Forcing my intended and her death from my mind was difficult, but I focused on the group of human females and remembered my task. I had to befriend them, learn about them, and for this particular group, be a healer on standby should they need me. The group lesson from then on continued with no interruptions or setbacks. Nero got many of the females interested in his lesson, especially Nuni. She soaked up Nero’s words with a smile on her face, and I noticed how my kin’s gaze found her every so often. He enjoyed looking at the others, too.

So many single females in front of a male was every Maji’s dream.

You’re lucky there are no Maji females among the group, or they’d strike you for your ogling.

Nero’s laughter filled my mind. Kin, Maji and human females are all the same in my company. They want to share sex. The human with the orange hair, Nuni is her name. She wants me. Her arousal is thick in my presence. Thanas, she smells good too. Do you think she would strike me if I told her I want to taste her cunt?

I think she would strike you twice. I rolled my eyes. Leave the female alone and continue teaching.

You’re no fun.

I looked back at Levi, who was gazing at her surroundings. Her eyes lit up and it pleased me that she liked my home so much. As happy as she seemed to be with Nuni’s hand in hers, I couldn’t get her scent of fear out of my nose or her terrified expression out of my mind. It disturbed me that something about me could terrify her so much. I didn’t like it.

She was an enigma ... one I wanted to figure out.

I didn’t know why, but I was curious about her, and I wanted to help her get over whatever fear she had so she could live a long and happy life. With the decision made to learn more about Levi, I first had to understand her or human women at the very least. That meant I had to speak to Kol. His mate was a human female, they had been mated a few moon cycles now, not counting the two moon cycles they spent separated, but still.

He surely knew everything there was to know about human females by now.

When the lesson drew to a close, we all returned to the starting point and everyone began to go their own way. When Levi left with Nuni, she was careful to keep her head down when she passed me, and for some reason, it bothered me. I wanted her to look at me, I wanted to see what she looked like when she smiled.

With my duty for the day done, Nero and I returned to the palace, not stopping until we were within the walls of our home. Nero, feeling tense from not sharing sex when he wanted to, went to find one of the female servants to sate his needs and show her a pleasurable time whilst doing so.

Fifty of our female servants were unmated.

Thirty-six of them were between the age of forty and forty-eight, meaning their uvas had already contracted for the first time, but they frequently sought out healers to calm the painful contractions of the uva to minor cramps so they did not have to mate right away. They were the only females on Ealra who were allowed to ask a healer to do this, and it was all because of Nero and my brothers. The females did not have to do this, but they chose to so they could frequently lay with a prince and a noblemale like Nero. Sharing sex was something everyone liked to do … apart from me.

The only interest I had in females was learning about the human ones for my brother.

“Baja?” Killi called out as I passed by one of the lounge chambers. “Ezah, you are the brother I’m addressing.”

I paused mid-stride then poked my head into the chamber. I scowled at Killi, Arli, and Arvi. They always hung around the palace so they could seduce the single female servants and then spar with one another before they’d go and eat lots of food afterwards. Their never-changing routine annoyed me.

“What is it?”

“What are you doing?” Arli asked. “We’re bored.”

Killi rolled his silver eyes. “They say they are bored, but they’re just moping because the human sisters, Echo and Envi, have rejected their advances because these two fools happened to mention the pain of an essence bite to them on their first outing together.”

Arli and Arvi glowered at Killi in silence.

“They are too sad to spar,” Killi continued. “Are you up for a few rounds?”

I shook my head. “I’m searching for Kol. Have you seen him?”

“Kol, baja?” Arvi sat upright, suddenly interested in conversing with me. “The same Kol who hasn’t spoken to you since he reached the edge and almost killed you for stealing his female a few moon cycles ago? That Kol?”