“Maybe six times is enough to sate a human female’s need for her mate after their bond has just been sealed.”

Levi rolled her eyes at my teasing.

“Twice was enough; three times was pushing it, but six times in the space of one night? I nearly orgasmed to death, Ezah. Had you not healed me and taken away my tenderness, I would have to ice my vagina!”

My mate’s words caused my laughter to ring louder than before.

“I’m teasing, tola.” I leaned down and kissed her cheek. “You need your rest, but you also need food. You have not eaten since we supped yesterday evening.”

Levi sat upright so suddenly that she almost bumped heads with me.

“It’s morning? Oh, Nuni will be beside herself!” My mate flung her little hand over her mouth. “She’ll be so worried, Ezah. I must—”

“Calm.” I moved into her space. “Nuni is aware of our mating. She knows you’re with me and that you’re safe.”

Levi blinked. “How do you know that?”

“I told Nero to inform her of your new status last night through our comms.”

She shrunk a little. “My new status?”

“Yes,” I smiled. “You’re now Princess Levi of the Maji.”

My mate looked like she would vomit.

“Ezah,” she whispered. “I was a slave on Earth … a slave.”

“And now you’re a princess on Ealra.”

“You do understand how mind-blowing this is for me, right?”

Her words confused me.

“How can something blow your mind? It is inside your skull.”

She giggled. The sound was so sweet that I didn’t even mind I was the cause of it.

“I mean, this is so crazy,” she explained. “Days ago, I didn’t know you and truly believed I would never be the kind of female who would be happy with a male, but then you happened. You’ve changed everything, nalex.”

“Just as you have changed everything for me, tola.”

“Nuni is going to freak out.” Levi began to bite her fingernails. “I was adamant to her that we were just friends, and now we’re mated.”

“Matings happen in mysterious ways.”

“I’ll say.”

“Nuni will be happy for you, sweet one.”

“I know she will, but she will be a little sad too. She loves me.” My mate smiled softly. “I know she does. We have become very close, very fast.”

“Like us.”

“Yes.” Levi chuckled. “All I’m saying is don’t be surprised if a stray arrow comes sailing in your direction one day. Me living here with you means Nuni is all alone with Hilah. Nuni will beat you up for that.”

I chuckled at the thought of the little flaming-haired female trying to attack me.

“All will be well. Adjustment periods after matings are expected. I will not let you far from my sight, tola. Even now, we cannot leave our wing for a period of time.”

“How long are we talking here?”


“Terms?” Levi gasped. “How many terms, Ezah? I don’t want to be confined to this room or the other rooms in your wing. I love being outside—”

“Our wing,” I interrupted. “And you won’t be confined. We can leave some nights to stargaze together at Nona Mai, but Levi, I cannot allow any of the people to be near you right now. Not even females. I have an edge tendency. It means I reach the edge quicker than other males, and I can’t risk harming others. You’re mine.”

My growl made my mate sigh.

“I know I’m yours, and I’m happy to be yours, but come on, no one will want me anyway now that I’m mated.”

“I don’t care.” I snarled, snatching her close. “No male will gaze upon your beauty!”

Levi huffed a little laugh.

“I can’t believe this is my life. This is so insane.”

I lowered my head to her hair and nuzzled it.

“I should get a wash in the cleansing unit and get dressed.”

“Why?” I asked. “I prefer you naked.”

Levi’s lips twitched. “I’m sure you do.”

She was about to lean up and kiss me when the door to my chambers opened. The soft singing that accompanied the intruder stopped in an instant. Levi screeched as she jumped behind me, hiding her naked body from view. I have been so engrossed with my mate that my senses where blind to my surroundings and I didn’t here the intruder until the last second. Every protective instinct I had fired on all cylinders.

“Kah!” I snarled when I spotted the familiar female. “The room is occupied. Leave!”

The urge to surge forward and get the tiny female away from my mate was almost consuming. I shook with the temptation to do just that.

“Ezah!” Levi admonished, her hands biting into my waist. “Don’t talk to her like that. You’ll scare her.”

I continued to snarl and growl.

Easy, nalex. Easy, this girl is no threat. Calm.

Kah, who would normally have dropped her gaze or fled instantly, remained frozen to the spot in the doorway. Her golden and silver eyes stared at Levi’s arms that encircled me, and I saw her face completely drop when she inhaled. Her eyes lifted to mine. Through the cloud of darkness that wanted to claim me, Levi’s touch, presence, and voice pulled me back to reality and allowed me to process what was happening.