I rolled my eyes. "Me arse can't get any bigger, give me a break."

Alec tilted to the side and looked down to my behind. "So squat more and it will."

I laughed. "I'm not tryin' to make it bigger, it's big enough."

"Bigger the better." Dominic said.

Alec shrugged his shoulders. "I'm more of a leg man."

I laughed. "Yeah because that's the first part of male underwear models that you look at... their legs."

Ryder walked into the house laughing and Dominic quickly followed not wanting to listen to the conversation.

"Okay, when it comes to women I'm a leg man but for men I'm a straight up cock lover."

I fell around laughing.

"You're so disgustin' that it's funny!"

Alec grinned.

I continued to laugh as we walked back into my house. I kept Tyson tight to my chest and looked to Dominic.

"You're gonna have to build him two houses."

Dominic frowned. "Why two?"

"So he can have his own house out our back and your brother's back. Duh."


"Fine, I'll get on that soon."


Dominic rolled his eyes. "Fine tomorrow."

I smiled in victory and snuggled Tyson. "You're gonna be so spoiled."

Ryder laughed and said to Dominic, "You know you just knocked yourself down to number two on her list of priorities?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Bronagh will put Tyson's needs before yours from now."

"That's not true."

It was true.

"Babe, that's not true... right?"

I shrugged. "He is a puppy he needs me, he needs us, to help him until he gets bigger. He comes first since he is dependent on us."

Dominic was horrified. "What have I done?"

"You have limited the amount of pus-say you're going to get on a weekly basis that is what you have done."

Dominic growled. "I get some everyday, sometimes more than once, that won't change."

Kane smirked at his brother. "If you trying to get some and Tyson cries at night bumble bee will be out of your bed so fast your head will spin... and not in a good way."

I snickered.

"We really should have called him cockblocker," Alec murmured and Branna and myself burst out laughing.

"Everyone sit down at the table," Branna chuckled. “Dinner is done."

I put a now sleeping Tyson down into a brand new doggie bed. He was tiny in the bed. I found a new teddy that was bought for him and put in next to him. My heart exploded when Tyson yawned and put his paw on the teddy and snuggled it to his body.

"Oh, my God!" I whispered and jumped up and down on the spot. "I love him so much."

Arms came around me from behind.

"More than me?"

Right now that was questionable.

I turned to Dominic and smiled as I leaned in and whispered, "When we're alone, you can have me arse."

Dominic's hold tightened around me.

"Lovebirds, food time."

Dominic growled as I pulled away and led him to the kitchen table with a big grin on my face.

"The only thing I want to eat is you," Dominic growled as we sat down.

I gasped. "Not now!"

Alec looked at Dominic with a horrified expression. "Don't talk like that about her... I get a strong urge to punch you when you do."

I grinned.

Alec and the other brothers developed a big brother bond with me and it sometimes meant hell for Dominic.

"Leave me be," Dominic snarled.

Alec narrowed his eyes. "Imagine me doing a naked dance as I swing my cock around like a helicopter."

I burst into laughter.

Dominic heaved. "What the fuck?"

Alec smiled and looked to me. "You can eat your food in peace, he won't get a hard on for a few more hours until that image leaves his mind."

"Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't you say you would wash the dealf after the match was over, Dominic?"

Dominic looked to me when I spoke, and so did his brothers.

"Don't correct her, you won't wake up tomorrow morning if you do." Kane murmured to Dominic then took a swig from his bottle of Bulmers.

Dominic glanced to his brother then looked back to me with a smirk on his face. "Damn pretty girl, you're looking mighty fine in that apron."

I looked down to Branna's Minnie Mouse apron then back up to Dominic with a scowl on my face.

"That was a pathetic attempt distract me."

Kane snorted. "She knows you like the back of her hand; you're going to have to come up with some new material."

Dominic ignored Kane and kept his eyes on me. "The game just ended; I'll get to the washing up later."

I raised my eyebrows. "Oh, you'll get to it later will you?"

Alec leaned to Dominic. "It's a trap don't answer her, just smile."

Dominic's face lit up with a charming smile that would cause both men and women to stop and stare, I would have been caught up in staring at his dimples if I didn't heard what Alec just said.

I wasn't backing down on this; I was no one's maid.

"Branna cooked the dinner for you all, and I then cleared everythin' away afterwards. You lost the coin toss Dominic so come help."

He remained quiet.

"Dominic." I said my tone firm.

His smile never faltered. "Yes?"

I folded my arms across my chest. "It's later, get up and go wash the dealf."

Dominic dropped his smile and glanced to his brothers who were each hiding a smile behind their bottles of beer. "If I get up and do as you're asking me to, my brothers will think I'm a bitch."

I shrugged. "And if you don't get up and do as your told, you will fully understand the term blue balls because you won't get any for a month."

"Being called a bitch it is then," Dominic chirped then stood up and headed in my direction, he winked at me as he passed me by and went down the hall and into the kitchen.

"What are have you done to our brother?" Ryder asked me with a big smile on his face.

I shrugged. "I have him in trainin'."

"Training? What is he training for?" Alec asked.

I looked to Ryder, Alec and Kane and smirked. "Marriage."

Each of them shuddered then laughed like what I said was hilarious.

It made me smile. They could laugh all the wanted, marriage was on the cards for all of them, every girlfriend they ever had and will ever have is training... they just didn't know it.