"This is Do-"

"Nico," Dominic cut me off. "And I'm her boyfriend."

Aideen nodded. "Nice to meet you, Nico."

I ignored Dominic's rudeness and looked to Alec, and Kane. "That's Alec, and that's Kane. Dominic's brothers."

Alec winked at Aideen while Kane grinned and said, "Nice to meet you, gorgeous."

Aideen laughed. "You're right, it is nice to meet me."

Kane furrowed his eyebrows in confusion while I laughed. Aideen completely ignored Kane then and turned Ryder then when he broke away from his friends to greet her.

"Hey darling, you made it."

Aideen gave him a hug. "Hey Ry, I wouldn't miss it."

I smiled inwardly when 'Work Bitch' by Britney Spears came on.

I loved this song.

I looked to Branna. "I wanna dance."

Branna nodded her head in Dominic's direction. "Don't annoy him by goin' back down to the dance floor, we can dance here instead if you want."

I was game.

"You better work bitch!" I shouted making Branna laugh as we threw our hands up it the air and pump our hips to the beat of the song.

Aideen quickly joined up in dancing, she had a drink in hand and took a sip every few seconds and shook her arse, which I found hilarious. I turned my back to the girls and danced over to Dominic who was leaned back against the booth seat as he watched me.

He smirked when I held my hand out to him.

"I'm not dancing to a Britney Spears song, not a chance."

I frowned then turned around continued to dance. I moved back every few seconds, cornering Dominic with my arse.

I jumped and swung a round when he smacked it.

I rubbed the sting away.

"That hurt."

Dominic growled. "It was either I spank it or bite it."

I snapped my teeth and him, which Alec snickered over.

"Come on, get up and dance with me... it's me birthday."

I frowned.

Dominic groaned and I knew I was so close to breaking him but the music I was dancing too suddenly stopped and the sound of drums could be heard.

Oh, no.

The fights were starting.

"Ladies, and gents," a loud voice boomed throughout the Playhouse as I sat down on Dominic lap.

"We have some great events lined up for you all tonight, if you make your way off the dance floor we will raise the platform."

I watched as security of the Playhouse ushered every person off the dance floor then stood back themselves. I leaned up so I could see the platform rise, I thought he looked cool and tried to watch it every day I was here for a fight.

It was a brilliant design. When the platform was lowered it was a flat floor, but when it was raised up in the air it stood a few feet off the ground, which was a bit of a drop when the fighters got knocked off it.

I leaned my head against Dominic's shoulder as he stroked my thigh with his thumb.

I was about to ask if he wanted a drink when the voice of the Playhouse spoke.

"I've just got word that RAMPAGE is in the club."

Oh, no.

"Nico... where you at, man? You can call the first fight."

Loads of people shouted and pointed over at our table. I closed my eyes when Dominic tapped my back and asked me to stand up off him.

I grabbed his arm when we both stood up. "You said you weren't fightin'."

Dominic looked down at me and said, "I'm not."


He nodded but didn't say the words.

I let him and watched as he walked down to the platform and hoisted himself up onto it. I sat down in Dominic's seat and folded my arms across my chest. I hated the attention he got a fight; the crowd seemed to flood with pulsing vaginas that wanted a piece of him.

Dominic pulled two fighters up on to the platform and spoke to them gestured his hands at both of them and laughed. A second later both fighters attacked each other, and cheers filled the playhouse.

I clenched my jaws to fists when someone threw a piece of fabric at Dominic. He picked it up and laughed. It was a bra.

"You look mad, bee."

I nodded to Alec. "I am. They treat him like a celebrity."

Alec put his arm around my shoulder and said, "In this world he is a celebrity. Everyone loves an underground fighter even if he doesn't go pro."

I swallowed.

Dominic got offers from different coaches and gyms to train with themto try and crack the UFC world. I don't think I had ever been so relieved when he told me he turned every offer down.

He loved fighting but only because it was a hobby and a stress reliever. He didn't have enough passion to pursue it as a career.

His passion was in fitness training.

He loved fitness and the human body so after we graduated from school he went to college and got all his qualifications. He is Personal Trainer, but not one who works in a gym. He had a client list, his own website and worked his arse off with each client every time he has a session.

I was damn proud of him for having a career and going to work happy every day while I was at home bored because I didn't know what to do with myself. I wasn't lazy; I just didn't have a dream job like everyone else. I was more than happy to be a stay at home mother... the problem is we didn't have any children.


"Hey, you okay?"

I jumped like I was caught doing something wrong.

I swallowed and looked to Alec. "Yeah."

Alec raised his eyebrows. "What were you thinking about just then?"

I shrugged.

"Tell me."

I sighed.

"Don't repeat this to Dominic."

Alec nodded. "I won't say a word."

I smiled. "I was thinking about how happy I am that Dominic has his personal trainer job, but then it got me thinkin' about what job I'll end up doin' for the rest of me life and it dawned on me that the only job I want to be is a stay at home ma."

Alec stared at me then looked down to my stomach and back up to my face.