I snarled as I jumped to my feet, the males around me followed suit. I felt their eyes on me as they awaited orders.

“It is time,” I announced. “Brothers, kin, friend,” I addressed all of the males in my company, “this piece of filth has stolen my mate and two other Ealrian citizens. Let us send him, and the low down males who protect him, to Underworld to bow before Kuat.”

In unison, we tipped back our heads and roared.

“For Ealra,” I drew my sword. “For Thanas!”

“For Thanas!”

I’ll kill him, I said to Levi. He’ll never have you.

The minutes that followed were torturous.

I couldn’t reach out to her as I turned my focus to the human males. Like a wave of terror, the Elite of the Maji attacked. Ten human males lost their lives before they even realised there was an invasion upon them. Many of them had no choice but to don their blades because we were too close for them to operate their blasters without us knocking them from their hands.

“Call for backup!” one human male bellowed. “Now!”

“I can’t,” came the cry of another. “The system is dark. Someone cut the power, we’re offline from the main grid!”


I grinned as I fought my way onto the property, keeping my ears open for the sound of my female, or any female. After I cut one male down, my attention was pulled to the right. My heart momentarily stopped just before I jumped into the air, grabbed a dagger from my thigh, and threw it at a male who was aiming a blaster at the back of Aza’s head. My blade penetrated the side of the male’s skull, killing him instantly. Aza spun, saw the male fall, and looked at me with wide eyes when realisation of what almost happened dawned on him.

“Do not tell Mother of this!”

I huffed. “You don’t have to tell me twice, brother.”

Ezah? Levi’s voice broke through my thoughts. Oh, please. I miss you so much.

I growled, Come to me! I sent the mental message to my female as I fought a human male whose skill with a blade was good but not good enough. I sent him to Kuat before he could turn his defence into an offence.

I can’t. I’m stuck here.

Levi spoke just as a human male ran from the main building I had been watching all night. I recognised him instantly as the male who stole my Levi from me and beat her mercilessly.

He was bare chested and was armed with a blaster and a short sword. His eyes were wild, his hair was dishevelled, and his trousers were open at his groin. I noticed that he was barefoot too, which told me our attack was a complete surprise for him. That enraged me. He thought he could come to my homeworld and take my female from me, and I would just let him?

“You,” I snarled. “You took my mate!”

The human male stumbled backwards when he spotted me. “I dinna know what yer sayin’!” he shouted. “Speak English!”

“Lee-vi,” I said slowly as I approached him. “Levi!”

“The girl?” he spluttered. “Ye came all this way for the fuckin’ girl? She’s mine!”

With a roar, I attacked him.

He didn’t have time to react, and one swipe of my blade slashed across the skin of his left bicep, causing blood to pour from the wound instantly. He stumbled back with a cry and fell onto his behind. I was furious when I realised I could deliver a deathblow with no resistance. I deserved to fight this male and beat him fairly, but this was too quick. I wanted the battle of all battles to sate my rage once I killed him.

I paused as I stood over him. I said nothing, and not only because he didn’t speak my language but because my non-blinking stare was terrifying him. I smelled the sickly-sweet scent of fear rise from his pores. It was so strong that it stung my nostrils. He feared me more than Levi or any of the human females ever did. He was beneath them all, he was weak.

“Watchmen!” he roared. “Watchmen to me!”

I turned my head and growled when a dozen human males made way for me. I looked back at Enik and found he had scrambled to his feet and was running away. The coward wasn’t male enough to take me on by himself, so he had other males do that on his behalf. As I fought the males that surrounded me, I tried to look around to see if I could spot Enik because I knew whichever direction he ran would be where Levi was. He was going straight for her and then would flee. He knew his males were fighting a losing battle, so his gut instinct was to run.

Ezah, Levi’s voice cut through my thoughts just as I killed the last male that attacked me. Please, don’t leave me. I love you. Ezah!