Unlike before, we would be ready for him when he came back. I personally could not wait for the day, but knowing the threat focused mainly on Nicah and Asia this time turned Vorah into a fierce male. The warrior had come to me and asked for personal training to advance his skills, which I granted. He wanted to ensure that when Enik came for his intended and daughter, he would be ready for him.

I pushed the thought of the human filth away as I walked down the hallway away from my wing. I thought of Nuni who had made a full recovery from her attack which brought my mate a world of happiness when we returned to Ealra and received the good news. I was glad the female had survived too, she was a fierce little one. It pleased me how much she loved my mate because my Levi loved her dearly too.

I paused mid-stride when a small female rounded the corner of the hallway and headed straight in my direction.


She halted her movements, but her eyes widened as she quickly tucked her chin against her chest. She wouldn’t look at me. This Kah was nothing like the servant I had known a few moon cycles ago. It impressed me that she was not being formal with me. Once, I would have reprimanded her for such behaviour, but it did not bother me now because I knew she was simply embarrassed.

“Come here, stand before me.”

She shuffled across the space until she came to a stop a few hands away from me. I smiled, though she could not see it. The tips of her ears were dark blue. She was likely wishing she was far away from me and this conversation, right now.

“Won’t you look at me?”

She shook her head, and she froze when I chuckled. She peeked up at me, and Thanas, her whole face was dark blue. For a second, I worried that all of the blood in her body had rushed to her face. Her silver and gold eyes were trained on mine only for a moment before she broke the contact.

“I must go and aid the princesses, my prince,” she murmured. “Princess Surkah called for me. She is having a fitting with Princess Nova and Princess Levi, and I must aid her.”

She was waiting for me to give her permission to leave, but I didn’t.

“I know I’m not supposed to acknowledge this, it is a female rule, but I have to.” I frowned. “You know I am sorry, don’t you?”

She didn’t pretend not to know what I was talking about when she nodded.

“Had I known you had an interest in me, I would have told you sooner—”

“That you don’t want a female like me?”

I blinked at her interruption.

“A female like you?”

“Short. Ugly. Defective.”

I couldn’t help my growl. Kah visibly tensed.

“You’re not ugly or defective. You are short, but it is endearing.”

She said nothing.

“Kah.” I grunted. “Just because I mated to another does not mean you’re not a desirable female.”

“But I must be, my prince.” She looked up at me. “I am Maji, and you choose a human female over me when I’m the only female of the people to ever have an interest in you. All the other females thought you were Kuat in disguise, but I still had an interest in you even though I sometimes thought they were right.”

I somehow withheld a laugh only because she looked so serious.

“My mate being human has nothing to do with my mating her. I fell in love with her heart, and I would have done regardless of how she looked.”

Kah nodded, but she didn’t look convinced.

“Many males approach you,” I said. “All of my brothers and Nero, if I am not mistaken.”

“To take me to their furs, my prince,” Kah grumbled. “They don’t want me as a mate. No one does. A mate is someone you keep. No male wants to keep me.”

She was breaking my heart.

“You spend all of your days at the palace.” I tilted my head. “Do you even speak to males? I know fifty off the top of my head who would run through the Underworld to have a chance to be your intended.”

“Zaha doesn’t let me speak to males.”

I wasn’t surprised, her brother was highly protective of her.

“Brother,” Komi’s voice hollered from behind me. “I feel like sparring, do you?”

He came to my side, spotted Kah, and forgot about me completely.


I side-glanced him, then looked at Kah once more.

“My prince.”

“Are you finished with your chores for the day?” he asked her. “I can rub your back to relieve any stress, if you’d like?”

Thanas, save me.

“I am speaking to Prince Ezah, my prince.”

“Ezah is mated.”

Kah tried and failed not to flinch.

“I am aware of Prince Ezah’s relationship status, my prince.”

“Then forget him,” Komi almost growled. “I have watched you these past few moon cycles. You’re pining for him, but you need not do that. I am standing right here should you wish to bring a prince to your furs.”