“Ezah!” Levi smacked my thigh. “You can’t kill your brothers. I forbid it!”

I looked down at her and couldn’t help but growl.

“No killing your brothers. Ever.”

Having been reprimanded, I grumbled, “Yes, tola.”

I looked back at the blue light instead of my own projection to my brothers. My eyes would be on them.

“I’ll still kill each of you if you say a word about her.”

I mouthed the words this time so Levi would not scold me.

I glanced at my female when she placed her fist over her chest and bowed her head to my brothers. She was a princess of the Maji now, so she did not have to bow, but her respect towards my brothers made me growl with approval of her manners.

“Hello, my princes.” Levi smiled nervously. “Like your brother said, I am Levi. I’m … I’m looking forward to meeting all of you, but please be aware that I might get you five mixed up. I only remember Prince Kol right now because he is mated to another human … You all look very alike.” I looked at Ezah. “I don’t think I’ll ever remember everyone’s name. What am I going to do?”

“Do what most people do if they forget an older male’s name,” he snorted. “Call them baja.”

“Baja.” She nodded. “Right.”

She looked back at the screen. “I hope your journey home to Ealra is extra quick. I hope it is extra safe too. Your family, and the people, miss you all very much. I cannot wait to meet you all in person.”

“She is mine,” I reminded my brothers because I knew that each of them would likely think her a prize of a female. “Remember that, or I’m cracking skulls.”

Levi smacked my thigh. “Stop bullying your brothers.”

“I’ve never bullied them. They’ve only ever bullied me,” I argued. “They’re all older … the things they have done in my youth still scare me to this day, tola.”

Levi burst into a fit of giggles, and I couldn’t help but beam at her. I glanced back at the blue dot.

“Safe journey home, my brothers. I miss and love you all. I intend to thoroughly beat you all bloody when we spar, so prepare yourselves.” I grinned. “Even if it is for failure.”

Levi laughed again and waved at the holo point in farewell.

“Bye, my princes.”

“Holo, end recording. Confirm command.”

“Command confirmed, Prince Ezah. Recording ended.”

“Send holo recording to the Manla, confirm command.”

“Command confirmed, Prince Ezah. Holo recording has been sent to the Manla spacecraft, arrival time in six moon cycles.”

“Six moon cycles?” Levi gasped. “When they receive it and reply, it could be twelve moon cycles from now before we get it. That’s a whole Earth year!”

“Likely less,” I comforted her. “They will be closer to Ealra when they receive the message, so when they send their replies, it will be a tiny bit shorter timeframe.”

Levi leaned against me.

“I can’t wait for them to come home so you can see them again.”

“Me too, tola.” I hugged her. “Me too.”

Chapter Twenty-One


Two moon cycles later …

“Ezah!” I began my rehearsed speech. “I’m leaving this wing today, whether you like it or not. It has been two moon cycles since we mated … two of them, and I haven’t seen anyone other than you in person since then. You won’t let Nuni visit me, or Nicah and Asia. Your own sister isn’t allowed near me. I’ve had as much as I can take.”

Ezah watched me in silence from the divan chair in our bedroom as I paced back and forth in front of him.

“I understand that newly mated Maji males get all antsy and territorial, but enough is enough. If I’m kept locked up here any longer, I’m going to feel like a prisoner, and nalex, I never want to feel like that ever again.”

Ezah was on his feet before me within seconds.

“Calm,” he said. “I already decided that we would leave and immerse ourselves back with the people. There is a feast in a couple of intervals. Mother is celebrating our two-moon cycle mating. The whole family will be there as well as Nuni, Nicah, and Asia.”

I couldn’t help it when I screamed with delight and jumped into Ezah’s arms.

“Thank you.” I squeezed him. “I cannot wait to see Nuni, Nicah, and baby Asia. From the holos Nicah sent, she looks so big.”

Ezah growled softly, and it was a growl that I heard about a thousand times a day since we first mated.

“No,” I said instantly. “We’ve had sex twice since daystar rise. I washed not long ago and don’t want to have to do that again. I want to get ready for the feast and have ample time to spare. I have no idea what I’m going to wear.”

Ezah grumbled under his breath, then said, “Nova is coming to help you dress.”

“Princess Nova?” I shifted nervously. “I’ve never been alone with her.”