“I want to take care of you,” I said, boldly. “I want to make you feel good. Will you show me how to do that?”

Ezah looked pained. “Are you sure?”

“As sure as when I agreed to be your intended.”

My intended’s eyes softened. “My soon-to-be mate.”

I couldn’t believe we were going to mate one another … Nuni was going to die when I told her. She had told me that she was certain that Ezah would kiss me by the night’s end, I bet she never thought the lips he kissed would be the ones between my thighs.

“I want to see you bare,” I sat upright. “Like you’re seeing me right now.”

“That’s no problem,” he huffed a laugh. “Just … don’t be scared.”

I was puzzled over what he meant by that comment until he rid himself of his trousers, and the erect organ between his legs looked like it could have been the length and thickness of his huge forearm. I looked from his third arm to his thighs. They were wide and thick with muscle. His entire body was corded with muscle. It seemed it was in the genes of the Maji to appear godlike.

“I know you’re shocked, but tola, those wide eyes and parted lips are giving me great personal vainglory.”

My eyes darted up to Ezah’s, and while he was grinning, the intensity in his eyes was a force to be reckoned with.

“I’ve never seen one before.” I looked back down. “Are they all that big?”

I always looked away when Master forced himself on my sister slaves in the pen or when traffickers did the same to newly purchased slaves. Seeing Ezah’s penis excited me, stunned me, and it scared the hell out of me too, but I had nothing to compare it too so I had no idea if his was normal or … not.

“No, they aren’t.” Ezah laughed. “Sweet one, you look so scared.”

“How will this work between us?” I asked bewildered. “I don’t think it will fit.”

“It will.”

“No, you don’t understand,” I blurted, embarrassed. “I’ve felt down there before. The opening is tiny and—”

Ezah’s laughter cut me off.

“Tola”—he shook his head—“many males will boast they’re too big for a female to handle, but it is always just that, boasting. Offspring will come from that opening, so trust me when I say I’ll fit.”

When he put it that way, my worry seemed silly.

I exhaled a breath. “Okay.”

I focused on his penis again because I had no other choice … It was pointed at my face. I licked my lower lip when it jumped. My normal timid nature wasn’t present when I was naked with Ezah, so I was just as surprised as him when I reached out and took hold of his swollen male hood as if I’d done it a million times before.

“Levi,” Ezah practically whimpered. “Yes, stroke my cock. Tighten your grip—yes.”

I flicked my eyes up to his face and found his eyes were locked on my hand as I began to stroke his hard but silky … cock. A clear wet liquid leaked from the tip, and when I slid my fingers over the opening, coating them, my intended hissed. The lubricant made stroking his cock so much easier, my hand practically glided up and down.

“Twist,” Ezah growled, his body completely rigid. “When you stroke up to the head, twist your hand and tighten—yes.”

I followed his instructions. I couldn’t stop staring at his face once I looked up and saw his expression. His eyes were squeezed shut, and his teeth bit into his lower lip so hard I could barely see the gold caps on his fangs. He was breathing heavily, and the sound of that rumbling at the back of his throat brought a soft throb between my thighs. Ezah inhaled, growled deeply, and opened his eyes. They clocked mine and held my gaze.

“Your touch is going to make me release before I want to.” He snarled. “You’re going to unmale me.”

I had no idea what he was talking about, but I didn’t care. Stroking him was making me feel powerful. The pleasure Ezah felt, I was making him feel that way. I looked at the swollen head of his cock that throbbed under my palm. Without a thought, I leaned in and flicked my tongue against the underside of Ezah’s shaft.

He hissed with surprise.

“Le-Levi. Maji females don’t do that.”

I blinked. “Do you like it?”

He bobbed his head.

“Then I will do it, and remember … I’m human, nalex.”

Before he could think of a response, let alone utter it, I closed my lips around the fat head of his cock, and when I sucked and used my hands to work the length of his shaft, he both growled and whimpered. It was so empowering. I had never been in a position before where I could make a male weak. It was even sweeter because Ezah was my soon-to-be mate, and knowing I could undo him was exhilarating.