"Are you pregnant?" He asked, his eyes wide.

I laughed. "No... But I think I'm ready to be."


I laughed again. "I know, we're only twenty-one and we aren't married, but since when does any of that matter?"

Alec was shocked.

"I didn't even think you liked kids."

I shrugged my shoulders. "I like kids of course, but it's only in these past few weeks that I've been thinkin' how brilliant it would be for me and Dominic to have a baby of our own... I am home on me own a lot so I've thought about these things."

Alec scratched his head. "Wow."

I nodded my head. "Yeah, wow."

I was surprised when Alec kissed my head then and said, "Tell him."

I shook my head. "No way, I'll terrify him."

Alec frowned then perked up. "You can trap him; you can stop taking your pill. I'll even poke holes in the condoms if you use them."

"Alec, I'm not trappin' Dominic with a baby!"

Alec burst out laughing. "I was only playing... but now that I think about it, you should tell him you're pregnant just to see his reaction. If he is happy you can break the news you aren't, but then starting trying for a baby, and if he cries you can tell him it was a joke and give him a few years to grow into his daddy shoes."

I laughed. "What would I say? Hey Dominic, guess what? I'm pregnant with your baby. Surprise."

Alec opened his mouth to speak, but his jaw dropped open as he looked over my head.

"You’re pregnant?!"

Oh, fuck.

I snapped in Dominic's direction, and I was so shocked I could do nothing but stare at him.

The fight was over that fucking fast?

I moved my mouth, but not sounds came out. Dominic dropped to his knees in front of me and looked down at my stomach then back up at me.

Oh God, he thinks I'm pregnant.

"I can't believe this... Are you having a baby? My baby?"

He looked.... pleased?

"No," I said and watched as Dominic sat back and looked at me with confused eyes. "I'm not pregnant, Dominic."

His frown deepened. "I heard what you said to Alec; you were practicing how to tell me. I heard you."

I shook my head and then glanced to everyone else. My sister, Aideen, Ryder, his friends, Kane and more people who looking at us with wide eyes.

Oh, my God!

"I'm not pregnant!" I snapped.

I looked back to Dominic. "You overheard a joke."

Dominic's jaw set. "A joke? Why would you joke about something like that? I don't find it one bit fucking funny."

I swallowed.

"Rip it off like a bandaid and tell him," Alec murmured from behind me.

"Oh, God," I mumbled.

Dominic put his hands on my face and forced me to look at him.

"What's going on, Bronagh? You can tell me."

Quick and painless.

"I want us to have a baby," I said very fast then closed my eyes.


Utter fucking silence.

Oh, Christ. Dominic was going to break up with me; I have scared the love of my life away with the B word!

I opened my eyes when I felt Dominic's lips briefly touch mine. I blinked when I looked at him and found him staring back at me... he was smiling.

"Okay," he said.


Okay what?

"I'm sorry, what was that?"

Dominic laughed. "I said okay; we can have a baby."

I stared at him.

"Fuck off, you're pullin' me leg."

Dominic burst out laughing and shook his head. "No, I'm serious, let's have us a baby."

My mouth went dry.

"But you said we weren't getting married until we were older."

"Yeah, we can get married at any time, but you want a baby now... and I want a baby now."

What. The. Fuck?

"Are you jokin'?" I asked.

"No, I'm serious."

I didn't believe him.

"I don't believe you."

Dominic laughed. "Okay, I'll flush all your birth control pills when we go home to prove I'm telling the truth."

Oh, my God.

"You want a baby?" I asked.

He chewed on his lower lip. "I never thought of it to be honest, but when I heard you say you were pregnant it made me happy. Very happy. I now have a picture in my mind of you swollen with my baby and I love that."

I felt tears gather at the corner of my eyes.

"Okay, we're tryin' then?" I asked.

He nodded. "Yep, we're trying to get knocked up."

I burst out laughing and kissed him.

When we broke apart, I turned to everyone who was looking at us like they have no idea what was happening.

"We decided we're goin' to try and get pregnant." I beamed.

"Shut the front door!" Aideen squealed just as Branna rushed at Dominic and me and hugged us both to her.

"I can't believe this!" She cried.

I laughed and comforted her.

"Yeah! Hugs all around for Dominic and Bronagh announcing they are going to fuck like rabbits to try and conceive a child! Wahoo!"

Dominic, his brothers and anyone who heard Alec fell around laughing.

"How long does it take for her to get pregnant after she comes off the pill?" Dominic asked Branna when everyone started up conversations with one another.

Branna wiped her face and smiled. "It can happen after a month or as long as a year; there is no set timeframe, it is different for everyone woman's body... but the more the sex, the better."

Dominic punched the air. "More sex. Yes."

I looked to him. "We have sex all the time."

He smirked. "I know, but now we have a better reason to go at it all the time."

I smiled and hugged him.

We were trying to get pregnant.

Holy fuck.

That was not how I expected my night to go.

I danced around with everyone then for a while and ignored all the fights going on behind us on the platform. I cheered Aideen on when she knocked back two shots and then I sat her next to Kane when she declared she wanted to kiss him.

"She wants to kiss you." I shouted to Kane.

Kane turned to Aideen, and he was about to opened his mouth and speak when Aideen suddenly launched herself at him.

"Oh, fuck... her arse in showin'!" I shouted to Kane.

He adjusted Aideen on top of his body then reached around and pulled her dress down and held it down my keeping his hands firmly on her arse.