“I know.” Nicah frowned. “I get like that a lot at night-time when I’m trying to go to sleep.”

“We’ll get better,” I assured her. “The pair of us, we will be new women. Ealrian women.”

“Ealrian females.”

“Ealrian females,” I echoed with a smile. “We are part of the people now, which does mean we’re Maji in a funny way.”

“Maji are better than humans, so I am so okay with that.”

I laughed as I placed my hand on her huge, hard belly.

“Are you warm?” I asked. “You seem hot. Your face is flushed.”

“I’m sweating.” Nicah grunted. “Summer season has just started, so unfortunately, I just have to cope with the heat. Our homestead was one of the last to be built in this sector of Harmony, so we’re waiting to get fitted with the new air-conditioning system. I can’t wait. My home is on the priority list because I’m pregnant.”

I felt sorry for her. My home was conditioned with cool air all the time. We had a little touchscreen pad on the wall of each room so we could change the temperature. We even had the option to choose the temperature of our own bedrooms, which I liked because I always had my room cold enough to make me shiver. I wasn’t a fan of the heat like Hilah and Nuni were. I had spent too many summers on Earth feeling like my lungs were burning from breathing in hot, stuffy air.

Summer season had just begun, so the hot days were only going to get hotter. Each season was six months long on Ealra. It was a massive change to get used to, but it was also exciting. I loved the differences. I loved learning about new things and seeing them. Nicah did too.

“I’m glad you’re a priority,” I said to her. “You should be comfortable in your home, especially being pregnant. Speaking of home, why were you outside when I arrived? You’re so close to delivering the baby. You should remain indoors.”

“I know,” she groaned. “But I’ve spent so long being cooped up in the pen on The Farm that I always want to be outside exploring now that we’re free.”

“I know.” I patted her hand. “But think of the baby when you want to explore again. What if you went into labour and were all alone?”

“I’m never alone. Vorah comes walking with me every day.”

“Vorah?” I repeated. “Who is that?”

Nicah’s cheeks reddened drastically. “He is a friend I met during one of my lessons. He’s really sweet.”

I eyed her. “Is this Vorah a healer?”


“Well, what if you went into labour and weren’t near a healer? Not even Vorah could do much to help you then.”

Nicah paled. “I won’t leave again.”

I nodded. “Good. You—”

I jumped when the dong of the home’s doorbell sounded, indicating a guest was outside and waiting to be greeted. I helped Nicah to her feet and hovered behind her as she waddled to answer the door. When she pulled it open, my pulse spiked. A male was at the door but not just any male. It was Prince Ezah of the Maji. He hadn’t noticed me yet because his focus was on Nicah.

“Hello, female,” he said. “I am the healer assigned to check you over today. I know you’re nearing the end of your pregnancy, but since I’ve never checked a human female during pregnancy, I’d like to do a full diagnostic with my lissa to compare the data to Maji female pregnancies. May I enter?”

Nicah stepped back. “Of course, come on in, baja.”

He thanked her and stepped inside. He wasn’t wearing shoes, so he stepped onto the wash mat. It was a rubber-like mat that people’s feet sank into, and the soft grass-like blades released a liquid, then swished side to side, cleaning both feet. Ezah stepped from the wash mat to the drying mat, then he moved his gaze to mine, and I watched as his eyes widened ever so slightly. He clearly remembered me from our lesson a couple of days ago.

I felt my face heat, so to Nicah, I said, “Nini, I must return home now. I’ll visit you again tomorrow. Call me if you need me. I love you.”

I hurried out of the homestead before Nicah could say a word.

I lowered my head and rushed by the prince, who moved aside so I could leave. I ran all the way home and didn’t stop to take deep breaths until I was inside of my homestead, with the door closed against my back. I didn’t realise that I’d forgotten my sandals until I looked down at my throbbing feet. I hadn’t cut them enough to bleed, but now that my skin was soft and conditioned, the roughness of the ground hurt badly and made them red and raw.

“Levi?” Nuni looked up when I entered the kitchen. “What’s wrong? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”