“You ran away because you think he’s cute, that’s all.”

I touched my hands to my warm cheeks. “Let’s go eat. Are you hungry?”

“You’re lucky I’m hungry, Vi.” Nuni took my hand in hers. “We’re tabling this conversation until later. Now that you’ve finally started opening up to me, there’s no way I’m letting us go back to how things were. Do you understand, gorgeous girl?”

“Yeah,” I answered with an amused smile. “I understand.”

The growing bond between Nuni and I had just been solidified. And I couldn’t help but think that it was my new-found crush on a Maji prince that brought it to pass.

Luckily, Nuni didn’t ask more about Ezah through-out dinner or when we got home either. She went to bed early and since I wasn’t tired, I decided to take a walk down the trail behind my home that ended at a tall hill. I liked sitting on that hill and watching the night sky. I inhaled the crisp night air as I left my homestead and passed by members of the Guard who were patrolling Harmony, the human district where I lived.

The Guard unit members wore a navy blue armour plated uniform when working and the Elites wore the same gear but in jet black. It was an easy way to figure out their rank. Commanders of the Guard wore a silver band around their right bicep to show their class.

All of the males greeted me, and I loved that none of them stopped me, questioned me, or told me to return to my home. The males on Ealra truly worshipped females of all species. Protecting us was what they lived for. Giving us our freedom to do what we wanted was important to them, and I really liked that.

As it had been many hours since night had fallen, the trail I walked on was empty. The glow of the twin moons lit up my surroundings beautifully, and I made it to my hill with no troubles. Time passed by as I sat and stared up at the sky and allowed my thoughts to wander.

I knew we were a very long way from the Milky Way Galaxy. I knew that Earth was uninhabitable somewhere far, far away in space. I was aware of all of that, but even though I now lived in a new galaxy on a new planet, I felt as though my mother was up there watching over me when I looked up at the night sky. I didn’t believe in her Almighty when she was alive, but now that she had passed on, I found myself having faith that her spirit was out there somewhere, waiting for me.

“I miss you, Mama,” I whispered to her. “Every minute of every day.”

The response I got was a shooting star that made me gasp with delight. I beamed a smile up to the flickering night sky and exhaled a peaceful breath. I was going to be okay here. I had a long road to walk until my mind learned to no longer be afraid, but what was once a shadowed path now didn’t seem so dark and clouded.

“It’s beautiful, isn’t it?”

The deep voice that spoke from behind me startled me so much that I screamed and covered my head with my hands to protect myself from harm.

“I am so sorry,” the voice blurted. “I thought you heard my approach. I did not mean to scare you, female. Truly, I did not.”

It took a moment, but I lowered my hands. I turned my head and peeked over my shoulder. My eyes slid up the large body of the male behind me. I felt my eyes widen when the light of the moon caught the soft pink hue in eyes I had looked into only hours before. Like the snap of my fingers, I jumped to my feet, turned to face him, and shuffled forward before Prince Ezah with my head bowed.

“I’m so sorry, sir.”

For a moment, silence stretched between us.

“Female,” he eventually grunted. “Why are you apologising? You have done nothing wrong. I startled you.”

That was true, but I couldn’t help but apologise. It was part of my instinct to yield to males. It was coded into my brain to be submissive and to treat all males as my dominant. I knew I didn’t have to do any of that on Ealra, but old habits really did die hard.

“I didn’t hear you, sir,” I said, keeping my eyes on my feet. “You ... you make no noise.”

He made a sound close to a snort.

“Being silent is taught to Maji males at a young age, but I did not realise you could not hear me. I purposely tried to make my footsteps louder so you would be aware of my presence.”

I didn’t reply.

“Have I upset you?”

“No, sir.”

“Then why don’t you speak to me?”