“Crowning,” I announced. “Nearly there, Nicah.”

“You hear that, moonlight?” Vorah asked, his voice torn between a growl and a rasp as he tried to keep his emotions under control because I was looking between the legs of a female he verbally claimed. “Almost there.”

Nicah’s contraction didn’t let up, and without me having to tell her, she inhaled another deep breath and pushed with all her might. This continued for many more minutes. Her body listened to her each time, and not long after she began pushing, she gave birth to the first human being on Ealra with one final surge of energy.

“You did it!” Levi burst into tears. “Honey, you did it! Oh, look at her! All of her dark hair!”

Nicah had been crying the entire labour, but those were tears of pain and fatigue. When I lifted her young into the air, crying and angrily kicking, her new tears were that of love. A mother’s love. I carefully placed that newborn on her chest and watched as she gently wrapped the baby in her warm embrace. Levi grabbed a linen cloth and cleaned the tiny female’s face as she lay on her mother.

“My sweet baby girl.” Nicah cradled her offspring. “Oh, how I’d dreamed of you.”

She was beside herself with happiness, so was Vorah, who looked as proud as any father I had ever seen. The three of them were too focused on the new offspring to notice what I was doing. I tied off the life cord at two points with the items on a stand tray next to me that Nicah had been supplied with. I held out the cutter to Vorah. He looked at me, at the cutter, then at Nicah.

“Should … Should I cut her cord of life, Nicah?”

Nicah looked at Vorah, and I knew there was no way she cared for him as just a friend. She looked at him with wonder, just like she did with her new daughter.

“Yes, please.”

Vorah’s entire body seemed to straighten as pride filled him. He was no longer the trembling young male I spoke to not long ago. At that moment, he seemed to become the grown male he was. He took the cutter from me, then looked at the little human female. Vorah leaned down and gave the little one her very first mate kiss, which brought on more tears from the grown females.

“If your mother permits it, I wish to give you the name Asia. It was the land from which your ancestors came, and through you, they and it, will live on.”

Nicah was staring at Vorah as tears meandered down her cheeks.

“Asia,” she whispered. “Yes, that is perfect for her.”

Vorah beamed as he flicked his eyes to the thrashing young then cut her life cord.

“A blessing from Thanas you are, Asia.”

I growled my approval as I used my lissa to deliver the afterbirth. I tried to minimise as much swelling as I could too. Levi was on hand to help me dispose of everything. An interval later, the space was clean, Nicah had bathed, and was resting comfortably in her bed while Vorah cradled his new daughter that he and Levi hand cleaned gently with some wet linens. Nicah was exhausted but glowing. Vorah moved next to her and handed their swaddled daughter to her. He lowered his head to Nicah’s and gave her a mate kiss.

“Be my intended, Nicah. You and Asia, be my family.”

Nicah jolted from his words. “But there’s so much I haven’t told you, so much we still need to learn about one another. You may not want me once you learn of my past.”

“Not want you, nenna? My instincts, my heart—both are screaming at me to make you mine. Nothing you can tell me would ever change that. Do you want me like I want you?”

“Yes,” Nicah whispered. “Yes, I do. I care about you so much, Vorah.”

“Then be mine. You and Asia.”

“Oh, Vorah.” Nicah trembled. “Yes, I’ll be your intended! I’m yours. We’re yours.”

Levi looked like she was about to fall over with her friend’s declaration, so I moved to her side.


“But they … this is too soon. They don’t even know each other and—”

“We’ll talk. Later.”

Levi clamped her lips together and nodded curtly.

“Vorah, this is my Levi.” Nicah beamed her friend’s way. “I haven’t introduced you to her yet. We grew up together on Earth. She is my family, and she always took care of me.”

Vorah turned, straightened, and moved towards Levi. I stepped forward, and the young male halted. He settled for inclining his head to Levi, who was still next to me.

“Nicah has told me much about you during our walks. I’m very happy to meet you.”

“And I you, Vorah.”

Soon after, Nicah’s homemates returned, and all were eager to see Nicah and meet the new little one. Levi had planned on staying with Nicah, but Vorah assured her that he would take care of both Nicah and Asia. We left the homestead not long after night had fallen, and Levi looked a little lost.