“Because your spirit knows I am your male, and you have nothing to fear from me so you can be as brazen as you like.”

“But … Kovu …”

“I have much to tell you, tola.” He smiled wide. “But know that I have been released of all the hurt, the confusion, the guilt, the shame, and all the anger I once held. I am free of it all and what I feel right now is true happiness because I know I get to put all of my energy into growing close to you.”

I couldn’t form a word to speak.

“Come.” Ezah purred. “Let us celebrate you, my female.”

Chapter Seventeen


“Surkah, are you still angry with me?”

Dinner had been going really well. Everyone had just finished the main course and was chatting happily amongst themselves. I was deciding on which dessert I wanted from the options Ezah gave me. Ezah wasn’t overly concerned about dessert now that his belly was full. He was too focused on his younger sister, who was seated to his right. Surkah’s posture was excellent, but I knew she was rigid with annoyance directed towards Ezah. He cut our bonding moment short earlier, and when she tried to lean around him to speak to me during dinner, he told her to wait until later. This caused Surkah to give her older brother a glare that promised him pain, but Ezah did not let it bother him … until now.

“Surkah,” Ezah repeated when he was met with silence. “Are you still angry with me, faya?”

She hissed, giving him his answer. It was an answer he did not like because he growled at her, but she wasn’t fazed. Not even a little bit.

“Fine.” He eventually griped. “If I switched seats, so you are next to Levi, will you stop ignor—”

“Yes,” Surkah interrupted. “I will. I promise, baja.”

Mikoh, who was on Surkah’s right, snorted as he too muddled over which dessert he wanted. I glanced from him back to the quarrelling siblings who were in the middle of switching seats. I barely had time to blink before Surkah had my hand in hers.

“Finally.” She smiled. “We can talk once more.”

Amused by her, I said, “What do you want to talk about?”

“Sewing,” came her swift reply. “Do you enjoy sewing?”

I shrank a little, feeling embarrassed.

“I … I don’t know how.”

Sewing was not a lesson I had participated in yet.

“That’s okay. Nova didn’t know how either, but I taught her.” Surkah leaned her head close to mine. “Don’t tell her I said this, but she’s not very good with a needle. She tries very hard, though, which is all anyone can ask.”

I laughed. “I’ll probably upstage her. I’ve sucked at every lesson I’ve attended since I arrived in Ealra.”

“Well, maybe work with a needle will be your calling.”


Surkah’s and my sudden burst of laughter drew the attention of her brothers from around the table. I still had no idea who was even who. They all looked a lot like Ezah, just with different hair colours. Embarrassed, I looked down, which made Surkah laugh even more.

“She is shy, and you’re all staring at her.”

When I peeked up through my lashes, I noticed all of the males were purposely looking anywhere but at me. That made me smile. I straightened up, leaned back, and looked to my right. Ezah was leaning back in his chair, watching me and smiling. It still struck me like a lightning bolt when he smiled. It was a beautiful sight.

“Ezah,” one of his brothers with hair as dark as night called from across the table. “What is happening to your face right now, little brother? Are you having a mind attack?”

Everyone laughed at Ezah, who rolled his eyes at the teasing but still had a grin on his face.

“I’m well, baja. I’m just … happy.”

His response made everyone else happy, too … especially the Hailed Mother because she promptly burst into tears at the head of the table. Her mate, the Revered Father, was instantly in her space, trying to soothe her. Surkah swatted Ezah’s arm when her mother’s sobbing grew louder.

“Go comfort Muma. She’s weeping because of you.”

Ezah chuckled as he got to his feet. I watched as he strode towards his parents and crouched down next to his mother, and I smiled when she cried louder and threw her arms around Ezah, nearly knocking him onto his behind. I had been introduced to the king and queen briefly, but I had been so nervous in their presence that they took pity on me and allowed me to be seated and dinner to be served. Watching them from a distance calmed me a little. Their status was very intimidating, but Ezah told me I would adjust.

I didn’t know if I’d ever adjust completely to anything on Ealra, but I trusted him.

“Holy shit,” I mumbled. “I trust him.”