“I can do nothing for your left ear as the receptors are completely dead, but I will try to aid your right ear.”

Her eyes widened.

“What do you mean, my prince?”

I snorted. “I am a healer, have you forgotten?”

“Well, no, but—”


Kah clamped her lips together.

“I will see what I can do to help you. Be still.”

The female was motionless as I focused my lissa once more.

I grunted in annoyance, looking at the darkness that surrounded her left ear. I tried to heal the nerve cells, but they were completely dead. I found myself wondering how that happened. There was no obvious damage that I could see. They were simply dead. I switched my focus to Kah’s right ear, and the faint glow of light that zinged through her nerve cells was better than seeing darkness.

I very carefully cleared some of the nerve cells that appeared to be blocked. It was almost like I was cleaning them, returning their structure, and making sure they were filled with light. A lot of the cells were dead, and I couldn’t ignite them with light. The best I could do was strengthen the existing and damaged cells.

When there was nothing more I could do, I let the power of my lissa fade. I opened my eyes and looked at Kah. Her eyes were wide open, so wide I was momentarily worried.

“Is it any better?”

“Yes,” she whispered, mesmerised. “It is much clearer. I can hear your voice without it sounding muffled. You don’t even have to shout. Oh, my prince. Thank you. You have given me something I thought was never meant for me.”

The female threw her arms around my body and hugged me with a strength I did not know she possessed. The males in her family looked like she had just committed the ultimate crime. She couldn’t fit her little arms around my waist, but she tried. Her excitement made her forget her place, but I did not mind. I was glad I could restore some of her hearing. I felt guilty about the pressure I had unknowingly placed on her, so helping her helped me rid myself of that feeling.

“Did I interrupt something, kin?”

Kah leapt away from me the second Nero spoke. I was pleased she had heard him. I glanced to my right when Nero flanked me. His eyes were on Kah. He looked at her the same way he looked at every female—with unmasked lust. I shoved him off balance and smirked when he sent a growl my way.

“My prince,” Kah said, her head bowed. “I am so sorry for my forwardness. I did not mean to touch you.”

“It is fine.” I waved my hand. “Your excitement overcame you.”

“Excitement over what exactly?”

Kah gaze shot to Nero’s, then back to mine. She shook her head frantically.

“Female,” I sighed. “He will not tell another if I ask him to. He is not only my kin but my closest friend too.”

Kah’s eyes lowered, and she nodded.

“Kah is hearing-impaired,” I said to Nero. “I helped restore some of the hearing in her right ear. She was excited and hugged me to thank me. This information is private.”

Nero blinked. “And all of this time, I thought you were ignoring my advances when I spoke to you, Kah.”

“I was, baja.”

I looked at Nero and somehow held back laughing at him when a comical expression overtook his face. Kah’s brother snorted, and Nero jerked his gaze to him and glared before he returned it to Kah.

“You are bold, female.”

Kah said nothing.

“My prince,” she addressed me. “Can we do another drill? I think I will be better now.”

Her smile could have brought light to the dark side of the moons.

“Yes.” I nodded. “Close your eyes. Calm your breathing and just listen. Don’t use your nose to help you.”

I motioned her father forward. He was eager to help his young, so Nero and I silently backed away. I was pleased when Kah’s father moved twenty or so hands away on her right, and she jerked her head in that direction and smiled.

“I heard you, Papa.”

Her father beamed. “How did you know it was me?”

“Your breathing,” Kah answered, opening her eyes. “My hearing wasn’t always bad; it’s just got worse since I turned twenty after I had that blood sickness. I remember your breathing because it relaxes me. I love it.”

Her father would have given his daughter all of Ealra with that comment if the love that shone in his eyes was anything to go by.

“Kah,” I called. She looked my way. “You can retire for the day and return home with your family. You did well.”

Her smile was huge.

“Or you could leave with me, beautiful eyes?”

Kah’s eldest and only unmated brother, Zaha, snarled viciously at Nero to show his dislike of how his sister was being lusted after. I knew my kin was itching for a fight before he leapt Zaha’s way. I sighed. Kah’s father watched his eldest offspring with a keen eye, and the female? She rolled her eyes. Her brothers often fought with males who approached her. I had heard her tell other female servants enough times in passing. This was a tale as old as time for her.