I picked up my pace and slammed down on Dominic as he trusted upwards into me.

"Yes," I cried out.

I continued to bounce on Dominic until his fingers on my clit caused my lower have to twitch. Dominic sat up, put his arms around me then rolled me under him. His continued to pound in and out of me while I moved my fingers to my clit and finished the job he started.

"Quick, Bronagh," Dominic shouted.

I rubbed my clit as fast as I could and out of nowhere pulses erupted throughout my body causing my back to arch and my eyes to roll back.

I heard Dominic's loud groan but I didn't react to him or open my eyes for a minute or two after the pulses stopped.

Dominic rolled off me and onto his side.

"You turn me out every single time."

I don't know what that meant, but it sounded good so I was pleased.

"Was that me sixth present?" I asked Dominic.

"Yeah... you're welcome."

I laughed and turned to my side, hugging him.

"Today has been me best birthday ever. Thank you."

"You're welcome, my love."

I smiled and closed my eyes and in seconds I was out.

"Damien? Hi!"

I heard the smile in Damien’s voice. "Hey bee, happy birthday!"

I beamed and adjusted my phone to my ear. "Thank you! How are you? I miss you!"

"I miss you too, and I'm fine, doing good."

I frowned. "Come home then."

Damien sighed. "Bronagh."

"I know I know... you need to 'find yourself'. What does that even mean anyway?"

Damien laughed. "It means I can't go somewhere were I'll mess up people I care about while I fix my head."

But it's been almost three years.

"Are you close to fixin' yourself?"

Damien mumbled, "I'm getting there."

That was better than nothing.

"How are my stupid brothers?"

I grinned. "Have you not called them today?"

"I have, but I want to hear the crap they have been getting up to from you."

I laughed. "Same old, same old. Ryder and Branna are in love, Alec is a slut and loves himself, Kane is still going on about buyin' the community centre and me and Dominic are... me and Dominic."

Damien laughed. "It's good to know that some things will never change."

Ain't that the truth.

"How's Alannah?"

I smiled. "She's good. She is in her final year in college doin' graphics design as you know. You should see the things she does, she has her own website now and she designs loads of things like book covers, websites, banners, logos. Any graphic you can think of she can do, and all her designs are original. She is wicked good at drawin’ them out and then usin' all her gadgets to scan them onto a computer. She is makin' a livin' for it too, she is happy."

"Good," Damien said. "I'm happy for her, she deserves it."

I smiled. "She asks about you to you know?"

"She does?" Damien asked then cleared his voice. "I mean, she does? That's nice."

I laughed. "Cut the act with me, I know you both still have the hot’s for each other."

"The 'hot’s' was never the problem with us, it was me."

I frowned. "Dame, you made a mistake, stop beatin' yourself-"

'I've got to go Bronagh, my break is over."

I frowned.

He was a night guard in a business firm building.

"Okay, I'll talk to you soon. Stay safe. I love you."

"Love you too, bee. Bye baby."

I frowned and lay back on my bed.

Dominic entered the room a few minutes later and asked what was wrong.

"I was on the phone to Damien, I miss him."

Dominic looked down. "Me too."

I know he missed him.

Dominic and Damien were twins and up until Damien left the pair were inseparable.

"He'll be home soon."

"When is soon?" I asked.

Dominic shrugged. "Eventually,"


I sighed but stopped and looked to Dominic. "Why are you all dressed up?"

Dominic grinned. "We're all going out for your birthday drinks."

"Who is goin'?"

"My brothers, Branna, Aideen and I think her friend Keela."

I frowned. "Not Alaanah or Gavin?"

Dominic shook his head. "Gavin is working, I rang him, and Alannah has… girl pains. I don't know much else because hung up on her."

I laughed. "Does talkin' about cramps make you uncomfortable?"

"Yes," Dominic instantly replied.

I laughed and stood up. "I don't know what to wear."

Dominic looked and me and swallowed. "Leave the lingerie on, put any dress on over it, but don't take it off."

I felt my pulse spike. "Okay."

Dominic grinned. "Hurry up, everyone is coming here then we're taking a cab."

"Where are we goin'?"

"You'll see."

Playhouse nightclub.

That was where we ended up going for my birthday celebrations.

I've been to Playhouse a few times, it was a good club, but it wasn't just a normal club. It was a legal version of Darkness, there were brawls and all sort of fights held in Playhouse for money prizes and it was completely legit.

People loved it.

I didn't mind it because Dominic rarely part took in the fights, when people knew he was fighting the only people who would fight him were those who were drunk and brave or lads who never heard of him before.

What I did mind were the girl fights.

Yeah, female fights.

I'm not sexist in anyway, I strongly believe women can do whatever a man can, but there is something very off putting about watching two girls kick the shite out of each other up on a platform for a money prize, but hey, everyone to each their own.

"What is the event tonight?" I leaned and asked Dominic as we sat down around a large table.

Dominic shrugged his shoulders.

I eyed him. "Are you fightin'?"

He chuckled. "No, it's your birthday, I'm spendin' in with you not up on a platform."

Good, that was good.

I smiled and looked to Branna as she walked back from the bar with drinks. She handed me a cocktail.

"It's a Blowjob," she shouted.

All the males at the table suddenly paid attention Branna and she laughed.

"Bronagh's drink is a called Blowjob."

Everyone laughed.

Dominic leaned into me as I took a sip of my drink and said, "You swallow that Blowjob like a good girl."

I almost choked.

I coughed and rubbed my chest while Dominic waggled his eyebrows at me.