec laughed. "I'm ringing a girl to come pick up her friend, I've got this."

He turned and walked off.

Dominic frowned. "Maybe I should go and call Keela instead of him."

I shook my head and squeezed Dominic's hand.

"Nah, let him do it. You never know, it could be the start of somethin' beautiful."

Sneak Peek


Slater Brothers, Book Two

Releasing August 17th, 2014.

"Miss Daley? Open up! I know you're in there, your car is outside in the tenant car park!"

I groaned at the sound of the loud voice, and flicked my eyes open then quickly re-closed them. It took a few moments for me to be able to keep them open, and when I could, I couldn't see very well. I squinted through the darkness waiting for my eyes to adjust to the minimal lighting. When I could finally see, I quickly narrowed my eyes at the fat snoring male beside me. I shoved him hoping to knock him off the bed, but instead of falling off like I'd hoped he only farted and rolled over in my direction then placed a big sloppy kiss on my mouth.

"Storm!" I shouted and wiped at my mouth and tried not to heave, but the smell of Storm's breath made that very hard.

Storm lazily got to his feet, stretched and made some weird noises then proceeded to belly flop on top of me until I gasped for air. Storm, my two year old German Shepherd, needed to be put on a diet or one of these days the fat baby was going to smother me in my sleep.

"Off!" I gasped and shoved at his large body with both of my hands.

Storm did as ordered and got off me. But he didn't get off the bed, instead he just rolled back over to his side - yes, my dog had a side of the bed - which was just typical. The only time he willingly moved was if it was breakfast time, lunch time, dinner time or pretty much any time he knew there would be food in it for him.

"You pathetic excuse for a guard dog," I muttered as the banging on my apartment door started up again.

Storm replied with another fart that had me opening the windows before I left my bedroom to proceed down the hallway to open my door. I stubbed my toe on one of Storm's doggy toys as I walked and cursed the person on the other side of the door for making me get out of bed - it was the middle of the night for God's sake!

"I'm comin', keep your knickers on!" I shouted when I reached my door and began unlocking all the locks. There were five of them in total because in the area where I lived, one lock was not enough. I switched on my hall light and jumped when the bulb blew, coating the hall in darkness once again. I sighed as I turned to my front door, even though I was pretty sure I knew who was on the other side, I still looked through the peephole just to be safe.

When I confirmed the noisy menace at my door was in fact my neighbour, I unlocked the final lock and pulled it open then harshly glared at the man who was stood before me. Mr. Pervert - his real name was Mr. Doyle - was a middle-aged man who was the CEO at Perverts 'R Us. The man was a major creep, and I hated that I answered the door to him dressed in nothing but my nightdress because it gave him free rein to ogle me with his ever-roaming eyes.

"Can I help you, Mr. Per-Doyle?" I asked, biting my tongue so I didn't laugh at almost calling him Mr. Pervert out loud.

He snapped his eyes up from gawking at my legs to my face and cleared his throat as he lifted his hand - a hand that contained one single envelope. I simply stared at the envelope for a moment then flicked my eyes up to Mr. Pervert and found his eyes weren't on my face anymore. I knocked on the outside of my door with my free hand which made him jump with fright and me inwardly snort. When his eyes were once again on mine, I nodded to the envelope in his hand and then raised my brows in a silent question.