Kol was silent as I spoke.

“I had heard of such things, but I was hoping it was only talk.”

“Unfortunately not, brother.”

“Why aren’t you a candidate for shipmaster for the mission, if it happens?” he quizzed. “You’re the best pilot amongst the people, baja. Elder Roe taught you himself before his vision left him. Even Ryla knows this.”

“Father didn’t have to say why. I know it is because of my edge tendency. A mission out in space for Thanas only knows how long wouldn’t be good for me. A mission of this importance requires the most skilled and level-headed male, and that is Ryla since you’re still in training to become a shipmaster.”

Kol nodded in understanding.

“Will Father welcome our presence when he is under such stress?”

“He wants an update on your training. He’s going to ask me if you’re ready to be tested as an Elite at the scheduled testing next moon cycle.”

“Will you say I am ready, baja?”

We walked towards our parents’ wing of the palace.

“I will.” I nodded. “I meant what I said. You will do well when tested. You’ve improved drastically in the last two years of your training. You’re ready.”

Kol exhaled. “Thank Thanas for that.”

I snorted as we reached our parents’ wing, and I pushed the door open without announcing myself or Kol. Instantly, we broke into a run when we heard our mother cry out. We burst into the first living chamber and found her leaning over the back of the wraparound cushioned seating, breathing in and out deeply. She was obviously in great pain. Her face was contorted with agony as her right hand cradled her massively swollen stomach.


Both Kol and I hurried to her side as I quickly reached out to our father through our direct comm link.

Father, it is time. Mother is labouring.

Instantly, he replied, and I could somehow hear the growl in his mental voice as he said, I am on the way. Do not leave her for one second, Ezah. Not one second!

I won’t, Father. Kol is here too.

“Why is there no healer or servants with you, Mother?” Kol demanded gently. “Why are you all alone?”

Like Kol, I was horrified that she was labouring my new sibling all by herself. I did not tell this to my father because he would probably attack someone on his way to their wing to be with my mother.

“I sent them away after your father went to meet with the Guard an interval ago.” She answered. “Having them all around me frustrated me, so I sent them—”

She cut herself off with a screech of pain that made Kol jump with fright.

“Father is on his way, Mother,” I said, moving my hand to her lower back and rubbing it roughly. She grunted in approval. Her back was always the worst pain spot for her when she laboured. I had learned this after being in her presence during the early stages of labouring my other younger siblings. I focused my lissa and began to offer my mother pain relief, but she snarled at me. “No! It’s too early for pain relief. Stop.”

“Mother,” I scowled, halting my focus. “You do not need to be in pain. Let me help.”

“I just started labouring not half an interval ago, my son.” She relaxed as her hurt momentarily left her. “You know the ways of birthing. If you help me with your lissa too soon, my young will die.”

Reluctantly, I nodded and allowed the power of my lissa to fade. A healer helping a female during birth had stages, and help from a healer too early could cause the female’s body to relax and not have contractions. The offspring could be swayed into a deep sleep by the power of the lissa and get stuck in the birth canal and die very quickly. It had happened too many times in the past, so now healers had strict rules to follow during a birthing.

“Are you excited?” I asked, talking about anything to distract her from her discomfort. “I am; I can’t wait to hold a new brother.”

“Me too,” Kol said. “It has been many decades since we had a little one in the palace.”

Mother smiled at us both as we helped her to her feet. She was not contracting right now, so she placed her hands on her back and paced up and down. She growled when a roar sounded followed by a bang as Father barrelled into his and Mother’s wing minutes later.

“If he breaks anything, I’ll strike him.”

Kol and I lowered our heads as the door to the chamber was flung open.

“Kerva!” Father shouted as he hurried to my mother. “Oh, my sweet female. Are you in pain?”

Just as he asked that, Mother hissed as a surge had her in its clutch. She moaned in discomfort, and Father sent a growl in Kol’s and my direction. We kept our heads down. He wasn’t angry with us. He just couldn’t help but growl at any possible threat when his mate was so vulnerable.