This female, she amazed me in every way possible.

“I am unworthy of you. Thanas, no male has ever been happier than me with you as my mate.”

Levi kissed me deeply, and though I grew hard instantly, I knew my female’s body was not made for such frequent bouts of sharing sex. It was something I knew I would have to grow accustomed to. Maji females craved sex up to a dozen times a day, so Maji males could keep up with that drive, but I was beginning to learn that six times a day, for my female at least, was likely her maximum. Or maybe I was just lucky after our first mating, and it would be lower in the future. Either way, I would be happy.

Once I was with her, I would be happy.

“Why don’t you go and use the cleansing unit? My sister dropped off some clothing she made for you while we slept.”

I didn’t have to encourage Levi any further. She practically zoomed into the washroom. I had already washed and dressed earlier while she slept to avoid the temptation of joining her simply because I knew her body didn’t desire any more physical attention from me right now. I hope that when night-time came around, she would change her mind about that.

I moseyed around the room while she bathed, not daring to leave the bedchamber. I knew my wing was empty, but I simply couldn’t leave my mate. The thought of it was enough to anger me, so the actual act would likely send me to the edge. I removed the furs and linen from our bed for the servants to sort through later, and I moved to the viewing pane and gazed out at Ealra. Royal City was situated at the base of the palace. The palace was built upon a huge hill, a small mountain really, and it overlooked the city. The outer sectors the Endless Forest and the rest of Kalbik were as far as the eye could see.

Ealra was truly a sight to behold.

After a long while, Levi emerged from the washroom with a body cloth wrapped around her frame as she ran a wide-toothed brush through already dry hair. She hadn’t looked at me yet, so I got to admire her as she tended to her hair and hummed softly under her breath. When her eyes moved to mine, she smiled, and my heart jumped.

“I missed you.”

She laughed. “I was only gone ten or so minutes.”

“I know.” I crossed the space between us. “I still missed you.”

She leaned up on her tiptoes to kiss me. I leaned down the majority of the way to meet her. Against my lips, she said, “I’m hungry.”

Without another word, I sent out an instruction through my comm to the servants of the palace’s main cookery. I told them to bring a bit of everything they had prepared for the meals that day. I had yet to learn what Levi liked best, so a bit of everything would do.

“Taken care of,” I replied. “Food will be delivered shortly.”

“I should dress.”

“Don’t,” I purred. “We’re not leaving this chamber, so why bother?”

“The servants will bring food.”

“They’ll leave it in our cookery, and I’ll retrieve it and bring it to you.”

Levi tilted her head. “You’re serious about keeping me in here for a while, huh?”

“Yes,” I answered. “Newly mated males are irrational when members of the people are around his female, even if those people are other females. My brother Kol is newly mated just over four moon cycles, and his control has astonished me. I hugged my sister-in-mate, and while I saw he wanted to attack me, he didn’t. I wouldn’t think twice about it, so it’s best for us to remain here until I ... calm.”

Levi was wide-eyed.

“Yeah, maybe we should just stay here … but I’m not staying naked all of the time. Just because we’re mated now doesn’t mean I’m automatically not shy.”

I chuckled. “Okay, tola.”

Levi dressed in a soft pink ensemble that I had to help put on when she couldn’t wrap a piece of fabric correctly. While I helped her, all I could think about was taking it back off her, laying her flat on the bed, and—

“Ezah!” Levi gasped. “Stop thinking what you’re thinking. You’re putting it in my head.”

I hadn’t realised.

“Sorry,” I said, sheepishly. “I didn’t realise I was projecting to you. We’re new mates. We haven’t learned to shield our thoughts from one another yet.”

“Trust me, I know.”

When Levi was dressed, I took her hand, and led her into the cookery where the servants had placed different salvers of food while I’d helped Levi dress. I had heard them come and go, but my mate did not.

“How on Earth are we expected to eat all of this?”

“We’re not eating it on Earth. This is Ealra.”