“I would heal you of this pain if I could,” I said softly. “But this kind of pain is so great that not even my lissa can make it go away.”

Levi pressed against me.

“She died because of me,” she whimpered. “Master wouldn’t let the Maji males rescue us, so she attacked him to give me a chance to escape. He shot her in front of me like she was nothing. I can still see it whenever I close my eyes.”

“Lovely female.” I nuzzled her face with mine. “Your mother was taking care of her young as a true, wonderful mother does. She protected you because she loved you. You know the fault for her death lies with the one who pulled the trigger and took her life.”

Levi began to sob as I rocked us from side to side. We stayed like that for a long time, and when Levi calmed, I realised we had crossed the line of being friends and moved onto something … more.

“You won’t tell anyone about what I told you, right?” She looked up at me with wide, bloodshot, swollen eyes. “I don’t want anyone to look at Nicah or her daughter with judgment. She did nothing wrong. None of what happened is their fault.”

“Of course it’s not her fault, tola. None of the females who lived at that vile place on Earth did anything wrong. That blame is reserved for the weak male who imprisoned you all.”

Levi slowly nodded. “Thank you, my prince.”

“Why not call me Ezah?” I quizzed. “I liked hearing it on your tongue when I saw you without clothing in your sleeping chamber a few days ago.”

The memory of seeing her bare made my cock stir to life.

Levi’s eyes widened, and she looked from me to our surroundings with great interest, which made me grin. She was a skittish female when it came to a male having interest in her. I didn’t want to cause her any further stress, so I changed the topic of conversation.

“How long do you think it will be before Nicah and Vorah mate?”

“Oh …” She looked back my way. “I don’t know about that, my prince. Women like her, like me … trusting a man is very difficult. She is in bliss at the moment, but all of that could change with a man.”

“We’re Maji males, not the human men you fear. Always remember that, Levi. Even our dishonourable males are not cruel to females. We never even knew what rape was until humans educated us on it.”

Levi’s shoulders slumped.

“Trust me, I know how good-hearted you Maji males are. I have been shown nothing but kindness since I encountered the males who escorted me aboard the Ebony, but you must understand that we come from a life where we are conditioned to fear men.”

“I do understand that, which is why I am taking it upon myself to help you lose that fear.”

Levi’s lips parted. “Why would you want to do that, my prince?”

“Because you’re a lovely female who has had a dark past, and I want to help give you a bright future.”

Chapter Fourteen


“What do you mean he held you! How did he hold you? Give me details.”

Giving Nuni a full recap of my time with Ezah the day prior amused me much more than it should have. She had wide eyes, her jaw hung loose, and she constantly spluttered when I told her something that she couldn’t believe. Like right now.

“He put his arms around me and tugged me onto his thighs—”

“His thighs? Almighty!” She interrupted excitedly. “This is huge. So huge.”

Normally, I would agree with her. Normally, I would be panicking because it was something unknown to me, but I couldn’t explain why I didn’t feel that way. I felt calm after my talk with Ezah at Nona Mai. Talking to him about my fears of my past, my worry of Nicah starting a new family, and even the death of my mother … him simply listening to me made the weight of each of them not feel as heavy as they once did.

He was safe … He made me feel safe. It was such a foreign feeling, but it was one I could get used to.

“When we parted last night, he said a meal is planned for Nero’s mother this evening because she feels much better and she wants to see me. All of the royals will be there, and I am their guest of honour. Now that is something I’m freaking out about.”

I couldn’t allow myself to think of it because it made it hard to breathe when I did.

Nuni squealed. “I’m so excited for you! I bet he’ll kiss you at the night’s end.”

I felt my face burn. “Who? Ezah?”

“No, the other prince you’ve been seeing. Yes, Ezah!”

“I haven’t been seeing him.” I shifted. “I’m helping him learn about human women, remember?”