I smiled and then scooped up some beans onto three chips them put them into my mouth to prove my point.

"You aren't going to use a fork... are you?"

i chewed and swallowed my food.

"To eat chips and chicken? Dude, no."

Dominic snarled. "Stop saying dude, I don't say dude!"

I swallowed my food and said, "Sorry bro, it won't happen again."

"It's annoying that you can mimick my accent so perfectly now."

I snorted. "I listen to you yap on 24/7 of course I've picked it up."

Dominic mumbled something under his breath then proceeded to eat his food. I took a swig of my drink when I glanced to my left and smiled.

"Dominic," I whispered. "Look."

Dominic turned his head and followed my outstretched pointed finger to the lake that was twenty foot away from where we sat.

"That's a lot of ducklings."

I squealed a little. "They are so cute, I want to squeeze them."

Dominic's expression was unsure as he looked at me.

I cheerfully laughed. "I won't, don't worry."

I looked back to the mama duck and her babies as she waddled around and they followed her in a perfect line.

"Can you imagine if human kids followed their ma's around in a line like that?"

Dominic laughed. "I'd be so amused."

I chuckled and continued to eat my food. After a few moments, I reached down into my bag and took out the book Dominic made me.

He chuckled. "You like it that much to keep looking at it?"

I looked up and smiled. "I love it, you have no idea how much. I even love all the crude ones... but did you honestly have to say you love me because I give you head when I'm on my period?"

Dominic nodded his head. "Of course, you're so considerate during the week your period hits."

I burst out laughing.

He was such a weirdo.

"Well I love it, it's the best present ever."

Dominic smirked. "You haven't received your third one yet."

Another present!

"Where is it?" I asked.

Dominic nodded to the bucket of chicken, so I leaned over and peered into the bucket. I felt my eyes widen when I seen a black rectangle box down the end of the bucket.

I felt my lower lip wobble then.

"You put my present under the chicken? You're so romantic."

Dominic laughed as I sniffled and reached into the bucket and lifted out my third birthday present.

"Thank you," I said to Dominic, who just nodded for me to open the box.

I took a breath then slowly lifted the lid of the box; I spotted the chain of my necklace first so I reached inside and lifted it out so I could see what the pendant was.

I stopped breathing when I caught a glimpse of the heart pendant. It wasn't just a normal flat heart shape pendant; it had picture holograms on the front and back.

"Me parents," I whispered as I slide my fingers over the holographic face of my beautiful mother then flipped if over to do the same to my father.

"I know how much you miss them and how much of your heart they are, so I wanted something of them that you could carry around and keep close to your heart. Alannah helped me design it since she is great with designs and shit... do you like it."

Like didn't cover it.

"Words can't express-" I cut myself off as a sob escaped my throat.

"Baby, I don't mean to make you cry so much on your birthday."

"Stop givin' me priceless presents that I adore then!" I snapped through my tears and crawled over to him.

Dominic only smiled at me and opened him arms. I wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his hips as I sat on him.

"You're the best thing that has ever happened to me. I'm so glad you sat on me chair in school."

Dominic vibrated with laughter as he squeezed me tight.

"Me too pretty girl, me too."

I leaned back and handed my chain to him; he smiled and lifted the chain over my head, and fixed the heart on my chest.

"You look like your dad, you know? I went through loads of pictures to find clear ones that could be made visible on your pendant, and I was a little shocked at how much you resemble him. You have his eyes, nose and ears, but your mom's smile. They would be so proud of you."

Oh, fuck him anyway.

I started sobbing again so Dominic silently hugged me and rocked me from side to side.

"I'm happy I didn't wear any makeup today."

"Me too, my tee would look like a colouring book otherwise."

I giggled and continued to hug him tightly. I released him then and moved back over to my side of the blanket. We finished off our food and to be honest; it made me a little tired. I opened my mouth and yawned, but before I could fully enjoy it Dominic stuck his fingers in my mouth and said, "Yawn rape."

Oh, for fuck's sake.

"Will you stop doin' that?"


"But it drives me mad!"

"I know."

"So stop it!"



I screeched in frustration like a child, and flopped onto my back and laid still. I heard Dominic packed everything up, but I wouldn't look up to see. His face appeared over mine after a few minutes and the bastard, as usual, was smiling.

"Come on, we have one more thing to do before we go home."

I wanted to lie down and not move for at least half an hour.

"What's in it for me?" I mumbled.

"Your fourth present."

Oh... well played Mr. Slater.

"Okay fine, help me up, but I'm not talkin' to you for stickin' your fingers in me mouth. That shite is just fuckin' nasty."

Dominic laughed and helped me to my feet. He pulled out his phone then and unexpectedly kissed me and took a picture of it. I laughed and he snapped that picture too.

"Okay, pull a stupid face."

I went cross-eyed and stuck my tongue while Dominic pulled a silly face too.

"Why all the pictures?"

Dominic grinned. "You'll see.... now you ready for your fourth present?"

I smirked. "Born ready."

"Bowlin'... you're takin' me bowlin' for a birthday present... thank you, but really?"